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Avoiding Catastrophes with Apostrophes

Avoiding Catastrophes with Apostrophes. Apostrophes (‘) serve two functions. Apostrophes can denote possession. Shows ownership by a noun. That is Mike ’ s money. Go to Clarence ’ s room and you will find your answer.

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Avoiding Catastrophes with Apostrophes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Avoiding Catastrophes with Apostrophes

  2. Apostrophes (‘) serve two functions. • Apostrophes can denote possession. • Shows ownership by a noun. • That is Mike’s money. • Go to Clarence’s room and you will find your answer. • Pronouns never have apostrophes to show possession – they have their own specific possessive form. • (That is he’s money.) ------> (That is his money).

  3. Apostrophes also denote contractions. • A contraction is a shortening of a longer word to a different form. • Do not -----> Don’t • Cannot -----> Can’t • Will not ----> Won’t • We are -----> We’re • You are -----> You’re • They are -----> They’re

  4. Common Contraction Errors. • You’re (You are) is different than your (possession). • Your dog is out of control when you’re away. • Their (possessive) is different than there (denotes location) and they’re (they are). • That is their choice. • They chose to go over there. • They’re taking their chairs over there.

  5. One last thing that really grinds my gears… • A lot is not one word. • A (space) lot!

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