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Split-OS An Operating System Architecture for Clusters of Intelligent Devices

Split-OS An Operating System Architecture for Clusters of Intelligent Devices. Aniruddha Bohra , Kalpana Banerjee Suresh Gopalakrishnan, Murali Rangarajan and Liviu Iftode Disco Laboratory, Department Of Computer Science Rutgers University. Cluster of Intelligent Devices. CPU. CPU.

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Split-OS An Operating System Architecture for Clusters of Intelligent Devices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Split-OSAn Operating System Architecture for Clusters of Intelligent Devices Aniruddha Bohra, Kalpana Banerjee Suresh Gopalakrishnan, Murali Rangarajan and Liviu Iftode Disco Laboratory, Department Of Computer Science Rutgers University

  2. Cluster of Intelligent Devices CPU CPU HOST MEMORY Switch CPU MEM MEM CPU DISK NIC I-STORE I-NIC

  3. Split-OS Idea HOST Application OS REMOTE DMA File-System TCP / IP I-STORE I-NIC

  4. Implementation of Split-OS idea on SMPs CPU 0 CPU 1 CPU k TCP/IP Application Application OS OS MEMORY

  5. Preliminary Results

  6. Prototyping Split-OS on Emulated CIDs HOST PC Application Stubs OS File Server Socket Server VIA TCP / IP File-System Storage PC Network PC

  7. 1 KB Send Overhead in Split-OS

  8. Thank You • For more details http://discolab.rutgers.edu/split-os

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