Pro Tips: Are you a book lover & bibliophile? Or Are you struggling to complete reading just one book? No matter what the situation, you must have definitely thought: “If only there was a way I could read faster!!” Well, here’s some Good News! It is actually possible to increase your reading speed by following a few techniques regularly.
Skip Reading The Small Words: An average adult reads about 200-250 words per minute. But, with practice and smarter techniques, you can easily read up to 300 words per minute. It may come as a surprise but you don’t really need to read the small unnecessary words in the beginning like ‘the’, ‘as’, etc. This way you can condition your mind to progress faster.
Stop Pronouncing Words In Your Head: It is a common habit that many people get stuck at the pronunciation of words. The fact is unless you are about to narrate it, it does not matter what the pronunciation is. You can simply try to understand it, saving your time. This is a major setback for many people and it slows down the reading speed.
Choose Your Best Environment Place: Good reading comprehension involves good reading habits. For instance, if you have just started reading with a goal of improving your speed you need to begin with an environment that has no noise, distractions, or interruptions. Be mindful. Your room or place where you sit to read must be well-lit.
Read A Variety Of Genres: To increase your pace, start with something simpler, less complex in terms of understanding. It can also be something you are familiar with. Pick a genre that is best liked by you and sparks interest in you. Try to read a couple of words at a time. Condition yourself in your head as you read to grasp more and exclude the unnecessary.
Use Audiobooks on 2x the Speed: If your goal is to understand more about what is written in the book than the speed at which you read, opt for audiobooks. Not everyone is reading for pleasure and so this is a great option.
Train your vision: Your peripheral vision plays a great role in the speed at which you read. As you move your eyes, peripheral vision also reads outside the main area of focus. If you develop this, you can drastically improve your speed. Let us know if these tips for faster reading help you.
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