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2013 ESRI Developer Summit

This text highlights the key sessions and topics covered during the ESRI Developer Summit 2013, including the ArcGIS platform, Steve Mann's self-portrait, Jared Spool's usability keynote, and the power of mobile location in applications.

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2013 ESRI Developer Summit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2013 ESRI Developer Summit

  2. Plenary • ArcGIS is a…Platform • Self-Portrait of Steve Mann (wearable computing pioneer) • blogand Wikipedia. • Developers.arcgis.com • Esri.Github.com

  3. Best sessions • Keynote speaker: Jared Spool - usability • Son of Killer Apps: Baby Steps to Innovation • Intro to Portal for ArcGIS • Unleash the power of mobile location in your applications

  4. Keynote • Best designs are experience focused designs • 6 flags vs. Disney maps • Informed Decision Making: Successful businesses have tips and techniques not methods and dogma. • A good design is often the path of least resistance (a documented design). However if it is less work to document a new design then it is better for the situation. • Every design is a result of decisions…(1)

  5. Son of Killer Apps • Celebrate failures – they are ahead of their time • http://coolmaps.esri.com • Leap Motion • Facial recognition

  6. Portal for ArcGIS Includes Website, WebApp Templates, sharing API/SDK’s, Online, Maps, Apps. Role of Portal includes: • Discovery and content management system • Easy to use for everyone • Geographic Analysis • Ready to use content and services Portal for ArcGIS

  7. Unleash power of mobile • Providing relevant info at a relevant time/place. • Geotrigger/Geoeventprocessor • One event can be written (with a timer) instead of many features • To reduce battery drain adjust tracking profiles • Location based game: http://mapattack.org/

  8. Things to look for • 3 new API’s – Windows store, QT, OS X • 10.2 in June • Directions and Find Route widgets • ESRI Maps for Office 2.0 now, 2.1 in June • Geotriggers in AGO and within API in summer

  9. Other items of interest • Javascript - AMD • Integrated security • Hadoop • Desktop XI will be 3D first

  10. Links to research • http://Video.esri.com • http://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/devsummit13/index.html • https://maps.esri.com/demo/Browse/Index

  11. Coincidence?

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