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PLC Field trial in Arnhem The Netherlands 2. Radiating characteristics of L ow V oltage D istribution Networks

Experiments related to network issues. PLC Field trial in Arnhem The Netherlands 2. Radiating characteristics of L ow V oltage D istribution Networks. PLC Field trial in the city of Arnhem , NL. Start 2002, end May 2003 150 houses; 337 modems (included repeaters)

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PLC Field trial in Arnhem The Netherlands 2. Radiating characteristics of L ow V oltage D istribution Networks

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  1. Experiments related to network issues • PLC Field trial in Arnhem • The Netherlands • 2. Radiating characteristics of • Low Voltage Distribution • Networks

  2. PLC Field trial in the city of Arnhem, NL • Start 2002, end May 2003 • 150 houses; • 337 modems (included repeaters) • 2 Mbit/s backbone via 6 medium voltage transformer stations. (35 users per transformer station) • Modem power density -50 dBm/Hz; • DSSS Technology

  3. Operator results (Arnhem) • Users very satisfied with service, • Technology works, • Commercially not yet viable! • Practical 1,4 Mbit/s too slow for future, • Connecting 10 kV Transformers to infrastructure a logistic/economical problem, (40.000 Transformer stations to be connected).

  4. Results measurements in Arnhem • Large variations in generated fields (30 to 40 dB) • Generated Fields: • Table A (JWG Questionnaire Option 2):pass • Table B (JWG Questionnaire Option 3) NB 30: fail • A few hundreds of meters from the PLC- area the generated fields are below ‘ITU rural’ noise level. • How many measurements are needed to assess the network compliance?

  5. 2. Additional measurement campaign Radiating characteristics of Low Voltage Distribution Networks LVDN’s

  6. Radiating characteristics of LVDN’s • Voltage injection on mains wires (sym. and asym) • E and H–field measurements in and around 40 different houses: • Indoor: At 1 m and 3 m from injection point • Outdoor: At 3 m, 10 m, 100 m and 1000 m from building • ‘Antenna gain’ measurements of LVDN’s.

  7. Results • Large variations in generated fields (>40 dB)because of large variations in mains geometry • The injection of voltages equal to the CISPR-22 class B mains voltage limits can result in magnetic field levels equal to the ‘table A’ field limits at 3 m distance. However, in most cases the generated fields will be lower than the ‘table A’ limits.

  8. General conclusions • Local effects arise at locations in and around the PLC area. Further outside the PLC area fields will be lower than the existing noisefloor. BUT, the following phenomena is underestimated: • If in a large part of the world PLC networks are deployed with a large penetration rate, cumulative effects cause a rise in the noise floor in a large area (not near PLC systems!) (Applies << 50 MHz)

  9. Conclusions Local PLC- effects are well known and can be controlled in some manner Near LVDN wires Near field ‘coupling’ In and around PLC-area Groundwave Above PLC-area Direct wave

  10. Mondial PLC effects depend on deployment and penetration rate! Skywave Rise of noise floor Measured equivalent antenna gain (for sky wave) of LVDN’s in the frequency range 5 MHz- 20 MHz amounts on average -30 dBi.

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