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Important Car Parts That Every Driver Should Know

When you drive a car, it doesn't move only because of the steering wheel and the four wheels, but the process depends on a number of other essential components such as the battery, clutch, and transmission. So, to become a good driver, along with proper driving knowledge, you also need to be aware of the working of these parts for proper repair and maintenance work of the car. In order to get a better idea about the important parts of a car, see the following slides.

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Important Car Parts That Every Driver Should Know

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Important Car Parts That Every Driver Should Know

  2. Driving a car gives you more relaxation and pleasure.

  3. Just sitting in the driver seat, holding the steering wheel and peddling the speed control of the car cannot form a good driver.

  4. As a good driver you must have quality driving skills as well as the skill to repair your car when it's damaged.

  5. Ultimately this knowledge of car parts will save your money and help you to sort out the minor or major faults.

  6. To repair and maintain a car, you must know the important parts that are present inside your car.

  7. List Of Auto Parts Battery Brakes Axle Fuel Injector Radiator Clutch Transmission Alternator

  8. Battery Battery of the cars are rechargeable and supply initial power to your car to start. It can ignite your car with its electric energy. If you left your car headlight on, then the batteries in your car will drain quickly.

  9. Brakes Cars have two kinds of hydraulic braking system. First break is called the service brakes that stop when you press the brake pedal. Second break is called the emergency brake and it works independently.

  10. Axle Axle is a shaft or fundamental bar that can be used to turn the wheel. If the axle of your car is rust, then it can lead to faulty performance and causes serious breakdowns.

  11. Fuel Injector Fuel injector drives the gas from the tank to the engine. The fuel injector also increases the efficiency of the diesel and gas engine.

  12. Radiator Radiator can keep your car away from overheating and transfer from one standard to another. The coolant in the radiator observe the heat and transfer the cool air to the engine.

  13. Clutch A clutch is an important component of your car that can couple the engine to the drivetrain and allows for the proper transmission of power. During shifting of gears, it provides flexibility to the driver to engage and disengage in the engine to the transmission. It significantly provide you a comfortable ride on bad roads by reducing drive-related vibrations.

  14. Transmission Transmission used to transfer the energy from engine to wheel axle and also converts the speed into torque. Manual transmission of the car is cost-efficient, but the automatic transmission is fuel eminent.

  15. Alternator It can perform as a supplement for the batteries when the car engine starts. When the alternator is working, the main systems and other parts are connected together. If you can find any errors in the alternator, then fix it, otherwise, it can damage the whole system in a car.

  16. Conclusion

  17. Getting enough knowledge about the auto parts is essential for those persons who are going to buy a car.

  18. It also doesn't matter what you drive, as long as you take care of your beloved auto parts.

  19. Make sure that you have all the details about the interior parts of your car with its relevant functions before hitting the road.

  20. https://www.beachhouseimports.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EntFb9u8E7Q https://www.facebook.com/BeachHouseImports/ https://twitter.com/BeachHouse96

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