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APEC EU GATT IMF OECD OPEC UNICEF UNESCO WB. (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经济合作组织. ( European Union) 欧盟. ( General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) 关税贸易总协定. ( International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织. ( Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) 经合组织.
APEC EU GATT IMF OECD OPEC UNICEF UNESCO WB (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经济合作组织 (European Union) 欧盟 ( General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) 关税贸易总协定 (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织 ( Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) 经合组织 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries( 石油输出国组织) United Nation international Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织 World Bank
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As 前 领 现 公民: 压力 机遇 转 民间机.: 个人, 公司,大学, 研究,基金 No doub.rela→ ∴ new areas 互惠// 我访 象: 诚→ 加 友, 文 商tie, 重 伙 关 ←事 肯: 友 flou. Fruits.//
平方公尺 3.东道主 • 公顷 4.世博园 square meters host hectares Expo 据悉,世博园的选址,从南浦大桥到卢浦大桥,横跨浦东与浦西,浦东的展览馆建筑面积达30万平方公尺,可以容纳两百个国家地区参展。法国建筑设计师马丁·罗班透露了法国设计方案的总体概念。据他介绍,横跨浦东与浦西的世博园总面积,浦东部分为260公顷,浦西部分将近50公顷,东道主中国馆设在浦东,面积达8.8万平方公尺。
It is reported that the Expo Park will be located between the Nanpu Bridge and the Yangpu Bridge, connecting the two sides of the Huangpu River, and the exhibition center on the Pudong Area covering an area of 300 thousand square meters is large enough for 200 countries and regions to arrange their expositions in the Expo. Martin, the French architect responsible for the French version of the Expo Park gave a general introduction of the future Expo Park. According to him, the Expo Park will be built on the both sides of the Huangpu River, with the Puxi Area covering an area of 260 hectares and the Pudong Area 50 hectares. The exhibition hall for China, the host of this Expo, will be built in the Pudong Area, with an area of 88 thousand square meters.
1.椭圆运河 3.巴比伦空中花园 2.植物走廊 Ellipse Canal the Babylon Plantation Corridor 设计方案最突出的亮点有三处,分别称为空中花桥、椭圆运河、植物走廊。空中花桥的概念,是在黄浦江上,建一座200公尺高、600公尺长,50公尺宽,供行人使用的桥。顾名思义,桥面种植不同种类花卉,具有巴比伦空中花园味道,也是上海的一道人工彩虹,它将成为世博会标志性建筑,并在世博会后将加以保留。
Three proposals in the design are especially attractive, with the names of the Flower Bridge in the Sky, Ellipse Canal and the Plantation Corridor respectively. As to the Flower Bridge in the Sky, it is a pedestrian bridge to be built on the Huangpu River, 200 meters high, 600 meters long and 50 meters wide. As we can see from its name, the bridge will be covered with flowers of various kinds, endowing the area a flavor of the Babylon. This Flower Bridge, a man-made rainbow over Shanghai will be retained after the Expo as one of the symbol buildings for the Expo.
宣传片 四通八达 城隍庙 short film made for the bidding leading to every direction Chenghuang Temple 在整个申博宣传片中,十多次响起了中国民乐《茉莉花》的旋律,征服了现场的与会成员国代表、国展局官员和众多记者。当片中一个年仅3岁左右的小孩以稚嫩的嗓音唱起《茉莉花》时,全场再一次响起了热烈的掌声。记者获悉,用传唱全世界的《茉莉花》来作申博 片的主题,是张艺谋经过深思熟虑以后做出的决定。片中还多次展示了上海东西方文化结合的多元文化,既有城隍庙、上海老街等古色古香的上海景致,也有高耸入云的摩天大厦、四通八达的交通要道等充满了现代气息的上海风情。
In the short film made for the bidding for the Expo, there came “Jasmine Flower”, the famous folk song in China, tens of times, impressing the representatives from the member countries of the Expo, the officials of the BIE and many reporters, who were present there. A burst of applause broke out when a three-year-old child in the film began to sing “Jasmine Flower” with her sweet voice. It is reported that Zhang Yimou, the director of the short film, made his decision in choosing “Jasmine Flower” after a careful consideration. The film showed the perfect combination of the Oriental and Occidental cultures in many places, including not only the historical features of Shanghai, such as Chenghuang Temple and the Ancient Shanghai Street; but also the modern image of the city, such as the high buildings and the roads leading to every direction.
Assignment 1.Yang Lan 2.3-2