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Functionality of i-LIMB and i-LIMB Pulse hands: Case report. Olga van der Niet; Raoul M. Bongers, MSc, PhD; Corry K. van der Sluis, MD, PhD. Aim
Functionality of i-LIMB and i-LIMB Pulse hands: Case report Olga van der Niet; Raoul M. Bongers, MSc, PhD; Corry K. van der Sluis, MD, PhD
Aim • Determine whether functionality of three multiarticulated prosthetic hands (DMC plus, i-LIMB, i-LIMB Pulse) increased with time of use and whether grip force and robustness improved between models. • Relevance • Availability of various multiarticulated prosthetic hands makes determining differences in functionality between these hands relevant.
Method • Case: 43-year-old man with wrist disarticulation on dominant left side. • Performed series of tests with DMC plus, i-LIMB, i-LIMB Pulse at different instances in time. • Previous study: DMC plus hand and i-LIMB hand after 1 mo of training. • Current study: i-LIMB after 1 yr of use and i-LIMB Pulse after 1 mo of training and then 5 mo of training and daily use.
Results • Using i-LIMB for 1 yr improved patient’s Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure function scores. • However, i-LIMB Pulse did not improve much over 5 mo of training. • Possibly because of intense training in month before tests. • i-LIMB Pulse hand generally showed higher scores on tests and better grip strength and robustness than i-LIMB.
Conclusion • Exploration, experience, and training was needed by this experienced user of a single-degree-of-freedom hand to achieve high functionality with a multiarticulated prosthetic hand. • I-Limb Pulse has overcome shortcomings of i-LIMB • Preset grip patterns contributed to patient’s satisfaction.