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Knowledge and Experience sharing on strengthening social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the MDGs

2. OUTLINE. Background First E-discussionWay forward. 3. Background. Project strengthening social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the MDGs has a knowledge and experience sharing componentUse a series of electronic discussions aimed at providing a platform for experts on povert

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Knowledge and Experience sharing on strengthening social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the MDGs

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Knowledge and Experience sharing on strengthening social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the MDGs

    2. 2 OUTLINE Background First E-discussion Way forward

    3. 3 Background Project strengthening social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the MDGs has a knowledge and experience sharing component Use a series of electronic discussions aimed at providing a platform for experts on poverty reduction, social protection, social inclusion and MDGs to learn from each other, share experiences, discuss and recommend supplementary targets and indicators for the MDGs in the areas of social inclusion, gender equality, older persons, youth, PLWHA, sexual and reproductive health and health equity.

    4. 4 First E-discussion �Promotion of Social Inclusion of Women and Gender Equality in the MDGs� Focused on identifying the multiple manifestations of gender inequality and social exclusion of women, sharing of national experiences with regards to the engendering of the MDGs identifying additional targets and indicators that can be used to monitor gender inequalities.

    5. 5 29 members 20.3% participation rate Contributions from: Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritania and the UK. Promotion of Social Inclusion of Women and Gender Equality in the MDGs

    6. 6 Gender Equality in the MDGs - contd Reasons why gender inequalities and social exclusion of women persist. Lack of education and skills Patriarchy Financial dependency Persistence of traditional practices that are harmful to girls and women Early marriages of girls

    7. 7 Way forward Give opportunity for you to join in the discussions - wrap up on 20 May sharing of national experiences with regards to the engendering of the MDGs identifying additional targets and indicators that can be used to monitor gender inequalities. Confluence software platform Next topic selection Youth Persons with disabilities and the MDGs Older persons PLWHA

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