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Pump Primer. Explain which political party you are interested in finding more information about. Politics1.com http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm. Political Parties of the United States of America. Two Major Parties. Democratic Party (DNC) Republican Party (RNC). Democratic Party.
Pump Primer Explain which political party you are interested in finding more information about.
Politics1.com http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm Political Parties of the United States of America
Two Major Parties • Democratic Party (DNC) • Republican Party (RNC)
Democratic Party • “The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, open, honest and accountable government, and securing our nation while protecting our civil rights and liberties. ” (DNC) • Website: https://www.democrats.org/page/contribute/ChangeWeNeed
Republican Party • 2008 Platform Preamble: “This is a platform of enduring principle, not passing convenience – the product of the most open and transparent process in American political history. We offer it to our fellow Americans in the assurance that our Republican ideals are those that unify our country: Courage in the face of foreign foes. An optimistic patriotism, driven by a passion for freedom. Devotion to the inherent dignity and rights of every person. Faith in the virtues of self-reliance, civic commitment, and concern for one another. Distrust of government’s interference in people’s lives. Dedication to a rule of law that both protects and preserves liberty.” (RNC) • Website: http://www.gop.com/
Third Parties (“Based upon vote performance over past two election cycles and ballot access”)
Constitution Party • Formerly, US Taxpayers Party (USTP) • “The USTP renamed itself the Constitution Party in 1999.” • Pro-life - anti-gun control • anti-tax - anti-immigration • trade protectionist - "anti-New World Order" • anti-United Nations - anti-gay rights • anti-welfare - pro-school and pro-prayer • Website: http://www.constitution-party.net/
Green Party • “One of the two largest third parties in the nation.” • “Leftist environmentalist” • “Committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing.” (Green Party) • Website: http://www.gp.org/index.php
Libertarian Party • “Founded in 1971, bills itself as "America's largest third party" (and, along with the Greens, are definitely among the two largest third parties in the nation).” • Neither left or right: • Believe in… • “total individual liberty (pro-drug legalization, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-home schooling, anti-gun control, etc.),” and • “total economic freedom (anti-welfare, anti-government regulation of business, anti-minimum wage, anti-income tax, pro-free trade, etc.).” • “The LP espouses a classical laissez faire ideology which, they argue, means "more freedom, less government and lower taxes." “ • Website: http://www.lp.org/
Larger Third Parties(Based Upon Performance and Ballot Access)
America First Party • “The America First Party was founded in 2002 by a large group of arch-conservative "Buchanan Brigade" defectors who splintered away from the declining Reform Party to form this uncompromisingly social conservative and fair trade party (with a strong foundation in the Religious Right movement).” • The AFP vows to: • "protect our people and our sovereignty ... • promote economic growth and independence ... • encourage the traditional values of faith, family, and responsibility ... • ensure equality before the law in protecting those rights granted by the Creator ... • [and] to clean up our corrupted political system." • Website: http://www.americafirstparty.org/
American Party • “The AP is a very small, very conservative, Christian splinter party formed after a break from the American Independent Party in 1972.” • pro-life - pro-gun • anti-tax views - opposes minimum wage laws • advocates an end to farm price supports/subsidies • privatization of the US Postal Service • opposes federal involvement in education • supports abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency • supports repeal of NAFTA • opposes land use zoning regulations • opposes convening a Constitutional convention • opposes the United Nation - opposes the New World Order • Opposes communism, socialism - opposes the Trilateral Commission • Website: http://www.theamericanparty.org/
American Independent Party • “Governor George C. Wallace (D-AL) founded the AIP and ran as the its first Presidential nominee in 1968.” • “Running on a fiery populist, right-wing, anti-Washington, anti-racial integration, anti-communist platform.” • “The American Independent Party gratefully acknowledges God as the Creator of all and appeals to Him for help in protecting all He has graciously given us. With all these gifts comes the right to use them justly. Hence all such rights are the gifts of God as affirmed in our Declaration of Independence. These include the right to life and liberty.” (Platform of the AIP) • Website: http://www.aipca.org/
American Nazi Party • “Exactly what the name implies ... these are a bunch of uniformed, swastika-wearing Nazis!” • “This party is a combination of fascists, Aryan Nations-type folks, "White Power" racist skinheads and others on the ultra-radical political fringe.” • “As a political party, the American Nazi Party has not fielded a Presidential candidate since Lincoln Rockwell ran as a write-in candidate in 1964 (he was murdered in 1967 by a disgruntled ANP member)” • “While purportedly denouncing violence and illegal acts -- blends left-wing economic socialism, right-wing social fascism and strong totalitarian sentiments.” • Website: http://www.americannaziparty.com/
“Splintered away from Ross Perot's Reform Party in 1997.” • “The ARP soon shifted left and opted to "endorse" (but not co-nominate) Green Party Presidential nominee Ralph Nader in the 2000 elections.” • Website: http://www.americanreform.org/
“The BTP was a splinter group that broke from the Libertarian Party in 2006.” • Platform: "The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.“ • Website: http://www.bostontea.us/
Christian Falangist Party of America • “A "Falangist" is a follower of the authoritarian political views advocated by the late Spanish dictator Francisco Franco (to wit: largely a blend of 1930s fascist ideology, strong nationalism and conservative Catholic theology).” • “Closely affiliated with the Lebanese branch of the Falangist movement -- wants to bring these Falangist politics to the Americas.” • The CFPA site explicitly defines "Forces of Darkness" as being "Radical Islam, Communism/Socialism, the New World Order, the New Age movement, Third Position/Neo-Nazis, Free Masons, Abortionists, Euthanasianists, Radical Homosexuals and Pornographers." • Website: http://www.falange1.com/index77.htm
Communist Party USA • Founded in 1924. • “The Communist Party USA is the party of and for the U.S. working class, a class which is multiracial, multinational, and unites men and women, young and old, employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural, and composed of workers who perform a large range of physical and mental labor—the vast majority of our society. We are the party of the African American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, all other Latino American, Native American, Asian American, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.” (Preamble) • Website: http://www.cpusa.org/
Democratic Socialists of America • “The DSA is the official US full member party of the Socialist International (which includes UK's Labour Party, the French Parti Socialiste and nearly 140 other political parties around the globe).” • Mission: "building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics." • Website: http://www.dsausa.org/dsa.html
Formed in 1966. • "tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky." • Described as: • "revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers' democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political, and legal equality to women, people of color, gays, and all who are exploited, oppressed, and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot -- imperialism." • Website: http://www.socialism.com/
“When people talk about "the Green Party" in the US, they are likely NOT talking about this entity.“ • “Stridently leftist of the two Green parties” • Green Values: • ECOLOGY • SOCIAL JUSTICE • GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY • NONVIOLENCE • Website: http://www.greenparty.org/index.php
Founded in 2000 by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura and his supporters – who split from Ross Perot’s Reform Party. • "Socially Inclusive and Fiscally Responsible" • pro-choice • pro-gay rights • pro-medical marijuana • pro-gun rights • fiscally moderate. • Website: http://www.independenceminnesota.org/
“The bulk of the IAP activities remain generally concentrated in Utah.” • Promotes: “respect for life, liberty and property; strong traditional families; patriotism; and individual, state and national sovereignty -- with a strong reliance on the Declaration of Independence and allegiance to the Constitution for the United States of America -- by petition to God and by political and educational means.” • Website: http://www.usiap.org/
Created in 1996 by labor unions to push “issues most important to working people” • Trade • Health Care • Right to organize, bargain and strike • Liberal Entity • Website:http://www.thelaborparty.org/
Light Party“Health, Peace & Freedom for All” • Generally Liberal – “falling between the Greens and New Age” • Promotes: • holistic medicine • national health insurance • organic foods • solar energy • nuclear disarmament • flat tax. • Website: http://www.lightparty.com/
Moderate Party • New federal party founded in 2006 – closely affiliated with PeaceOverParty.org and Honk4Peace.org • Platform: • End Iraq War • Returning US to a international peacekeeper • Cut federal spending • Flat tax or consumption tax plan • Protect environment • Strengthen separation of church & state • Pro gun rights (2nd Amendment) • Pro Choice • Pro Gay Rights • Website: http://www.winwithbill.com/MP-Bylaws.htm
National Socialist Movement • Splinter from the “old American Nazi Party of the early 1960s.” • "We co-operate and work with many like minded white nationalist groups such as the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), Aryan Skinheads, the Racial Nationalist Party of America and many others which are either neo Nazi or at least, racially aware of our Aryan Heritage," • “The NSM vows to expel all non-Whites, Jews and gays from the US.” • Website: http://www.nsm88.org/index2.html
A New Age party – some label it as a “cult” • Founded in 1992 to "Bringing the light of science into politics" • Advocates “of holistic approaches, Transcendental Meditation (TM), "yogic flying," and other peaceful "New Age" and "scientific" remedies for much of our national and international problems.” • Website: http://www.natural-law.org/
New Party • Leftist Party – affiliated with New York’s WorkingFamiliesParty.org • Agenda similar to the “style of the Western European socialist and labor movement” • Issues: • Strong supports of “fusion” legislation – Open Ballot Project • An “umbrella organization for grassroots political groups working to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over our political process.” • Website: http://www.newparty.org/
New Union Party • Founded in 1980 by those who left the Socialist Labor Party • Socialist Party – “advocates political and social revolution” – “denounces violence and is committed to lawful activities to overthrow the capitalist economic system.“ • Promotes: "Marxist Study Course" • Website: http://www.newunionparty.org/
Party for Socialism and Liberation • “Revolutionary Marxist party created to be a vehicle for the multinational working class in the struggle for socialism ... Only a multinational party can create the unity necessary to defeat the most powerful capitalist class the world has ever seen ... We aim for revolution in the United States." • Website: http://www.pslweb.org/site/PageServer
Founded in 1967 • Left-wing party • “Committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality.” • “We represent the working class, those without capital in a capitalist society. We organize toward a world where cooperation replaces competition, a world where all people are well fed, clothed and housed; where all women and men have equal status; where all individuals may freely endeavor to fulfill their own talents and desires; a world of freedom and peace where every community retains its cultural integrity and lives with all others in harmony.” • Website: http://peaceandfreedom.org/home/
Prohibition Party • “Reform-minded conservative and a non-drinker” • Founded in 1869 • Issues: • Pro Right-to-Life • Anti-Commercial Gambling • Anti-Homosexual Agenda • Anti-Commercial Pornography • Pro Right to Prayer and Bible Reading in Public Schools • Anti-Commercial Sale of Alcohol and Other Harmful Drugs • Website: http://www.prohibition.org/
Reform Party • Far Right Party (Conservative) • Founded in 1995 by Ross Perot • Principles: • Higher standards for Executive and Legislative Branch • Balance the Budget • Term Limits • New Tax System • Lobbying Reform • Immigration Reform (temp. freeze on immigration, banning temporary foreign workers) • Pro military • Website: http://reformpa.web.aplus.net/
Socialist Party USA • Left-wing Party • Anti-Communist • Founded in 1990 • “A non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community” • Website: http://www.sp-usa.org/
Socialist Action • Founded by expelled members of the Socialist Workers Party • Pro Castro views • "oppose the Democrats and Republicans, all capitalist political parties, and all capitalist governments and their representatives everywhere ... [and] Stalinist and neo-Stalinist regimes from the ex-Soviet Union to China." • Website: http://www.socialistaction.org/
Socialist Equality Party • Originally “Workers League (WL)” founded in 1966 • “A Trotskyist communist group closely associated with the electoral campaigns of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP).” • Believe "the egalitarian and internationalist legacy of the Russian Revolution could have succeeded, but was betrayed by Stalinism" and its progeny.” • Website: http://www.socialequality.com/
Founded in 1877 • Militant Democratic Socialist Party • “Marxist element became dominant by 1890, when the Party was reorganized on a Marxist basis.” • Goal: • “a classless society based on collective ownership and control of the industries and social services, these to be administered in the interests of all society through a Socialist Industrial Union government composed of democratically elected representatives from all the industries and services of the land.” • Website: http://www.slp.org/
Socialist Workers Party • “Originally a pro-Trotsky faction within the Communist Party USA, the SWP was formed in 1938 after the CPUSA -- acting on orders from Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin -- expelled the American Trotskyites.” • Believes: “Capitalism is wrecking the lives of millions and endangering the planet. A new society can only be constructed when the workers take control of the wealth and plan its production and distribution for human need and not profit.” (SWP) • Website: http://www.swp.ie/ (or) http://www.themilitant.com/index.shtml
U.S. Marijuana Party • Founded in 2002 • Believes in the legalization of marijuana. • “A motivated group of Americans who are tired of living in fear of their government because of marijuana prohibition.” • Website: http://www.usmjparty.com/
U.S. Pacifist Party • Left-wing party founded in 1983. • “Opposes military actions in all circumstances and wants to transform the US military into a non-violent defense and humanitarian service corps.” • Website: http://www.uspacifistparty.org/
Veterans Party of America • Founded in 2003 • “Represent the rights and needs of veterans across the political spectrum.” • Mission: To “give political voice for the first time since 1776, to the men and women who were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for this country. No longer will they have to grovel and beg and fill out paperwork for years just to get what they proudly earned and were promised." • Slogan: “Freedom Has Never Been Free!” • Website: http://www.veteransparty.us/
Formed in 1959 by a “Pro-Chinese Communist Faction who split from the Socialist Workers Party” • “Represent a potential threat in the United States of rioting and street violence” • Believes “Karl Marx was right, capitalism is rotten and doomed” (workers.org) • Website: http://www.workers.org/
Other Parties(Parties that have yet to field or endorse any candidates for office)
Established in 2003 • “Founded on the basic principals set forth by our founding fathers, that the federal government should only have the powers set forth in the framework of the Constitution and all other power to be delegated back to the states. Although everyone has their own opinions on all issues, we believe it is up to the states to decide what should and should not be mandated, banned or regulated." • Issues: • Immigration Reform • Abolishing IRS • Repeal of the federal income tax • Increase on taxes and tariffs on imported goods • Abolition of the centralized Federal Reserve System • Withdrawing from the United Nations • Ending federal involvement in education • Website: http://www.oregonpatriotparty.com/
American Socialist Party • Founded in 2004 • Denounces: “immorality, and materialism," • Supports "the removal of illegal immigrants ... [and the imprisonment of] businesses/officials who hire, or allow them to enter," • Capitalism is "failing," and -- in a language that make them sound more like a crypto-fascist group -- promises to "defend you and your family if faced with government officials intimidating you, or, violating your rights, with the same force." • Website: http://www.americansocialistparty.com/
Constitution Party • Founded in 1992 • pro-choice (but believes abortion issues need to be decided at the state level), • pro-gun rights • anti-death penalty • anti-Affirmative Action quotas • anti-regulation of sexual activities between consenting adults • pro-medical marijuana • pro-flat tax, pro-tax cuts • anti-United Nations. • Website: http://www.constitutionparty.com/
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party • “Atheist, peaceful, pro-gay, pro-drug legalization, anti-racist, environmentalist” • “Nazis who acknowledge the Holocaust likely occurred (but are neutral as to its justification) and oppose the government sponsored killing of Jews, Christians & gays and the disabled.” • “Rejects Judeo-Christian moral standards, victim mentality political behavior, capital-centric value systems, and authority." • “While membership is open to anyone regardless of their race or sexual orientation, individuals who openly profess a belief in either Judaism or Christianity are denied party membership.” • Website: http://www.nazi.org/
Multicapitalist Party • States: "capitalism for all people equally“ but, “equally denounces capitalism ("The rich riding on the backs of the poor") and communism/socialism ("The weak riding on the backs of the strong").” • Issues: • Pro Drug Legalization • Pro Sexual Rights • Pro Life • Pro Criminal Punishment • Website: http://www.oicu2.com/afc/
Pansexual Peace Party • Generally Left-wing • Founded on witchcraft • Platform: "Sex is Good! Sex is Great! Yea, Sex!" • Advocates: • Peace • Freedom • Creative expression • Glorification of human sexuality • Website: http://members.tripod.com/Hail_Eris/eris/PPPP/homey.htm