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 Benefits of Parent/Family  Involvement

 Benefits of Parent/Family  Involvement. u Higher grades and test scores u Improved student behavior u More positive attitudes u Higher graduation rates u More participation in college The Family is Critical to student Achievement: The Evidence Continues to Grow

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 Benefits of Parent/Family  Involvement

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  1.  Benefits of Parent/Family  Involvement u Higher grades and test scores uImproved student behavior u More positive attitudes u Higher graduation rates u More participation in college The Family is Critical to student Achievement: The Evidence Continues toGrow - Anne Henderson and N. Berla

  2. Statistics at Williams/Ledger • 57% of our students who have had parents attend 3 or more events were on honor roll (A or A/B honor roll). • 32% of our students who have had parents attend 1 event were on honor roll. • 5% of our students who had inactive parents were on honor roll. Calculations are from the 1st Semester of 2005-2006

  3. Title I Federally funded program that can be combined with federal, state or local funds to upgrade the entire educational program of a school in which at least 40% of the students are from low income families (qualify for free or reduced lunch).

  4. Purpose Help all children succeed in school, to include achieving the state mandated content and performance standards.

  5. School-wide Title I School This Means….. That All Students Can Take Advantage of the Services Offered. No Child Has a Label.

  6. Funds Pay For….. • Staff Development • Technology & Classroom supplies • Parent Training • Staff *Two teachers *Parent Liaisons

  7. Accountability All students are expected to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for their grade level.

  8. Parent Advisory Council The PAC is a group of parent representatives who serve as the voice of the parent population. They are involved in the process of school review, planning, and evaluation.

  9. Parents Be involved by… • Signing in at each event that you attend • Attending Parent/Teacher Conferences • Attending or presenting parent training • Volunteering at home or at the school • Sharing your concerns • Being on the PAC committee

  10. Resources • Our Principal; Mr. Cameron • Our Vice Principals; Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Griffin • Our Counselors; Mrs. Cude and Mrs. Neely • Vicki Williams and Sonija Hauger - Parent Liaisons: 542-3070 ext. 168 or 103 Williamsv@ccisd.com or Haugers@ccisd.com • Educational tools are available for parents through the Parent Liaisons.

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