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Fruit and berry storages in Estonia . S ituation and perspectives. Fruit storages in Estonia. Situation. Majority of fruit storages have built 1960-1980 is amortizised. - amortizised cooling system - unsufficiant insulation Lack of capability to invest to renew technology.
Fruit and berry storages in Estonia.Situation and perspectives
Fruit storages in Estonia. • Situation. • Majority of fruit storages have built 1960-1980 is amortizised. • - amortizised cooling system • - unsufficiant insulation • Lack of capability to invest to renew technology
Losses. • Losses during storage period 6-40 %. • Quick reduction of quality . • Short storage period and shelf life. • Low competitivity.
Importõunte ja eestimaiste õunte keskmise hinna dünaamika aastatel 2005-2007
Correct cultivation and harvesting Rapid and accurate cooling What is the first steps to extend storage period and quality ?
Methods to extend storage period Jahehoidlad Cold storages Säilitamine modifitseeritud atmosfääris Modified atmosphere (MA) Säilitamine kontrollitud atmosfääris Controlled atmosphere (CA) Säilitamine alarõhul Hypobaric storage (LP) Etüleeni blokaatorite kasutamine Ethylen blocking (SmartFresh) Säilitamine ülimadalal hapnikusisalduse Ultra low oxygen (ULO) Säilitamine modifitseeritud atmosfääriga pakendites Modified atmosphere packages (MAP) Säilitamine dünaamilises kontrollitud atmosfääris Dynamical controlled atmosphere (DCA)
Cultivar Temperature C Avarage O2 (%) Avarage CO2(%) Storage pereiod Apples 0,5-3 1,5-3 1,5-3 6- 12 month Sweet cherry 0-3 3-10 10-12 30 day Plums 0-2 2-5 3-5 45 day Strawberry 0.5-3 1-5 10-30 10 day Raspberry 0,5-3 1-5 10-20 7 day Effect of controlled atmosphere
Planning CA storagefor fruits Kontrollitud atmosfääriga hoidlakambrid 3 tk. • Economical calculation enough product to justify investment, co- operation? • Composition of cultivars size and number of storages, harvesting window • Labor and logistic time tofulfil storage • Engeneering experienced engineer • Building and equipment experienced builder and efficient equipment • Serviceservice CA equipment and cooling system
CA and ULO technology providers • Isolcell (Italy) • Van Amerongen (Holland) • Besseling (Holland) • Fruit Control Equipment (Italy) • Absoger (France)
Avarage cost to storage 2006 • New storage 10 000 – 13 000 kr/m2. • Cooling system 600-700 kr/m3 • Controlled atmosphere eguipment 550-900 kr/m3
Isulation Walls and floors not less than 0,28 W/m²K - 80-100mm thick PUR panel
Cooling system • Cooling capacity • Evaporation tempetature delta t - freon 5,5-6 C glycol 3-5 C