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Warsaw, 25 th April 2012. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC. José L. Abelleira, PhD candidate EPFL, CERN Beams dep. Supervised by F. Zimmermann, CERN Beams dep.
Warsaw, 25th April 2012 Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC José L. Abelleira, PhD candidate EPFL, CERN Beams dep. Supervised by F. Zimmermann, CERN Beams dep. Thanks to: S. Fartoukh, S.Russenschuck (CERN), D.Shatilov (BINP SB RAS,Novosibirsk), R. Tomas (CERN), C. Milardi, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma))
Contents Flat beam optics. Comparison. Double half-quadrupole Large Piwinski angle & crab-waist collisions Luminosity Future work, open questions Conclusions Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Flat beam optics Local chromatic correction in Y. First time ever for LHC! Peak luminosity To increase luminosity: -Reduce both σx* and σ y* -Substantially reduce σy* sext1 sext3 sext2 βx*=1.5 m βy*=1.5 cm Crab –waist collisions Chromatic correction βx*βy*=15cmx15cm (nominal ATS optics with crab cavities) π/2 π/2 π/2 3π/2 π 5π/2 Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Reference orbit 15σy 45 mm 2 mrad 15σx Minimum required according to beam-beam simulations. σx/ σy=10 Large crossing angle-> large Piwinski angle Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Actual LHC optics IP The 2 beams see opposite gradients + + Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Flat beam LHC optics IP The 2 beams see the same gradients - + How to produce opposite gradient in the same pipe? - + Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Double half-quad S.Russenschuck NbTi g=115 T/m B0=-5.8 T Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Kick due to the dipolar term Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Matching Arc (MQ11) Arc (MQ11) βx=20 m βy=207 m Dx=0.6 m βx=127 m βy=21 m Dx=1.5 m FF MS DS Separation bending magnets Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Large Piwinski angle Luminosity reduction through F but… 1-Decrease overlapping area. Lower βy decrease Hourglass effect limits βy decrease Head-on or small φ Large Piwinski angle ! Collision section (CS) 2-More particles N for the same beam-beam tune shift 3-It opens the possibility for crab-waist collisions Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Crab-waist collisions With Large Piwinski Angle Collision Point ≠ Interaction Point P.Raimondi, D.Shatilov, M. Zobov Normal collision scheme Crab-waist collision scheme Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Crab-waist collisions P.Raimondi, D.Shatilov, M. Zobov Sextupole strength In particular Conditions Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Crab-waist simulations CW = 0 CW = 0.5 Dmitry Shatilov Mikhail Zobov Resonance suppression Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Luminosity gain Luminosity (1034 cm-1s-1 ) Main limitation: the crossing angle due to the separation of the double half quad Further improvements in the double half-quad. design can reduce the crossing angle (Nb3Sn) θ/2= 2 mrad θ/2=1 mrad Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Flat emittance εy ε ε βy* σhq βhq σhq βhq εx Limitation: aperture of the half quad Solution: reduce εy keeping constant εxεy • Squeeze of the emittance ellipse • βy increase in the half-quad.->reduction on σy*= sqrt(εyβy*) • βx decrease in the half-quad.->reduction of horizontal chromatic aberrations • ->increase on σx*= sqrt(εxβx*) • ->Geometric reduction factor increased F=(1+(ϴ/2)σz/σx)-1/2 • Luminosity increase through significant σy* reduction and F increase Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Flat emittance Keep εxεy constant and vary εx/εy Θ=4 mrad N=2x1011 Luminosity Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Work in the next months • Study of the aberrations • Rematch the dispersion • Improvement of the half-quad • Dynamic aperture • Beam-beam simulations Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Open questions • Field quality of the double half-quad & correction scheme • Dispersion matching for the chromatic correction • 2nd order dispersion cancellation Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Conclusions • An extremely-flat beam optics (βy*/βy*=100) is conceptual possible for LHC • Large Piwinski angle, to reduce the collision area and allow for a lower βy decrease • Local vertical chromatic correction • Possibility to have crab waist collisions that can increase luminosity and suppress resonances • Can accept higher brightness. • The performance of the new optics can be improved • Future half-quad designs (Nb3Sn) • Using a flat emittance • HE-LHC? Already flat emittance due to SR Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.
Thank you… …For your attention Jose L. Abelleira. Towards an extremely-flat beam optics with large crossing angle for the LHC.