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Fire Safety Engineering & Structures in Fire

Fire Safety Engineering & Structures in Fire. Development of Codes and Practice Session JT2. Workshop at Indian Institute of Science 9-13 August, 2010 Bangalore India. Structural Design. Design of Services. Design of Fire Safety Systems. Construction. No. Architectural Concept.

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Fire Safety Engineering & Structures in Fire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fire Safety Engineering & Structures in Fire Development of Codes and Practice Session JT2 Workshop at Indian Institute of Science 9-13 August, 2010 Bangalore India

  2. Structural Design Design of Services Design of Fire Safety Systems Construction No Architectural Concept Consultation with Parties • Fire Safety • Authorities • Fire Brigades Yes Construction • Fire Safety • Authorities • Fire Brigades Inspection Yes No Acceptance

  3. The Cost of Error £ Architecture Design Construction £ Unlimited Acceptance £2 £1

  4. Smoke Management • Evacuation • Access for Fire Brigade Architecture Mechanical Engineering • HVAC systems • Hydraulic Systems Civil Engineering • Detection & Alarm • Smoke Management • Suppression & Control • Fire Resistance • Evacuation • Access for F.B. • Security Fire Safety Engineering • Fire Resistance Structures

  5. Fire Safety Strategies • Prescriptive Design • Performance Based Design

  6. Life Safety Compartmentation Structure Response

  7. Life Safety Common Sense Compartmentation Locate According to manufacturers Specifications Specify According to Manufacturers Standard Test Data Structure Response Define according to simple rules (Common Sense) Common Sense Common Sense

  8. Can the same rules be applied?

  9. Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris The Dome London Intercontinental Hotel, Shanghai

  10. Compliance • Limited to conventional buildings • Conventional is less and less frequent • Construction has evolved faster than codes • Construction has evolved faster than our capacity to train authorities/engineers/fire service • Codes can only be used as a tool for the competent professional

  11. Summary • Fire Safety Engineering is a complex field that interacts with all other disciplines in the construction process • Codes and Standards (classic practises) are viable only for simple buildings – complex buildings require higher level engineering • Fire Safety Engineering is an important profession in the construction process!

  12. Fire Safety Strategies • Evacuation • Detection • Alarm • Displacement away from the fire • Crowd management • Compartmentation • Slows fire growth • Minimizes smoke spread • Response • Automatic (fire suppression) • External • Internal • Structural Integrity

  13. Evacuation Completed Untenable Conditions Structural Failure Time Lines % 100% t

  14. Untenable Conditions Evacuation Completed Solution % Structural Failure 100% t

  15. The Objectives te<<<<tf te<<<<tS ts→

  16. Allen Lambert Gallery (Canada)

  17. Unprotected structure • High Ceilings • Delayed detection • Delayed sprinkler Activation Smoke Management

  18. Egress Problem

  19. Refurbishment of Historical Monument Combined Construction Methods (Modern-Classic) Interconnected Multiple Uses Complex use of materials (plastic, steel, stone, etc.)

  20. How are these problems addressed • Can not be addressed by means of codes and standards • They are addressed by a combination of codes & standards as well as analytical tools • The process requires a complex approvals process where everyone involved has to be competent

  21. A Detailed Analysis Heron Tower • Kohn Pedersen Fox • 80 Storey Building in London • Formed of many 4 storey “villages” • Arup: Fire Engineering

  22. Key Issues • How Would a 4 Storey Fire affect: • The structural performance of the building? • Egress? • Fire Detection & Suppression?

  23. The Fire • 4 Storey Atrium Transforms the Fire • None of the conventional methods can address the unique nature of the fire • Fire needs to be modelled • Detection, Suppression and Structure need to be tested against the real fire

  24. Modelling of the Fire

  25. What does the Engineer need to know? • What does an engineer need to know to be able to conduct an adequate CFD analysis of this fire? • What does an engineer need to know to be able to transfer the fire information to test Detection, Suppression and Structure?

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