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Guide to Choosing the Right Fence Contractor

This PDF has been created to help make that decision easier for you by giving you some pointers on how best to choose the right fence contractor.

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Guide to Choosing the Right Fence Contractor

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  1. If you’re in the process of getting a new home, adding onto your existing property, or doing some remodeling, chances are that you’re going to have to make a decision about what type of fencing material you want to use. There are many brands on the market today and it can be quite difficult deciding which one will work best for your particular needs. This post has been created to help make that decision easier for you by giving you some pointers on how best to choose the right fence contractor. Before hiring a fence contractor, look for the following factors 1. Reputation 1. Reputation Nothing is more important than the quality of work and the service you will get from a contractor. Therefore, it's important that you actually check out the contractor's reputation before hiring them. After all, you want to know for sure that he or she knows what they're doing and that they are going to provide an excellent product for you. If possible, check out their website and look at customer reviews on sites such as Yelp or HomeAdvisor, or even Facebook groups like "Home & Garden" or "Fence Contractor". 2. Experience 2. Experience

  2. Another thing you want is someone who thinks they know everything but hasn't been doing this, or something similar, for very long. That's why finding an experienced contractor is so important, because they will most likely be more knowledgeable than someone who's new in the industry and doesn't have any experience at all. 3. Customer Service 3. Customer Service You want to make sure that the fence contractor you're looking at is going to provide excellent customer service and follow through on what they promise to do. If they're not a good customer service kind of person, then it's best to find someone else. This is one of the most important factors when choosing a fence contractor. 4. Price 4. Price This is a pretty important factor, especially when you're looking at something as important as your home's security and privacy. However, this should never be the main deciding factor in how you decide where to go with your fence project, because there's always room for negotiation. (And remember, you're going to have to pay for the materials as well.) 5. Training 5. Training Training is another really important factor to keep in mind when looking at fence contractors. Since you are hiring someone to do a job that affects your

  3. property, it's important that they are properly trained on the products and materials that they will be using during the job. 6. Insurance 6. Insurance Don't make the mistake of choosing a fence contractor who doesn't have proper insurance. The last thing you want is to find out a few weeks into your fencing project that the fence contractor isn't covered by liability and has to stop working on your property until he or she can get coverage. Trust me, it's not fun planning for your fence project to be delayed like that. A Fencing Contractor's Services 1. Fence gate installation or repair 1. Fence gate installation or repair Fence gates are probably one of the most critical parts of your fence, because they are what control who is letting in and out of your property. Not only that, but they also provide a visual appearance that can complement the rest of your fence. This is one of the reasons why you want to hire a fencing contractor that is experienced, licensed and insured. 2. Fence installation 2. Fence installation

  4. This can be a very time-consuming and difficult task, and it's something you want to make sure that your fence contractor is well-equipped to handle. Fence installation may entail digging holes, laying posts, and stringing a system of wire between them. Sometimes, if you're not careful, this can cause significant damage to your yard. 3. Fence repair 3. Fence repair Whether the fence is made of wood, metal, or some other material, they are going to need to be repaired at one point or another. Of course, most fence contractors will offer a free quote on fence repair. However, of course you want to make sure that the quote is reasonable, especially depending on the damage to your fence. 4. Fence panel replacement 4. Fence panel replacement This is another service that some fence contractors offer. If you decide to get your fence upgraded, a fence contractor will be able to help with the removal of the old panels and replacement with the new ones. This can be a very technical process, so you need to make sure that they are doing the job right. 5. Fence removal 5. Fence removal There may come a time when you may have to remove your fence. If this happens, you definitely don't want to attempt it on your own, so hiring a professional is the best way to go.

  5. How to Find and Hire a Fence Contractor When it comes time to find and hire a fence contractor, there are a number of things you want to keep in mind. For example: 1. Check with your city 1. Check with your city If you're not sure how to find a good fence contractor, one of the best places is to check with your local government and see if they can recommend someone to you. 2. Check with your neighbors 2. Check with your neighbors If you have a fence that is in working condition, there's always a chance that your neighbor may have used a fencing contractor to build it. It's pretty easy to tell if it was built by the person who currently lives there. 3. Look for local advertisements 3. Look for local advertisements Some cities have informational fliers in their local library and/or bus stops. This is where you will be able to find a fence contractor right in your own town.

  6. 4. Use the internet 4. Use the internet If you really want to find a good fencing contractor, it's best to just conduct a search online for one. There are a number of sites that post reviews of fencing contractors, as well as other people's personal experiences with them. The Bottom Line The Bottom Line Whether or not you decide to get a fence installed in your yard, it's important to take care of the areas around your property as well. A fence is no reason to neglect your home's surroundings.

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