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take a look at WIENSTROM

introduction of conditioned based maintenance at WIENSTROM using the knowledge-based expertsystem MABI. take a look at WIENSTROM. area: 2.000 km 2 stations: ca. Substaions 40 nettransformers 10.000 house service connec: 220.000 electricity meters 1.500.000 net: [km] 380kV 56

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take a look at WIENSTROM

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Presentation Transcript

  1. introduction of conditioned based maintenance at WIENSTROM using the knowledge-based expertsystemMABI

  2. take a look at WIENSTROM area: 2.000 km2 stations:ca. Substaions 40 nettransformers 10.000 house service connec: 220.000 electricity meters 1.500.000 net:[km] 380kV 56 110kV 764 20kV, 10kV 7.141 1kV 14.058 maximum load 1.918MW installed power 1.503MW

  3. modern maintenance strategy event orientated (Breakdown-Strategy) time based (TBM) condition based (CBM) Reliability orientated (RCM) risk based (RBM) TBM: Time Based Maintenance, CBM: Condition Based Maintenance, RCM: Reliability Centered Maintenance, RBM: Risk Based Maintenance

  4. Interface to the company strategy wear out high: 100% flexible boarders high: 100% importance high: 100% efficiency

  5. MMI Browser (as used for internet) Data care conditioncatch condition valuation maintenanceplaning function Working stockhistory Breakdown data expertknowledge Working stocktechnik databank expertsystem in use Modulares Anlagenbewertungs- und Instandhaltungspaket

  6. working stock data condition catch expert knowledge condition valuation condition O.K. stratical valuation decision step no steps how it works

  7. Breakdown log (protocol, review) 2 STEPS: Working Log for on side steps Special steps Expert Log for a special analyse Tuning the expert system

  8. possible interfaces calculations mobile datamangement FM - Profil GIS / NIS Systeme digital plan (record-office)

  9. experience • Cost minimisation • knowledge is independent from men and can be used by everybody • getting equal rules and equal maintenance all over the company • maintenance process synchronisation

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