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Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language

Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language. Shelly Johnson Gottsegen, LICSW Hypnovations April, 2010. Rapport, Rapport, Rapport. Establish a positive alliance with respect, empathy, warmth and concern Create a sense of positive expectancy : act and speak with confidence and reassurance.

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Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language

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  1. Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language Shelly Johnson Gottsegen, LICSW Hypnovations April, 2010

  2. Rapport, Rapport, Rapport • Establish a positive alliance with respect, empathy, warmth and concern • Create a sense of positive expectancy: act and speak with confidence and reassurance

  3. Fundamentals of Hypnotic Language • Formulate suggestions emphasizingthe use ofimagination rather than appealing to the conscious will (saying you will do this or that).

  4. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition • A principle based on the idea that when we concentrate attention on a goal or idea, it tends to be realized.

  5. Successive Approximations • Utilize the process of time: Use words like: “soon”, “before long”, “yet”, “beginning to notice”, etc..

  6. The Law of Dominant Effect • Connect suggestions to a dominant emotion • Stir emotions and connect suggestions to them

  7. The Carrot Principle • interject comments about the patient’s goal • As you allow your hand to lift, you can remember the ease you can feel when you’re anxious….

  8. The Principle of Positive Suggestion • make affirmative statements about the patient’s goal. • For example: “You will not overeat” (negative suggestion) • instead say: ”You will be surprised to discover how comfortable you will feel after a normal size meal portion of … “ (positive suggestion)

  9. The Principle of Positive Reinforcement • Compliments and praise in and out of trance enhance rapport and compliance. • “that’s it” • “good”

  10. Create an Acceptance “Yes” set • Use the “Socrates Method” stating undeniable statement of facts sequentially to gain a “Yes, Yes, response • Example: “I am sure you have felt how cold the winter air feels against your skin, have you not? (yes) and you can remember how cold it feels against your face…can you not..”

  11. Acceptability • Interact with patient to Confirm the Acceptability of Suggestions: head nods, ideomotor finger signals, and voice responses.

  12. The Principle of Trance Ratification • A way to give patient an experience that helps them distinguish the altered state of consciousness with the use of hypnosis.

  13. TheTimingof Suggestions andDepth of Trance • the deeper the trance, the more influential the suggestion

  14. Interspersing and Imbedding Suggestions • Speak to the unconscious with stories, metaphors, ideas and phrases that convey the desired suggestion.

  15. Erickson’s Principles of Individualization and Utilization • Tune-in to the patient’s use of language and accept whatever they present in trance. • Use what they present in trance to “speak their language”.

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