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Earn extra cash for your suggestions or ideas. Do you have a suggestion or idea that could improve productivity, efficiencies, processes, or save the government money or time? If you do, turn your suggestion into cash by submitting your idea for implementation on Fort Drum.

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  1. Earn extra cash for your suggestions or ideas. Do you have a suggestion or idea that could improve productivity, efficiencies, processes, or save the government money or time? If you do, turn your suggestion into cash by submitting your idea for implementation on Fort Drum. Fort Drum is interested in suggestions or ideas from active duty personnel and civilians who work on the installation or use the facilities (other personnel may be eligible for cash awards, please call for eligibility guidelines). The Army's Suggestion Program provides monetary awards to eligible members of up to $25,000.00 for ideas, that if adopted, save government resources or result in increased efficiencies, savings or provide intangible benefits such as increased safety. Eligible ideas should include the current method, the proposed method, and why the change will be beneficial. A statement of known or estimated benefits should also be included. Suggestions can be adopted completely or in part. To submit a suggestion go to the Army Suggestion Program website at: Army Suggestion Program NOTE: You will need your AKO user id and password to access the site).  If you have any questions or need help contact the Fort Drum Army Suggestion Program Coordinator at (315) 772-8405 DSN 772-8405, or by e-mail.

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