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A. Colleen Gerrity. mendments. They were involved in the Bill Of Rights in the U.S Consitution Virginia was the 11 th state to ratify the ten ammendements. 1 st amendment: 5 freedoms; religion,press,petition,speech,assembly. B- is for Bill of Rights.

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  1. A Colleen Gerrity mendments They were involved in the Bill Of Rights in the U.S Consitution Virginia was the 11th state to ratify the ten ammendements. 1st amendment: 5 freedoms; religion,press,petition,speech,assembly

  2. B- is for Bill of Rights . Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to constitution. .The first 8 amendments spell out personal liberties. . They were added to insure protection of individual rights. Bradley Doxey

  3. By Joe Foster CONGRESS The U.S. Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate Congress is the legislative or law making part of the government As stated in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

  4. Delegated Powers, also known as enumerated powers, are the rights given directly to the national government in Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution. • The government may do whatever necessary to carry out these powers. • The national government may only carry out those laws stated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. All other laws are left for each state to determine. • Some examples of delegated powers are the right to raise an army, the ability to coin money, and the right to regulate commerce with foreign nations. D- Delegated Powers Nick Bailey

  5. E lectoral College • The Electoral College is a process not a place, a process where the president is compromised by a vote in Congress and popular vote. • Different states have different amount of votes which is based on Senators and House of Representatives members. For example California has 55 while North Dakota has 3 which is the least amount of votes a state or district can have. • At the Constitutional Convention, the founding fathers believed that the people had a right to vote, but they also believed that they shouldn’t have all the power. As a result, in Article II and the 12th Amendment, they only referred to “electors.” However as of 1845 the term Electoral College was written into law.

  6. Morgan Smith F IS FOR FREEDOM The first amendment states which freedoms everyone has in the United States. The Constitution grants the people of America the freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. This gives us the power to say and write anything without consequence and the power to practice any religion.

  7. G – is for Government A government is the organization, or agency through which a political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers. Democracy – Rule by a government chosen by election where most of the populace are enfranchised, government in the u.s.a. Governments vary greatly, as do the relationships of citizens of a state to its government.

  8. H- House of Representatives Representatives must be 25 years old, a citizen of the U.S. for the past 7 years, and live in the state they represent. There are 435 total representatives and it is based on states population. Representatives serve for 2 years, and there is no limit to the number of terms they can serve. Brianna Dempsey

  9. Implied Powers (Elastic Clause) • These powers allow congress to make laws that are necessary to carry out delegated power. Alyssa Munday • You can transport goods from state to state • This is also known as the Elastic Clause in Article 1 Section 8

  10. J- Judicial BranchBrady Zambanini • The Judicial Branch has the power to interpret laws. • Eventually there will be three separate court levels: Federal District Court, Federal Circuit Court, and the Supreme Court. • There are nine supreme Court Judges and they are guaranteed the job for life. • The nine Judges of the supreme Court have to work together and agree to declare a law unconstitutional.

  11. Kansas’ Electoral Votes Kansas had 7 votes from 1981-1990, 6 from 1991-2000, and 6 from 2001-2010 The state is strongly Republican in presidential elections Kansas’ population growth has been slower than the nation’s as a whole in recent decades Seven years after the civil war it became a territory under the aptly named Kansas Nebraska Act

  12. L egislative Branch The Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Legislative branch has checks over both Executive and Judicial Branches. Like wise for both Executive Judicial Branches has checks over Legislative. The Legislative branch approves the presidential nomination along with the judge nomination.

  13. M – is for Monarchy - The constitution was primarily made up to stop from repeating oppression of Monarchy like we did before with Britain. - Most thought of the three branches as somewhat of a monarchy… Executive being the King, Judicial the people, and Legislative as the nobility. This however, was not the case. - Thoughts on how to prevent Monarch rule dated back nearly 2,400 years ago when Aristotle and Plato explored political philosophy.

  14. N – is for New States • Constitutional laws and regulations were wrote for New States or states that are made or join to the United States. • This is wrote on Article Four where new states are allowed to be made and it allows the change of new boundaries for the country. • All new states gain “equal footing” with the ability to not share the same laws as other states, and has the right to senators and representatives.

  15. O- is for Organization Due to the superior state government of the Articles of Confederation, The Constitution organized powers amongst the federal and state governments in a more equal manner. The Federal Government has Delegated Powers such as the power to go to war, print money, and sign treaties. While the State Government has Reserved Powers for example the power of dealing with education, death penalties, and gambling.Along with both governments having their own powers, they also have shared powers like taxation, the building and maintaining roads and operating the court systems. The Constitution was organized to make sure that both the Federal and State governments would not get too much power. That is why the Constitution was written with such details.

  16. The two major political parties in the United States are Democrats and Republicans. • These two parties have won every United States presidential election since 1852 and have controlled the United States Congress since at least 1856. • Parties are a way people with similar ideas can join with others to express their opinions. • Parties form because not all people think alike. Many people have different opinions that they think will do best for the country Political Parties

  17. Q – Questions about the Articles of Confederation There were many questions about the Articles of Confederation. Some weaknesses of this document is it did not establish a common currency, it had a weak national government, and it didn’t have an executive or judicial branch.

  18. Any bill that wants to become a law must go through a long and arduous process called Ratification. • A bill can either be sponsored by someone in the House of Representatives or by a member of the Senate. Most bills are started in the House because it is easier. All money bills have to be started in the House. • A vote is held and if more than half of the people vote for the bill, it is sent to the president to be signed. If the president vetoes it, or says no, another vote can be held. If 2/3 of the voters say yes, the president’s veto will be overridden and the bill is now a law. R- Ratification Nick Bailey

  19. S- is for Senate Senate members must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for the past 9 years, and live in the state they represent. There are 2 members per state for a total of 100. Each member of the Senate serves for 6 years and there is no limit on the number of terms they can have. Brianna Dempsey

  20. T By: Tom Weis reaties Treaties are only to be signed by the National government, as they are expressing their, “delegated powers.” Treaties are approved by the Legislative Branch with a 3/4th vote Treaties are negotiated by the executive branch. In article 1 section 8 of the Constitution it talks about “delegated powers” that the national government has over its citizens and its country.

  21. U - UnwrittenConstitution The unwritten constitution are those processes of our government that are considered an essential part of the system yet they are not actually in the Constitution. These are customs and precedents that have been doing for so long that many citizens think these are, but in reality they don’t really exist in the constitution.

  22. VETO A veto is a concept in the Constitution of many governments and organizations. the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions enactments etc of another branch esp the right of a president governor or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature. A nonconcurring vote by which one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council can overrule the actions or decisions of the meeting on matters other than procedural.

  23. W - is for Women’s Suffrage 1.The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. 2. Its is the nineteenth amendment 3. It was purposed at Seneca Falls Women’s Rights this was led by Elizabeth Cady Station and Lucretia Mott. This happened on July 1848.

  24. Xis for Article X of the Bill of Rightsby Eli Matthews Article X (the tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States) protects the powers reserved for the States and the people of the United States. Article X is the last article in the Bill of Rights, created before the Constitution was ratified. Article X ensures that the government cannot take control of any powers the States or the people have.

  25. Zis for Zero Minority allowed to voteby Eli Matthews No women, blacks, or underage men were allowed to vote Only white men with property could vote The Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed everyone to vote

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