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The Amazon FBA operational services like Amazon FBA fee’s (Amazon FBA Calculator), Shipping fee’s, Product, Advertising / Affiliate Marketing, Shopify store, Photography, Graphic Design, Samples, Virtual Assistant, Insert Cards, Follow up Email Service are provided to boost the sales of your product.
How to make money online ??? Ben Hedley | Empire Minds http://benhedley.com
The fastest way to learn with Amazon FBA Training Course This course on how to make money online and Amazon FBA took me a considerable amount of blood sweat and tears. No, not really but it did take me a TON of time. I spent countless hours editing, revising, tweaking, writing blog posts, creating quizzes etc. It is a twenty nine part course on Amazon FBA and how the entire process works. Also, it is my first course! I will create more this year but, for now, this one will have to start us into the world of ecommerce. I learned about selling on Amazon and my own Shopify store from an article on msn.com. This guy was advertising his new product and he briefly discussed Amazon FBA. It was at that exact moment that a light went off in my brain like something you would see in an old cartoon. I had an idea! Well, I guess it wasn’t really my idea…. but, I decided to pool my resources together and start selling on Amazon via Amazon FBA.
About us We are provide lessons on how to make money online. Our website have video links and blog. Helping you finding particular topic. Many people are intimidated by the idea of spending money to earn money. That is the E-Commerce way though. You cannot make it in this business if you don't take action and risk. The rewards are massive and as far as investment goes this will be the cheapest startup you will ever I would have to say that starting a business is never easy. It sure wasn’t easy with me. As an entrepreneur I have had a thousand crazy ideas that have failed or just stopped. However, when I stayed the course I turned my passions into my business. After seeing results nothing will slow you down.
How to Make Money Online In your constant pursuit to the question how to make money online: let Amazon FBA be your answer. However, before you answer the question think what are the operational details behind this business? How much will it cost? What will the time frame look like for return on investment? How much time do I need to devote to this business? These are all legitimate questions that an Amazon FBA business will have you wondering. You would be right to question an investment that could either ruin you or make you very successful. This business, is no different than any other business except the fact that, it is ran entirely online. So, how does it even work? Well I am glad you asked. Amazon FBA basically fulfills many services for you as a seller. They receive your product, advertise your product, ship your product and answer customer service questions for you. They do this all for a very small fee of $40 a month. Also, Amazon FBA integrates with your Shopifyaccount which allows you to ship product directly to your customer if the product is sold on your store. The customer is completely unaware of Amazon’s involvement and you pay Amazon a small fee. Believe me it is an amazing way to make money online.
What You'll Discover Our Website http://benhedley.com/ • The Best Tools Learn how to create 100% Amazon FBA business form the ground up. • The Overlooked Mistakes Learn from my many mistakes. These cost me money but they don't have to cost you a dime. • The Recipe Copy the exact recipe I have used to start an Amazon FBA business. If you need more information go to my Facebook group for more coaching!
Virtual Assistant I want to teach you how to use a virtual assistant. Virtual Assistants are incredible. Outsourcing in general kicks ass. I’m telling you right now they help your business reach another level. I have a full time job on top of writing blogs, putting out YouTube videos and running an ecommerce company. Now throw an energetic one year old and a beautiful wife on top of that into the mix. It is easy to see how life can get way too busy for one person to handle alone. That is why virtual assistants are complete game changers. They can do everything you learned to do long ago. Need a listing put up on Amazon? Virtual Assistant put it up. Need customer service responses? Ok, Virtual Assistant communicate with our customers. Social media marketing? Go ahead my trusty virtual assistant handle that aspect of my business. The list goes on and on. The virtual assistants that are actually good at growing accounts may be good at just that and that alone. Content may never be their strong suite. Also, English skills may not be good enough for customer relationships. So, you need to always keep that in mind. This particular virtual assistant was sourced on UpWork and he was from Bangladesh. This a beautiful country with wonderful hard working people. It is quite possibly me favorite place to source virtual assistants because the US dollar goes extremely far there. Keep in mind though they do not accept paypal, which can become a major pain in the butt.
Ecommerce There are countless ways to risk my money so I asked, why risk my money on ecommerce? Look my job isn’t to sit here and convince you that ecommerce is the business for you. You will find your way eventually on the exact way to make money (hopefully). But, for now I am going to teach you about ecommerce. I’m going to show you why I thought I needed to risk my money. Eventually you can decide for yourself. Ecommerce to me, provided an outlet. I will say I am a millennial. Like many millennial I am impatient in a ton of ways. I look for instant gratification. You might say that I am product of my environment. You would be right. We have been raised in a world of instant gratifications. We have been spoiled by technology. You want something? Go ahead one click buy that junk. That is the world I was raised in. So, when instant gratification didn’t come at my job. I decided I personally needed an outlet. I needed a place to focus my energy and time aside from my 9-5 job that would set me up for life. I am not saying I hated my job, I just needed to see success much faster. See, in my line of work I know exactly what I’ll make from now until retirement. That is a problem for me. It gives me zero incentive to work harder. It doesn’t provide any opportunity for me to think outside of the box. Basically, what my bosses were telling me was you do your time, you complete your tasks, you will get your percentage of pay increase and you can go home.
Videos available on YouTube Here some video links on YouTube-how to make money online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBJyO1vv1M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s0pWgsvzfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_7LhGMC8tI
Contact us Ben HedleyBenhedley.comKansas City, MissouriBenHedleyCo@gmail.com http://benhedley.com/
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