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Climate Change & Sustainable Development. Truth Science Lies. UNDERSTAND : The REAL Scientific Facts Science vs Science Denial Politically-driven & Corporate-bought resistance to Science How to Effectively respond to Science Denial propaganda
Climate Change & Sustainable Development Truth Science Lies
UNDERSTAND: The REAL Scientific Facts Science vs Science Denial Politically-driven & Corporate-bought resistance to Science How to Effectively respond to Science Denial propaganda Best scientific projections of the Dangers of climate change / warming Evidence of dire changes now Tipping Points
SCIENTIFICALLY, WHY THIS IS A TURNING POINT • How Scientists Know: How Scientists Know • WHAT they know: http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentID=11016 • SEEING is Believing: http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/science/past-present-and-future.html#3Data Trends http://www.global-greenhouse-warming.com/greenhouse-gas.htmlmultiple Greenhouse Gas Trends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F9FbdqGRsg&feature=related Video of Greenland melting TIME LAPSE ICE LOSS NASAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hgvNO_WT9o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ3QUdIxvxg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jVQY_PmurY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpqnElX2RWU&feature=fvwrelCBS TV report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PTq9nSyrosRussian Scientists discover disastrous METHANE RELEASE in Arctic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8WsIr7m-4w BRITISH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKJykIsarBw Americans • How it is Human Caused: • Richard Muller famous mathematician no longer "skeptic" 2011 \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\Climate.Change.Human.Induced.Timeline.docx Basic Scientific Proof of Cause & Effect: 1. Correlation 2. Time – Order is Correct, Causes Come Before Effect • Tipping Points Research: Allianz Ins. & WWFhttp://knowledge.allianz.com/search.cfm?519/climate-tipping-points-study • \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\Climate.Change.12Tipping. Points.docxhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42269650/ns/us_news-environment/ • Average temperatures in a region (isotherms) are moving north or south 35 miles per decade http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2007/0902-our_changing_climate.htm • If carbon CO2 emissions increase at current rates, isotherm movement to the Poles will double this century to at least 70 miles per decade • This will vastly outrace the ability of animals and plants to migrate and adapt. If this continues, as many as 50% or more of species on Earth could become extinct. Similar to geologic extinction events in past eons. This is in addition to Human world changes. • Jim Hansen, Director, NASA/Goddard Earth Institutehttp://www.answers.com/topic/james-hansen
HOW SEVERE A THREAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE ? • MYTHS • * We can carry on as now. * We’ll adapt to climate change — civilization has survived droughts and temperature shifts before. * Inventions will save us. • FACTS • We must REVERSE climate change. The best of Physical, and Social sciences shows these hard scientific realities: • The current warming of our climate will bring major hardships — untold human suffering, in the 21st century & beyond for our children and grandchildren, and species extinctions. Climate has changed in the past, humans survived, but… *the climate changes are VASTLY greater and * they are human induced • Today’s times are vastly different: huge population growth, fossil-fuel based economic growth, and Carbon and temperature increases are INTERCONNECTED, with hazards that can produce Major Extinction Events in future centuries, if trends are not stabilized in this century.
If current trends continue we face a warming trend unseen since human civilization began 10,000 years ago. (IPCC 2001) and unseen back 50 million years (IPCC 2007). Projected: + 2.0 - 4.0 degree C in this century. • According to best science, effects of current trends will be dire by the end of the 21st century (IPCC, May 2007) • 20-30 % plant & animal species will approach extinction • Coasts eroded, then flooded by 2070s, hundreds of millions inundated, esp. So. Asia, and the world’s big coastal cities • Up to 40% melt of ice/snow at high altitudes, flooding & then loss of water supply where 1 of 6 live in So. Asia, affecting 1 billion by 2050 Minus 10-30% precipitation in mid latitudes, eg Mediterranean, Africa, S. Eur • Increased droughts, heat waves, floods, storms, scarcity of water and food, spread of infections diseases • Latest data (2012) suggests some irreversible & connected tipping point climate & eco- disasters could start after 2017, esp. artic methane release, ocean acidification, and ice melt Methane Tipping Point SoonOcean & IceDebate Favors Connected Tipping Points • Will increase: Vast Human, and species death; Economic depression & collapse; Government breakdowns; civil wars & major conflicts throughout the globe.
The Really Bad NEWS: Methane At current rates of GHGas increase We are about one century away from Extinction Event GHGas levels higher than 900 ppm (CO2). \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\Under a Green Sky.docx See Last Pages, 3 scenarios. PROBLEM: the new Threat of Methane Release as Permafrost zones thaw out & undersea methane release may worsen. Methane release crisis, brief summary London Guardian Methane release crisis permafrost NBChttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVwmi7HCmSI http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2006/sep/10/russia.climatechange http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/hundreds-of-methane-plumes-discovered-941456.htmlhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42269650/ns/us_news-environment/Video, scroll to pt. 3
How Humanity is at a Turning PointSyllabus, Pg 14 • Unchecked GHG induced Climate Change threatens a great loss of human populations, similar to ancient plagues. • The developing vast changes in climates threaten established human life, civilization, species & ecologies, including the degrading of oceans eco-systems & life. • The potential for change is perhaps less than a massive Comet impact, but greater than the Industrial Revolution, Colonialism & the World Wars. • Human ability to adapt away from global fossil-fuel based Industrial-urban growth capitalism, and toward sustainable, environmentally balanced economies is actually possible. (Syllabus pg. 9) http://www.globalpolicy.org/social-and-economic-policy/the-environment/climate-change/49860.html?itemid=986 • But change in time to avert disaster is politically difficult, apparently possible, but far from certain.
What Is Sustainable Development ? http://www.hks.harvard.edu/sustsci/ists/docs/whatisSD_env_kates_0504.pdf • Since 1972, SD attempts to reconcile development aspirations with the need to preserve the basic ecological life support systems of Earth. Examples of: http://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Slideshow:Examples_of_Sustainable_Development • The practice of SD is an ongoing dialogue and re-definition in 40 plus years of scientific work & political agreements • Originally it was defined as the “ability to make development sustainable—to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” 1987 UN Bruntland Commission, and Board on Sustainable Development of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brundtland_Commission • By 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development defined it as “three pillars of sustainable development” economic develop- ment, human-social development and environmental protection & preservation—at local, national, regional and global levels.” • Human-social development emphasizes “human well-being,” “social justice,’’ “equity,” and “poverty & hunger alleviation.” • Major Policy Examples: Electronic Course File \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\Climate.Change.Policies.Major.Examples.docx The Amazing Milpahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milpa http://themilpaproject.com/folio_images/9.html
SCIENCE DENIERS – Bought & Paid For Understanding The Science Deniers 101 http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Global_warming_skeptics_(detail) More Sources of Science Denial and political disinformation follow Global.Warming.ScienceDeniers.Rebuttals.docx How to Talk to A Science Denier http://scienceblogs.com/illconsidered/2008/07/how_to_talk_to_a_sceptic.php
Cheney background 1Philip Cooney background Exxon & Koch Bros. Denial Campaign after 1997 See WebLinks & Lecture Files Below Titled: • At least $140 million for Science Denial from Koch Bros. & Exxon-Mobil • Koch Bros. Surpass Exxon, latest data • Leading World Science Group, the British Royal Society criticizes Exxon for funding fake science denial 2006 Royal Society vs Exxon • http://www.ucsusa.org/news/press_release/ExxonMobil-GlobalWarming-tobacco.html • \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\ExxonClimateDenialEvidence.docx • The Original 2007 Union of Concerned Scientists Report • http://www.exxposeexxon.com/facts/gwdeniers.html Brief description • Exxon Warming Deniers Network • http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/global_warming/exxon_report.pdf • \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\ExxonWarmingDeniersNetwork.docx • Exxon Climate Denial Campaign • http://www.exxposeexxon.com/facts/globalwarming.html • http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/campaigns/global-warming-and-energy/exxon-secrets MAP FROM EXXON TO PAID-FOR DENIERS • \\wustore4\home\zzhamilt\My Documents\ExxonScienceDenialCampaign.docx
British Royal Science Academy Protests Exxon’s Deceptions. British Scientists • Exxon-Mobil & Koch Bros. (probably $200 million) Science Denial Campaign was modeled after Tobacco denial of cancer, using the same bogus paid-for “scientists”. This has been proven in the scientific work Merchants of Doubt • Create a vast echo chamber of false Front Organizations, seemingly independent groups with the express purpose of spreading disinformation • Funnel $50 million direct to these organizations, and with the Koch Brothers coordinate $200 million in a gigantic disinformation campaign since 1997 • FUND ABOUT A DOZEN BOGUS SCIENTISTS N:\My Documents\Global.Warming.ScienceDeniers.Rebuttals.docx • And CREATE BOGUS SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTES to help “launder information” –eg, repeatedly publish false “information” articles with different titles • Publish faked scientific peer-reviewed articlesand faked “Signed Letters of Scientists” in bogus journals, only to have the named Scientists refute that they signed the letter, and refute that they ever did the studies (Scientific American itself testified to this deception). • Prop up discredited studies and misleading information through Bogus News Services, and especially • use favorite paid-for “Big Mouth” science-lying conservative outlets like FOX News, and Rush Limbaugh to spread false information, especially about the bogus “Climate-gate” in 2009 (for the truth see Richard Muller, slide 7) FactCheck.org on climategate liesBogus Climategate
THE DANGEROUS DECADE OF PAID-FOR LIES • From 2000 – 2008 Get Dick Cheney as Vice President to place top industry officials into highest government positions to actually suppress government scientists, and alter official reports to Congress. • Today, get the Republican party “bought & paid for” denier Congressmen & Senators who in 2011 are now the new Chairmen of Congressional Committees to start de-funding proposals, de-regulation and information suppression campaigns against the EPA and other government agencies in the 2011 and 2012 Congress , to strip their power to regulate and report true science on Climate change and GHG http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/677-e2-wire/153089-vitter-unveils-bill-to-expand-drilling-block-epa-climate-ruleshttp://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/677-e2-wire/153299-chu-blasts-house-gop-efforts-to-slash-energy-research-funding • From all these paid-for lies, keep Americans “in the dark” & the Government from DOING ANYTHING for more than a decade • Bogus-paid for Climate change denial in 2013 is not so “popular” in the aftermath of the current terrible Hot Summers, the predicted terrible Drought, Hurricane Sandy & strange tornadoes & winters, and the creeping international news about huge Artic Methane Release & Ice Melt
REMEMBER How to understand Basic Lies & Propaganda BIG Money is BIG POWER Propaganda & Lies
MAKE THE LIE BIG. SIMPLE. APPEALING. KEEP SAYING IT, And they’ll all believe it… Adolph Hitler Joseph Goebbels