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Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxies 3C 120 and 3C 111

Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxies 3C 120 and 3C 111. Ritaban Chatterjee YCAA Seminar, September 22 nd , 2009. Data Sources. X-Ray (RXTE-PCA) and VLBA: A. Marscher, S. Jorstad (BU) 37 GHz : Anne Lahteenmaki, Merja Tornikoski, Talvikki Hovatta (Metsahovi Observatory, Finland).

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Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxies 3C 120 and 3C 111

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  1. Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxies 3C 120 and 3C 111 Ritaban Chatterjee YCAA Seminar, September 22nd, 2009.

  2. Data Sources • X-Ray (RXTE-PCA) and VLBA: A. Marscher, S. Jorstad(BU) • 37 GHz : Anne Lahteenmaki, Merja Tornikoski, Talvikki Hovatta(Metsahovi Observatory, Finland). • R Band: I. McHardy (U. Southampton), Kevin Marshall, H. Richard Miller, Wesley T. Ryle(Georgia State) • V Band: Large international team (please see ApJ paper for details) led by Martin Gaskell(U. Texas, Austin, U. Nebraska, Lincoln).

  3. AGN: Definition “An active galactic nucleus (AGN) is a compact region at the center of a galaxy which has a much higher than normal luminosity over some or all of the electromagnetic spectrum. The radiation from AGN is believed to be a result of accretion on to a super-massive black hole at the centre of the host galaxy.” -Wikipedia

  4. AGN : Unified Picture Blazar BLRG 3C 120 and 3C 111 are BLRGs Courtesy: C.M. Urry & P. Padovani

  5. Mirabel & Rodriguez 1998, Nature,392, 673.

  6. OUTLINE • Why time variability • 3C 120, 3C 111: Characteristic timescale • 3C 120, 3C 111: X-ray/optical production mechanism(s) and location • 3C 120, 3C 111: Accretion disk-jet connection • Effect of these results on AGN-BHXRB connection • Future Plans

  7. Why Time Variability?

  8. Thesis Title • Multi-Frequency Time variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

  9. Alternative Titles • Reliable Information from Variable Emission • Variable Emission, Dependable Results • Consistent Information from Variable Emission: Multi-Frequency Time Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

  10. 3C 279 Optical (STScI DSS) VLBA (BU blazar group) 3C 279 Z=0.536 1 mas = 6.3 pc Gamma-Ray (CGRO team)

  11. Use of Time Variability Analysis • Upper limit to physical size : R ≤ cΔt' • Power spectral density (amplitude of variability as a function of timescale) => periodicity, characteristic timescales • Correlation and light curve decomposition (Comparison of flux at different wavelengths) => structure and emission mechanism(s)

  12. OUTLINE • Why time variability • 3C 120, 3C 111: Characteristic timescale • 3C 120, 3C 111: X-ray/optical production mechanism(s) and location • 3C 120, 3C 111: Accretion disk-jet connection • Effect of these results on AGN-BHXRB connection • Future Plans

  13. 3C 120 1. BLRG 2. FR-I 3. z=0.033 4. Angle between jet axis and line of sight ~20o 5 GHz Image: Walker, Benson & Unwin 1987 ApJ, 316, 546

  14. 3C 111 1. BLRG 2. FR-II 3. z=0.048 4. Angle between jet axis and line of sight ~20o 1.4 GHz Image: Linfield & Perley 1984, ApJ, 279, 60

  15. Why 3C 120 and 3C 111?

  16. Variability at different timescales Power Spectral Density (PSD) => Amplitude of variability as a function of timescale

  17. X-Ray PSD of Cygnus X-1 : Break BH Mass vs. Break Time Scale Uttley et al. 2004, MNRAS

  18. 3C 120 X-Ray Power Spectral Density (PSD) Break Frequency =10-5 Hz Break Time Scale =2 Days

  19. 3C 120 BH Mass vs. Break Time Scale X-Ray PSD of Cygnus X-1 : Break Uttley et al. 2004, MNRAS, 348, 783

  20. 3C 111 3C 120 BH Mass vs. Break Time Scale X-Ray PSD of Cygnus X-1 : Break These radio galaxies have characteristic timescales similar to the Galactic BH systems =>Accretion processes in a large range of BH masses (10-108 Msun) have similar properties Uttley et al. 2004, MNRAS, 348, 783

  21. Working on 3C 120 ! . . . . . . Are you in Craig Walker’s group?

  22. OUTLINE • Why time variability • 3C 120, 3C 111: Characteristic timescale • 3C 120, 3C 111: X-ray/optical production mechanism(s) and location • 3C 120, 3C 111: Accretion disk-jet connection • Effect of these results on AGN-BHXRB connection • Future Plans

  23. Light Curves of 3C 120 between 2002 and 2007 X-RAY OPTICAL RADIO Chatterjee et al. 2009, ApJ, in press

  24. 3C 120: X-ray/Optical Correlation Chatterjee et al. 2009, ApJ, in press

  25. Light Curves of 3C 111 between 2002 and 2007 X-RAY OPTICAL RADIO Chatterjee et al. 2009, in preparation

  26. 3C 111: X-ray/Optical Correlation X-ray leads Optical by 15±5 days Chatterjee et al. 2009, in preparation

  27. Optical emission is blackbody radiation from the accretion disk • Thermal optical/UV seed photons are inverse-Compton scattered to X-rays by hot electrons in the corona • Modeling of the accretion disk-corona system

  28. Model of the Accretion Disk/Corona System Chatterjee et al. 2009, ApJ, in press

  29. X-ray and Optical model flares Disturbance is propagating toward the center Disturbance is propagating away from the center Chatterjee et al. 2009, ApJ, in press

  30. Feedback in Accretion Disk/Corona System

  31. X-ray and Optical Model Flares (Including Feedback)

  32. OUTLINE • Why time variability • 3C 120, 3C 111: Characteristic timescale • 3C 120, 3C 111: X-ray/optical production mechanism(s) and location • 3C 120, 3C 111: Accretion disk-jet connection • Effect of these results on AGN-BHXRB connection • Future Plans

  33. Movie Time!

  34. Superluminal Ejections Follow X-ray Dips in 3C 111 • X-rays are produced in the accretion disk, radio emission is from the jet • Connection between X-ray and radio emission => Connection between accretion disk and jet Chatterjee et al. 2009, in preparation

  35. Possible Explanation of theX-ray Dip and Superluminal Ejection Correlation • Change in the magnetic field configuration in the accretion disk from turbulent to aligned • absence of viscous heating causes dips in X-ray production • aligned B field configuration facilitates shock to move toward the jet (Livio et al. 2003) X-ray production Weaker flow in the jet Turbulent Decrease in X-ray production Increase in flow in the jet Aligned

  36. OUTLINE • Why time variability • 3C 120, 3C 111: Characteristic timescale • 3C 120, 3C 111: X-ray/optical production mechanism(s) and location • 3C 120, 3C 111: Accretion disk-jet connection • Effect of these results on AGN-BHXRB connection • Future Plans

  37. The next three slides are from: Rob Fender, U. Southampton, UK.

  38. source gets very bright and ‘softens’ Outburst source remains soft for some time then fades away, returning to hard X-ray spectrum after, typically, 10+ years of relative peace, accretion rate increases The life and times of a black hole X-ray binary… ~1.0 ~0.1 ~0.01 X-ray Luminosity / Eddington <10-6 Quiescence soft spectrum hard spectrum hardness X-ray

  39. More powerful, hard sources have more powerful, steady jets… As source softens, jet velocity increases abruptly, causing internal shock in jet Faint, hard source have steady, ~1 jets Subsequently, soft states show no jet

  40. Bright, radio- quiet AGN (with old lobes?) Relation to AGN ? ~1.0 Bright, Radio-loud AGN ~0.1 ~0.01 Luminosity / Eddington LLAGN <10-6 Sgr A* Quiescence <10-9 soft hard hardness X-ray

  41. Fundamental Plane of BH Activity (edge-on view) Merloni, Heinz & Di Matteo 2003, MNRAS, 345, 1057

  42. Conclusions • X-ray and optical emission from the accretion disk/corona system • Corona lies within ~50 gravitational radii • Similar characteristic timescale in accreting BH systems of masses 10-108 Msun • Connection between accretion disk and jet • Similarity with galactic black hole X-Ray Binaries: Universality of BH systems

  43. Future Plans • More detailed theory of the time variable emission from the accretion disk-corona system. • Analysis and interpretation of X-ray binary monitoring data from SMARTS. • Gamma-ray variability of blazars using Fermi data. Also related multi-wavelength data including SMARTS. • More detailed theory of the time variable emission from blazar jets.

  44. Time-Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei THE END

  45. 3C 120 X-Ray Power Spectral Density (PSD) Break Frequency =10-5 Hz Break Time Scale =2 Days

  46. X-rays corona UV accretion disk BH The Accretion-Disk/Corona Complex Simple modeling of the above system

  47. Spectral Energy Distribution of 3C 279 : Spanning 16 decades of Frequency Courtesy: Alan Marscher

  48. AGN : Schematic Model Cartoon courtesy: Prof. Alan Marscher

  49. X-ray light curve : Sum of model flares & real data Chatterjee et al. 2008 (ApJ, in press)

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