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Trans CAER®

Trans CAER®. <your name, title, company, location> <date of presentation>. Overview of Presentation. Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) Transportation and Incident Information Responsible Care ® Trans CAER ®. What is the CIAC?.

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Trans CAER®

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TransCAER® <your name, title, company, location> <date of presentation>

  2. Overview of Presentation Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) Transportation and Incident Information Responsible Care ® TransCAER ®

  3. What is the CIAC? • 45+ leading companies that produce, manage, move, distribute and recycle industrial chemicals and plastics; representing about 60% of total Canadian production • $26 billion annual sales • CIAC Responsible Care Partners who transport or manage chemicals

  4. CIAC Members and Partners Axial Akzo Nobel Chemicals E.I. duPont Canada Jungbunzlauer PDIArkema Canada Ken Johnson Truck Nexen Canada Ashland Canada ERCO Worldwide Kronos Canada PROCOR Limited BASF Canada Ethyl Canada LanxessTrimac Canexus Chemicals Evonik Canada MEGlobal Canada Rhodia Canada CCC Group Evonik Oil Additives Methanex Corp. Dow Chemicals FMC of Canada Nalco Canada Shell Chemicals GATX Rail Canada National Silicates St-Jean PhotoChemicalsChemtradeHarmac Transport Stepan Canada Inc. Chemtura Canada Harold Marcus TankCanadian National H.L. Blachford Ltd. NorFalco Sales Inc. Canadian Pacific Honeywell Internat. Northwest Tank Cyanco Canada Inc. NOVA Chemicals Cytec Canada Inc. Imperial Oil, Chem Olin Canada ULC INEOS Canada BioAmber Members Responsible Care Partners

  5. CIAC Product Movements, Ontario • Majority of goods transported by road or rail • Of those that are regulated, TDG Class 8 followed by TDG Class 3 are the most common • Both small and large means of containment • Both mixed and homogeneous loads

  6. Question? During which mode of transport are there more dangerous goods incidents? • Road • Rail

  7. Transport Canada Answer Over 90% of in transit dangerous goods incidents occur on the road

  8. Question? Where do most of the dangerous goods transportation incidents occur? • In transit • Loading/unloading

  9. Transport Canada Answer Only about 30% of dangerous goods incidents occur in transit

  10. Question? What is the trend in the number of dangerous goods transportation incidents in Quebec? • Going up • Steady • Going down

  11. Transport Canada Answer Significant decline in TDG incidents over the last 10 years (From ~31 per year to ~15 per year)

  12. So... If incidents are more likely to occur at a location, rather than along the transportation route, and if the number of incidents are trending down … …why are we here today?

  13. We are here because… • Of our concern for your community safety and security, and • We need and rely upon safe and efficient transportation to receive raw materials and to ship products to customers in North America and exports to global markets

  14. CIAC Responsible Care • Condition of membership since 1985 • Commitment to improved health, safety and environmental performance and to social responsibility • Ethic and three Codes of Practice underpin the Responsible Care management system

  15. Transportation Elements • Transportation risk management • Select safe mode • Select safe routes • Select safe carriers • Transportation emergency response • TEAP III • TransCAER • Communicate with communities along transportation routes

  16. But… While Responsible Care has played a key role in reducing the frequency and severityof incidents involving transportation of dangerous goods... ...incidents do happen! So we have...

  17. A transportation emergency response program designed to have the capability and capacity to safely and efficiently respond, control, contain, stabilize and mitigate the impacts of a chemical transportation incident • Standards for CIAC member companies and their transportation emergency response contractors with assessments for both

  18. TransCAER® Transportation Community Awareness concerning Emergency Response

  19. TransCAER A voluntary initiative led by CIAC and its partners to assist communities – geographic and organizational – to be aware of: • Our products and transportation routes • CIAC member companies willingness to share information and provide assistance in case of an incident, and • What we are doing to reduce risks

  20. TransCAER Ways and Means • Ontario Regional TransCAER Committee (ORTC) • All Ontario CIAC members and partners participate • TransCAER outreach can include a brochure, meeting, presentation, seminar, demonstration, training, exercise, event, people... • Delivered along the transportation routes

  21. TransCAER Training • Safety Training Tank Car CCPX 911

  22. TransCAER Outreach Event

  23. Want more information? www.canadianchemistry.ca

  24. Want to organize a TransCAER event? Contacts: • <enter Regional TransCAER Committee contact information here>

  25. Thank you • <enter names and/or logos to promote CIAC members and partners - especially the ones that help sponsor the event at which this presentation is being used>

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