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VO Activities at ESO Paolo Padovani, ESO Head, VO Systems Department, DMD EURO-VO Facility Centre Scientist. ESO Paranal. 12 instruments offered at last call (Sept. 29) [+ 2 sub-mm]. ESO La Silla. 8 instruments offered at last call (Sept. 29). The ESO archive. The ESO archive: VO challenges.
VO Activities at ESOPaolo Padovani, ESOHead, VO Systems Department, DMD EURO-VO Facility Centre Scientist P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
ESO Paranal 12 instruments offered at last call (Sept. 29) [+ 2 sub-mm] P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
ESO La Silla 8 instruments offered at last call (Sept. 29) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
The ESO archive P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
The ESO archive: VO challenges Ground-based: calibrations/observing conditions changing on a nightly basis Varied: 20 different instruments, ranging from imagers and spectrographs to polarizers and interferometers; optical and sub-mm Evolving: 2nd generation VLT instruments coming + Public Surveys and ALMA Large: currently 100 Tb (compressed), expected growth x 15 in the next ~ 6 years P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
VO-compliant archive The VO requires data centres to have a “VO-layer” to: • “translate” any locally defined parameter to the standard (IVOA compliant) ones (e.g., RA can be called in many different ways) • hide any observatory/telescope/instrument specific detail and work in astronomical units: e.g., wavelength range/band (not grism or filter name), spectral resolution, field of view, limiting magnitude provide the right meta-data (data about data) The VO will work at best with high level “science-ready” data data centres should make an effort to provide such data P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
VO @ ESO • VO Systems (VOS) department created in the Data Management & Operations Division (DMD) Nov. 2004 to formalize ESO VO work. Its tasks: • make the ESO archive into a real scientific resource for the ESO community by: • creating, ingesting, and publishing “Advanced Data Products” (ADP) [science ready, level 3] • making the archive “VO-compliant” [provide access via VO standards and tools] • develop VO technology, standards, and tools • develop the VO Facility Centre with ESA • take care of all ESO archive interfaces (Jan 2006) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
VOS Dept. VOSystems Paolo Padovani Advanced Data Products Piero Rosati VO Technology Markus Dolensky Facility Centre Paul Harrison J.-C. Malapert Bruno Rino Fabien Chereau (Oct. 06) Andreas Wicenec E. Hatziminaoglou (Dec. 06) Nausicaa Delmotte Jörg Retzlaff Charles Rite Remco Slijkhuis Benöit Vandame Myha Vuong (DFO) NN (DCA funded) 14 FTEs, 3 EC funded (2 VO-TECH+ 1 DCA) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
Current ESO VO Work Improved archive interface (http://archive.eso.org) [VO Table format output, prototype SIA service] Science-driven requirements already implemented into ESO metadata repository and data models to serve both the real and virtual observatory (behind the scene) Creation of Advanced Data Products (ADP = “science-ready” data) Preparation well under way for ADP ingestion and publication (metadata extraction and mapping tool) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
VO Table ESO Science Archive New InterfaceA first step towards a VO-compliant interface As of 4 Apr 2005, ESO SAF is open worldwide to the astronomical community • Complex queries by: • Coordinates, target name • Input lists • Scheduling info. • Proposal information • Instrument, obs cat. P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
ISAAC/GOODS release Sept. 30 2005 ADP Production Built the ADP/MVM data reduction system for the production of ADP, specifically for ISAAC, WFI, VIMOS, SOFI and other VLT imaging instruments (based on the EIS/MVM software) Released on Sept. 30 2005 the ISAAC/GOODS ADP, reduced with the ADP/MVM (astrometrically calibrated stacked images and mosaics reduced from 11,600 science frames, 10,600 calibration frames, photometrically calibrated using SOFI data) Part of the GOODS/ESO Public Programme in Chandra Deep Field South (PI: Cesarsky) Deepest large nearIR field carried out to date: 160 arcmin2 in J & K, 127 arcmin2 H (J, H, K: 25.5, 25, 25 ABlim at 5s) • Extensive use by worldwide community; complements HST and Spitzer data for galaxy evolution studies out to z~7 • Users highly satisfied with data quality (0.4-0.6” seeing, good inter-calibration) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
ADP Ingestion & Publication ADP currently scattered around the community will be collected, validated and published into archive (according to detailed guidelines) [paradigm change] ESO now requires ADP from Large Programs and upcoming VST & Vista surveys Science-ready imaging ADP are being produced by ADP/MVM A “VO-compliant” data ingestion interface is being developed P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
EURO-VO Projects • DCA! • VO-TECH: work integrated within ESO (SED builder [mag. to flux conversion], user certification [Single-Sign-On], VOSpace specification and prototype) • Facility Centre: a joint ESO/ESA activity, physically located at ESO P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
The EURO-VO FC • An operational organization, that provides the EURO-VO with a persistent, centralized registry for resources, standards and certification mechanisms as well as community support for VO technology take-up and scientific programs (the EURO-VO “public face”) • At present, resources provided by ESO & ESA at a “best-effort” level (≈ 1 FTE; no EU funding: FP7 proposal!?) • EURO-VO FC Astronomer, Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, will join VOS on Dec. 1 • First Activities: • Selection of EURO-VO Science Advisory Committee; held first meeting in April at ESO, second meeting planned for Nov. 22 at ESRIN • New EURO-VO Web pages (http://www.euro-vo.org/) • EURO-VO technical workshop (ESO June 2005), with EURO-VO partners (http://www.euro-vo.org/workshop2005) P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
EURO-VO Workshop Jun. 27 - July 1 2005 120 participants from 47 institutions and 16 different countries P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
Our Plans • More ADP (internal and above all from ESO PIs) • Brand new VO-compliant archive interface (based on metadata registry) part of new ESO portal • VO tools to enhance archive interface: e.g., • Visualization of multi-wavelength data sets/observations building on AVO and AstroVirtel experience • Integrated browsing of imaging and spectral data • Flux conversions based on optical element database • Spectral Energy Distribution building, spectral templates and models • Data quality (Quality Control products) • All this by 2008 P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting
DCA Project ESO’s interests: WP3, lead with ESA (16 person-months) WP6 (2 person-months) WP3 is the largest WP in terms of FTEs (68/170 p-m) and includes also: CNRS, INAF, INTA, NOVA, LU Preliminary Data Centre census: first input of “essential VO archives” was given by the SAC at its first meeting. It includes ~ 35 entries P. Padovani, 1st DCA Board Meeting