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Carnac. Mysterious stones of France. Location. Located on the Southwest coast of Brittany Brittany (or Bretagne) is a region in Northern France. . Map of Brittany with Carnac. . Origin of Carnac stones. Erected during the Neolithic period ( 4500 BC to 2000 BC)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Carnac Mysterious stones of France

  2. Location • Located on the Southwest coast of Brittany • Brittany (or Bretagne) is a region in Northern France 

  3. Map of Brittany with Carnac

  4. Origin of Carnac stones • Erected during the Neolithic period ( 4500 BC to 2000 BC) • Inhabitants used polished stone tools

  5. How old are the stones? • These stones have stood here over 6500 years!

  6. Characteristics of stones • They are Limestone rock( a fairly soft rock consisting of organic remains) • Height: 10-20 feet

  7. Menhir • A large upright standing stone

  8. Dolmen • A lintel or horizontal stone placed over two menhirs

  9. Arrangement • Stones are arranged in rows • 10,000 stones across countryside

  10. Ancient burial site? • Could stonesrepresent burial sites of ancestors?

  11. Purpose of stones is uncertain: • Possibly used by Druids (ancient Celtic wizards) for human sacrifice • Early calendars • Territorial markers

  12. Local legend • Bretons say that stones are a Roman legion turned to stone by Merlin (the wizard in the legend of King Arthur)

  13. Tourism • Carnac is visited by those who seek to discover the secrets of the stones • Many people go to meditate and ponder the mystery of the stones • Seek thehealing power of stones

  14. FIN

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