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SPAIN LOOKS WESTWARD. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION IN SPAIN THE SPANISH INQUISITION GOLD AND GLORY. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION. The people of Spain have a saying, “La geographia manda ” which translates into “Geography controls everything”

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  2. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION • The people of Spain have a saying, “La geographiamanda” which translates into “Geography controls everything” • Spain’s location between Africa and Europe had a great influence on its religious history • At the beginning of the Middle Ages, almost everyone in Spain, and in most of Europe, was Christian • Spain was ruled by the Visgoths, a group which had invaded Spain from the north at the end of the Roman Empire • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVbd7BtfEG8& • A series of weak rulers and internal struggles left Spain vulnerable to outside attack

  3. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION • In 711 a Muslim force led by Tariq ibn-Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and landed in Spain • Within a few years, Muslims controlled nearly the entire Iberian peninsula • As a symbol of their influence, a large mosque was built in the city of Cordoba • Many Christians converted to Islam but some did not • For the next five centuries Spain was part of a large Arab Islamic empire • Goods and ideas were exchanged across areas from Spain, Egypt, Zanzibar and Indonesia

  4. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION • Muslim rulers are rich merchants were patrons of the arts • Islam discourages showings human beings, animals and other subjects realistically because it may lead to idolatry, the worshipping of idols • Most Muslim works therefore features designs and written script • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqTg4ePtXqs&feature=fvwrel&

  5. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION • Muhammad, the founder of Islam believed spreading his new religion was a sacred duty • Learning was greatly valued in the Muslim society as a way of understanding the universe and leading an ethical life • Muslim established the first university in Cairo in 971, over 200 years before the first university in Europe • Cordoba, Seville and Granada became great learning centres in Muslim Spain • Muslim scholars discussed and studied medicine and science

  6. GEOGRAPHY AND RELIGION • By the early 1000s, the caliphate , the area of jurisdiction of Muslim rulers, began to decline in Spain • When the Muslims had first arrived in Spain, they had limited the Christian controlled area to a narrow strip along the northern coast • These areas began to expand southward • The Reconquista began as a way for the Christian kingdoms to expand their power and influence • Reconquista is a Spanish term that means reconquest • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNHBvo74PVE

  7. During the Reconquista, the Spanish developed new battle techniques making them the deadliest fighting force in Europe. They brought these techniques with them to the Americas.

  8. CREATING A CHRISTIAN SPAIN • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were so devoted to their religion that the Pope gave them a special title- Catholic Monarchs • The Reconquista needed Christian crusaders from across Europe to help them regain control of Spanish territory from the Muslims • By 1269, only Grenada remained in Muslim hands • In January of 1492, after a ten year battle, it was regained by the Christians • In an effort to unite Spain under one religion Ferdinand and Isabella took over the Spanish Inquisition from the Church • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IAqOcyAuKc&feature=related&

  9. THE INQUISITION • The Spanish Inquisition • a state run system of courts where Church officials put believers of religious ideas other than Catholicism on trial • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVBrOxcWt0c&feature=fvsr& • Monotheism • is a teaching of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths that all teach the existence of one god • Polytheism • cultures that believed in the existence of multiple gods

  10. THE INQUISITION • The Muslims and Jews were given a choice, convert or be exiled • The expulsion had serious negative effects • Many were members of the educated middle class making it difficult to maintain economic growth at the end of the 1400s

  11. SAVING SOULS • As the Muslims were removed from Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella knew they were spreading Islam throughout the Middle East • They viewed this as a threat to Catholicism • The Spanish royals began to believe they had a religious duty to spread the Catholic faith to as many converts as possible, both within and outside Spain • It was a key reason in changing their support for the Columbus expedition to the New World • Starting with Columbus all Spanish voyages brought missionaries with them • Missionaries are people from religious orders who had the authority to teach and convert people to Catholicism

  12. GOLD, GLORY AND COLUMBUS • One of the key motivators of the day was the search for gold • Gold allowed countries to buy ships and fund wars to take over other territories • Due to the costs of fighting to rid Spain of non-Catholics, reserves of gold and silver were nearly depleted • There were high hopes that Columbus's journey would bring back gold to strengthen the Spanish economy • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNtgLeSc85A&

  13. GOLD, GLORY AND COLUMBUS • When Columbus arrived he found only a small amount of gold on the island of Hispaniola • The Spanish court concentrated on the news of gold, not the amount • The King and Queen agreed to second voyage immediately • It would be better supplied and supported than the first • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvm8WA0Y2N4&

  14. GAINING PERSONAL WEALTH • There was a large class of lower nobles called hidalgos • This group had never owned land • Due to the shortage of decent Spanish farmland, many were persuaded to become some of the first settlers to the Americas • El Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Vicar (1042-1099), was a Christian knight who sometimes fought on the Muslim side • It was thought he became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean • He was the inspiration for the code of chivalry, which was designed to govern the behaviour of all Christian soldiers

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