NOVEMBER Community Service Project “RESPECT – THE GOLDEN RULE” “Treat others as you want to be treated yourself!”The LYST Stingrays will help meet the needs of others by putting together care packages for the Foundation Shelter.Swimmers can pick up a BAGGIE from their Level Coach with a specific “kit” circled, as the shelter houses men, women and children.Turn in the filled baggie or plastic shoe box “kit” to your Level Coach by Friday, November 30th. MEN’S KIT WOMEN’S KIT CHILDREN’S KIT Toothbrush Toothbrush Toothbrush Toothpaste Toothpaste Toothpaste Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Hand Sanitizer Hand Sanitizer Hand Sanitizer Deodorant Deodorant Small Toy Comb Brush Comb/Brush Washcloth Washcloth Washcloth Hand Towel Hand Towel Hand Towel AA/AAA Batteries AA/AAA Batteries *NOTE: If you are able to, the Foundation Shelter is asking that all “kit” items be put in a plastic shoe box . (Plastic shoe boxes can be found at Wal-Mart, the Dollar Stores or Target.) *EXTRA: A “CARE NOTE” can be added to your kit. contact Cindy sgilmor@columbus.rr.comfor more info