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Nuts & Bolts Training Session Spring 2014

2013-14 CAHSEE. Nuts & Bolts Training Session Spring 2014. Agenda. Exemptions. Accountability. Test Security. Coordinator Responsibilities. CAHSEE Exemption.

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Nuts & Bolts Training Session Spring 2014

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  1. 2013-14 CAHSEE Nuts & Bolts Training SessionSpring 2014 Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  2. Agenda Exemptions Accountability Test Security Coordinator Responsibilities Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  3. CAHSEE Exemption • The exemption from meeting the CAHSEE requirement for students with disabilities (IEP or 504 Plan) remains in place until July 1, 2015 • Students with disabilities are still required to take the CAHSEE in Grade 10 in order to meet state and federal requirements • Exemptions must be recorded in the CAHSEE Web System for eligible seniors who will graduate from your school Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  4. Census AdministrationImpact on Accountability • Census Administration (March)- an answer document must be submitted for every grade 10 (class of 2016) student enrolled on the first day of testing • Make-ups(May)- names of grade 10 students who are absent for March must be listed on the absence tracking form and submitted in your GREEN envelope Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  5. Minimum Participation Rate for AYP is 95% • Based on CAHSEE and CAPAfor grade 10(number of students in the “class of 2016” enrolled on the 1st day of testing) • Students using a MODIFICATION(except for calculator), will NOT count as a PARTICIPANT Create a plan to address high-risk attendance problems/truants in advance Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  6. Minimum Score to be Considered PROFICIENT for AYP = 380 • Students using a MODIFICATION(except for calculator), will NOT count as PROFICIENT • Students using a CALCULATOR count as PROFICIENT if the score is at or above the determined cut point (390 in 2012, 380 in 2011, and 384 in 2010) Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  7. Avoid Negatively Impacting AYP • Ensure test security-no irregularities • Hand-grid section 24 on the answer document AFTERtesting ONLY if student actually USED the modification • Hand-grid the correct SCORE CODEon the answer document Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  8. Security • Security Agreements • Security Affidavits • All materials must be kept in a LOCKED, SECURE area GREEN envelope BLM Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  9. Security Continued • Possible visit from ETS/Global Compliance Service • Before testing (pages 23-32 in manual) • During testing (pages 33-34 in manual) • After testing (pages 35-38 in manual) • Ask for “official” letter from the representative when he/she comes to your school Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  10. Security Continued • NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES • Inform students before and during testing that if they are found cheating or have compromised the security of the examination, their test results will be invalidated • Compromising the security of the CAHSEE includes the use of cell phones, electronic pagers, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  11. Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Receive Materials Identify Students Prepare Schedule Train Staff Distribute Materials Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  12. Receiving Materials Follow the checklist for Inventorying Test Materials at the Test Site-page 24 in manual INVENTORY UPON RECEIPT ORDER ADDITIONAL MATERIALS SECURE MATERIALS UNTIL TESTING Verify Quantity Note missing materials; contact Sonya ASAP if there are discrepancies Fax or Email Form Reseal Boxes Sign name across tape; store in a SECURE, LOCKED area BLM Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  13. Test Site Packing List & Security Tracking Form Report discrepancies and missing items to Sonya IMMEDIATELY • Document additional materials you order & receive • Document discrepancies and missing items Page 51 in manual Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  14. Who Should Take the March CAHSEE? Identify Students to Test • Grade 10 (class of 2016) an answer document must be submitted for every 10th grader enrolled • Grade 11 (class of 2015) students who have not yet passed both parts • Grade 12 (class of 2014) students who have not yet passed both parts • Adult Ed. students who have not yet passed both parts Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  15. Schedule & Timing UNTIMED BUT NOT UNLIMITED TIME Test sessions should start between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  16. Required Training Staff There should be one examiner/proctor for every 25 students • Ensure Consistency • Read DFA verbatim • Review accommodations and modifications in IEPs/504 Plans • Ensure Test Security • Verify students’ identity • Monitor students • Collect test booklets and answer docs beforedismissing students Examiner Training PowerPoint on Website Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  17. Required Training Staff continued • Examiners should review the DFA before testing • Download extra copies from the ETS website at • http://www.ets.org/cahsee/test_administration/ Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  18. Preparing & Distributing Materials • Provide the following materials: • No. 2 pencils • “Testing- Do Not Disturb” signs • Do not distribute test booklets before the test day • Review IEP and 504 Plans for accommodations/modifications that must be made available to students • Check materials out and in each day; use inventory control forms BLM Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  19. Inventory Control Form BLM Keep record of the Security Number Ranges distributed to each teacher/testing location Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  20. Coordinator Responsibilities DURING Testing Test Environment Answer Documents Test Irregularities Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  21. Test Environment • Free from noise & interruptions • Good lighting & ventilation • Bulletin boards, whiteboards, or charts must be removed/covered • No scratch paper • Only #2 pencils • No cell phones, etc. • Must arrange for accommodations and modifications (i.e. separate room for students w/ “Read Aloud” in IEP/504) Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  22. Pre-Identification for March • Pre-ID answer documents = for students enrolled before 2/06/14 • Pre-ID labels = for students enrolled between 2/06/14 and 2/25/14 • Must hand-grid = for students enrolled on or after 2/25/14(demographic guides available for site coordinators) Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  23. Answer Documents: Pre-ID Barcode • Examiners must verify identification of students • Examiners must give pre-identified answer documents to the correct students Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  24. Answer Documents Continued • Make sure that each student: • Signs name in Box 1 of the answer document • Enters the version number and the barcode number from the back of the test booklet onto the answer document in each portion of the test. Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  25. Front of Answer Document Barcode with Student’s Name = Included in Pre-ID = Must Be Completed by Hand Page 59 in manual Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  26. Front of Answer Document- Score Codes Page 63 in manual Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  27. Inside Answer Document Page 60 in manual = Included in Pre-ID = Hand-grid ONLY if applicable Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  28. Back of Answer Document Page 61 in manual = Hand-grid ONLY if applicable = Included in Pre-ID Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  29. Back of Answer Document HAND-CODE ONLY IF USED BY STUDENT Codes on page 66 in manual Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  30. Back of Answer Document #24 Accommodations & Modifications MUST SIGN FOR ALL IEP/504 STUDENTS Page 65 = Hand-grid ONLY if student used Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  31. TEST IRREGULARITY Breach in security (i.e. coaching) Must report to Erin Gordon ASAP Complete a Test Security Breach Report form TEST INCIDENT Disruption (i.e. student misconduct, cheating) Complete a Test Incident Report form Bubble “I” on Score Code if caught cheating Testing Irregularities & Incidents Pages 33 & 34 in manual Make copy of report forms for your files; send original in GREEN envelope BLM Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  32. Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing Account for ALL Materials Prepare Answer Documents Complete Required Forms Pack Materials Properly Return Materialsto Annex 3 Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  33. Prepare SCORABLE Answer Documents • Make sure you have one answer document for EVERY 10th grade student enrolled including CAPA students • Check Box 3 to ensure correct SCORE CODEis hand-grid • Check Box 24to ensure that ONLY modifications USEDwere hand-grid Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  34. Prepare SCORABLE Answer DocumentsContinued • Hand-grid all required demographic information CORRECTLY for answer documents without Pre-ID • Ensure that stray marks have been erased • Transcribe any damaged answer document to clean, blank document; hand-grid all required demographic information Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  35. Prepare SCORABLE Answer DocumentsContinued • Separate all answer documents by GRADE • For each grade, separate and stack bySCORE CODE combination SS SA AS Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  36. Record Counts on the Tally Sheet See Handout Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  37. Completing the Apportionment Form • Transfer counts from tally sheet to the “Score Code Analysis” section of the Apportionment form See form in GREEN envelope Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  38. Tracking Absent Grade 10 Students • Complete sheet for students absent on ELA day • Complete sheet for students absent on Math day • Make copy for your records • Return original in GREENenvelope Grade 10 students ABSENT in March will test in May Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  39. Completing the School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet • Complete one SGID for each grade level • Place on top of SCORABLE answer docs ROSE Grade 10 only PINE Grade 11 only Pages 35 & 54 in manual HARVEST Grade 12 only BURGUNDY Adult Ed only Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  40. Completing the School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet Continued • If the “class of” was officially changed since the pre-id file submission, place the answer document under the correct SGID • The SGID will override the pre-id’d grade level Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  41. Completing the Apportionment Form • Transfer counts from SGID to the “Data Collection” section of the Apportionment form Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  42. Packing& Labeling SCORABLE Materials Grade 10 on TOP Grade 12 on BOTTOM Enter school totals for SCORABLES Do NOT seal boxes Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  43. PrepareNONSCORABLE Answer Documents • VOID answer documents and write reason why it was voided • Record all VOIDED answer documents on Apportionment form VOID: spilled coffee-transcribed to new document Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  44. Prepare NONSCORABLE Materials Continued All VOIDED answer documents must be recorded on the Apportionment form Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  45. Prepare NONSCORABLE Materials Continued 1. Complete the Test Site Packing List & Security Tracking form2. Return in BOX #1 of NONSCORABLES On pages 50 & 51 in manual Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  46. Packing& LabelingNONSCORABLE Materials Test Site Packing List on TOP Enter school totals for NONSCORABLE Do NOT seal boxes Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  47. Returning Materials Box 1 of 5 Box 3 of 5 When numbering boxes on labels, count SCORABLEboxes separately from NONSCORABLE Box 2 of 5 Box 5 of 5 Box 4 of 5 Box 1 of 7 Box 3 of 7 Box 7 of 7 Box 2 of 7 Box 5 of 7 Box 6 of 7 Box 4 of 7 Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  48. GREENEnvelope • Signed Principal’s Certification & completed Apportionment Form • Signed Security Affidavits • March Absence Tracking Forms (ELA & Math) for grade 10 students • Any Irregularity & Incident ReportForms Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  49. Return March Materials To Annex 3 March 19 by 4:30 pm Non- Scorable Materials Green Envelope Scorable Materials Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

  50. Contact Information Erin Gordon (619) 725-5687 egordon@sandi.net Sonya Hill (619) 725-7061 shill1@sandi.net Jim Gustafson (619) 725-7195 jgustafson1@sandi.net General Information (619) 725-7065 Fax Number (619) 725-7070 Websites: http://www.sandi.net/page/1545 http://www.ets.org/cahsee/test_administration/ Assessment Services, SDUSD 2013-2014 CAHSEE

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