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5 Ways Music Producers Sell Beats

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5 Ways Music Producers Sell Beats

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Did you know that 98% of online businesses fail within the first year of launching? Did you know that the #1 culprit of the failure rate is businesses not being prepared to launch?

  2. Building an online music production business is just like any other business—it takes work, determination, and a business plan.

  3. Having well produced, high quality beats is the #1 factor in selling or not selling beats online. If your beats are not on point, you will not sell any beats, period. Brought to you by >>> http://www.trafficforbeats.com

  4. One of the mistakes I made when I started to sell my beats online was that I didn’t build my website from the beginning. I just focused on selling beats on websites like SoundClick and SoundCloud, and didn’t build the assets that would help my business grow.

  5. Ask yourself: Where would be the best place to sell beats online? Your website or somewhere like SoundClick where there are thousands of producers competing for the same customers? . Want To Learn About Selling Your Beats online?. click here

  6. Building a huge fan base of music artists is the best way to sell beats online at a consistent rate. Imagine having a boatload of rappers, singers, and songwriters waiting for your next batch of beats. Brought to you by >>> http://trafficforbeats.com/

  7. If you’re scared to spend money advertising your BEATS, then you are bound to fail online. Free traffic can only take you so far, and it takes at least three to six months to build up if you’re counting on websites like Google. Brought to you by >>> http://trafficforbeats.com

  8. You have many platforms to choose from. My favorites are Facebook ads, Twitter ads, solo ads, banner ads, Google Adwords, and Youtube video ads.

  9. Patience is the key for online music producers. Every beatmaker wants to make 1,000 per month right off the bat, but it just doesn’t work that way. Brought to you by: http://trafficforbeats.com/

  10. Be patient, work on your beats, get your business plan together, and success will come knocking at your door. Brought to you by: http://trafficforbeats.com/platinum

  11. This presentation was brought to you by: http://trafficforbeats.com/ For More Advanced Beat Selling Tutorials.. CLICK HERE

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