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Boy Scout Troop 2012. Scouting Nuts & Bolts - June 2014. TROOP 2012 LEADERSHIP. Scoutmaster: Don Miller (Wood Badge / Trained SM) Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) : Jason Stripling (Trained ASM, Search & Rescue MBC) ASM : Rey Frias (Eagle Scout / Order of the Arrow / Trained ASM)
Boy Scout Troop 2012 Scouting Nuts & Bolts - June 2014
TROOP 2012 LEADERSHIP • Scoutmaster: Don Miller (Wood Badge / Trained SM) • Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM): Jason Stripling (Trained ASM, Search & Rescue MBC) • ASM: Rey Frias(Eagle Scout / Order of the Arrow / Trained ASM) • ASM: Dean Leonard (Trained ASM) • ASM: Chuck Vanek(Fire & Rescue) • ASM: Bill Deal (Eagle Scout, new leader) • ASM: Mike Meyers (Venture Scout, new leader) • Committee Chair: Erik Quist (Eagle Scout) • Treasurer: Yasmin Frias • Advancement: Gina Latorre • Camping Event Coordinator: Alissa Miller • Fundraising: Mary Bergamini • Quartermaster: Nirmala Nallamala/Gina Latorre • Webmasters: Dean Leonard/Gina Latorre • Troop Communications: Gina Latorre • Merit Badge Coordinator: Rich Eitzel(Wood Badge, Trained ASM) • Charter Organization Representative: Gina Latorre
ABOUT TROOP 2012 • Chartered in January 2013 through • Arcola United Methodist Church • Ten (10) original members, currently 29 scouts. • Cub Scout Pack 2010 is our primary feeder pack. • Others include Middleburg’s Pack 1737; • South Riding Packs 282, 910, & 1148; • Brambleton Pack 1500. • Meetings every Tuesday from 6:50pm-8pm from late-August thru end of June, with one-week Summer Camp in July. Monthly Patrol Meetings scheduled by Patrol Leader. • Boy-led Troop • Adult Committee oversees troop business • and conducts Scouts’ Board of Review
ADVANCEMENT Scout Tenderfoot 2nd Class 1st Class Star Life Eagle • Currently, there are Six Boy Scout Ranks, culminating with Eagle Scout. • Boys complete “Joining Requirements” and earn the “Scout” badge (similar to a Cub Scout Bobcat). AOL recipients have already completed most of the Joining Requirements. • For the first three ranks (Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, &1st Class) beginner scouts learn skills for outdoors, self-sufficiency, and citizenship. These requirements can be fulfilled concurrently. • For the last three ranks (Star, Life and Eagle) scouts earn merit badges, perform service projects, and serve in leadership roles. • As scouts advance, they shift from ‘learner’ to ‘leader’ and are expected to teach new scouts. • In addition to Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster, we allow First Class, Star, Life or Eagle scouts to sign-off any Tenderfoot, Second Class or First Class requirements. We encourage scouts to go to higher ranking scouts for sign-off. This helps build relationships with the scout leadership.
SCOUT HANDBOOK • The Scout Handbook is: your guide to individual advancement • Scouts receive one handbook: bring it everywhere but above all… protect it! • Each requirement has a corresponding page number where a scout can learn what it takes to complete the requirement. • Service Logs and Camping Logs are in the back of the handbook. • Signatures required. • *See the Troop Website • for more information:
CONFERENCE & REVIEW • After completing rank requirements, the SCOUT must schedule a “Scoutmaster Conference”. • During this 15 to 30 minute meeting (with any ASM), the Scout presents his handbook and demonstrates his knowledge of the rank requirements. • After a successful SM Conference, and the Scoutmaster or ASM has signed his handbook, the SCOUT must request a Board of Review from a Committee Member. • A Board of Review is a meeting between the scout and 3 to 6 Adult Committee Members. • During the BOR, the scout is interviewed about his experience with the troop and his records reviewed. Frequently asked to state: Scout Oath, Law, and Outdoor Code, etc. • The scout may also be asked to present his Blue Cards, Service Logs, & Camping Logs • Upon successful completion of the BOR, the handbook is signed and the scout has officially rank advanced. • SM Conferences and BOR’s are • considered formal events and the • scout is expected to be in FULL • Class A Uniform with their • Handbook and records.
MERIT BADGES • BSA has 135 Merit Badges • Earn MBs any time after earning the “Scout” rank. • 13 specific MBs are required for Eagle: • First Aid, Citizenship in Community, Citizenship in Nation, Citizenship in World, Communication, Cooking, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness/Lifesaving, Environmental Science/Sustainability, Personal Management, Swimming/Hiking/Cycling, Camping, Family Life • 8 MBs from any category are also required for Eagle • Some Eagle Required are necessary for lower ranks • Summer Camp is a great opportunity to earn them • Begin by contacting MB Coordinator, Mr. Eitzel • Fairfax & Loudoun County offer MB Classes quarterly • Visit the website for an Introduction to Merit Badges
BLUE CARDS • It is a 3 part card: • Counselor’s Record (maintained by the instructor) • Applicant’s Record (maintained by the scout) • Unit Record (maintained by the troop) • To earn a Merit Badge, scouts are first issued “Blue Card” by the MB Coordinator (Rich) • Scouts complete the MB requirements for their counselor and present their work. • MB Counselor (MBC) fills out and signs the blue card, keeping one part for their records. • SCOUT presents the card to the Scoutmaster for countersignature. • SCOUT presents the 2 remaining parts of the signed card to Troop Advancement Chair (Gina) • At the next Court of Honor (quarterly awards ceremony), the Scout receives his Merit Badge along with the “Applicant’s Record” portion of the blue card. • SCOUTS MUST MAINTAIN THESE BLUE CARDS FOR THE DURATION OF THEIR SCOUT TENURE. They will be asked to present them at Boards of Review. If they cannot produced them, a new blue card must be re-earned.
SERVICE LOGS • Rank Service hours may only be attributed to the rank you are working toward i.e. you cannot earn hours as a Tenderfoot and attribute them to Star rank. • Service must be PRE-approved by the Scoutmaster. • In Troop 2012, for PRE-approval, the scout must provide the Scoutmaster with a write-up: • Who are you serving • What are you doing • Where are you doing it • When are you doing it • Why are you doing it • How are you providing service and leadership • Scout must obtain signatures from a Service Organization Representative. • Scout should maintain Service Logs like Blue Cards.
ORGANIZING FROM THE START 1.5” 3-Ring Binder to hold Blue Cards, Rank Cards, & Service Logs Trading Card Sleeve to hold Rank & Blue cards (Wal-Mart) Sheet Protectors or 3 hole punch for Service Logs Dedicated ‘scout bag’ for handbook, pencil, & binder
CAMPING Troop offers 10 camping trips per year, plus Summer Camp (6-night). Each camping trip is an optional, ‘pay-as-you-go’ opportunity for scouts to fulfill Tenderfoot through First Class requirements and learn the Patrol Method. Camping Duty Roster PATROL METHOD BSA states: “The patrol method allows Scouts to interact in a small group outside the larger troop context, working together as a team and sharing the responsibility of making their patrol a success. A patrol takes pride in its identity, and the members strive to make their patrol the best it can be. ”
PATROL CAMPING GEAR CAMP STOVE 2-burner PATROL BOX Cooking/Supplies DRY BOX Non-fridge food Cooler with Ice/Ice Packs Collapsible 5-gallon Water Pot/Pan set Dutch Oven
SCOUT CAMPING GEAR Tarp Rope Stakes Tent Backpack Sleeping bag Rain Suit Chair Lamp H2O Hygiene Personal 1st Aid Pillow Pad Mess Kit Camp Ash Gloves Clothes First Aid Bivvy Headlamp Whistle, Flint, Compass
PAY-AS-YOU-GO TROOP • Monthly sign-ups go out for scouts to register and pay to attend that month’s outing. Participation is optional. • Adult chaperones do not pay to participate (except for summer camp & some large ticket campouts like white water rafting). • Cost varies depending on the activity & facilities. Cabin camping costs more than tent camping, but less than a battleship campout. • As we grow, fundraising events can offset cost. And financial aid is available. Scout Accts. • Occasionally other costs will arise, but camping is currently the troop’s largest expense.
TROOP ADULT COMMITTEE Charter Organization Rep Gina Latorre COMMITTEE CHAIR Erik Quist SCOUTMASTER Don Miller Fundraising Mary Bergamini & __________ Secretary Erik Quist Assistant Scoutmaster Jason Stripling Senior Patrol Leader CJ Vanek Quartermaster Vacant Treasurer Yasmin Frias ASM - Eagle Mentor Rey Frias PLC Activity Coordinator Alissa Miller & ___________ Webmaster Dean & Gina ASM - Training Dean Leonard Board of Review Gina Latorre MB Coordinator Rich Eitzel ASM Bill Deal Advancement Gina Latorre Membership Vacant Troop Communications Gina Latorre Uniforms Nirmala Nallamala ASM New Scout Vacant Webelos-to-Scouts Gina Latorre Service Projects Sheila Donaldson ASM Vacant Transportation Vacant Order of the Arrow Vacant
ADULT OPPORTUNITIES Roundtable • Duties: Attend District roundtable meeting and report back to committee • Time commitment: 2.5 hours/month • This can be shared by multiple volunteers Transportation Coordinator • Duties: Coordinate transportation needs to each outing • Time commitment: 2 hours/month Secretary • Duties: Attend monthly committee meeting, take notes and email to leaders • Timecommitment: 2 hours/month Quartermaster • Duties: Mentor scout Quartermaster on inventorying troop gear • Time commitment: 2 hours/month Board of Review • Duties: Participate in Board of Reviews scheduled at troop meetings • Time commitment: 3-4 hours/month Uniforms • Duties: Procure, inventor, and distribute troop patches and neckerchiefs • Time commitment: 6-8 hours/year
ADULT OPPORTUNITIES Membership • Duties: Ensure a smooth transition of new scouts provide orientation to new parents • Time commitment: 15 hours/year Fundraising • Duties: Organize and supervise fundraising events • Time commitment: 6 hours/month Assistant Scout Master • Duties: Mentor scouts at troop meetings and monthly outings • Time commitment: 10 hours/month plus outings
Q & A It’s a lot of information. We’re happy to answer questions or explain it again. We encourage you AND YOUR SCOUT to ask…