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Managing People & Organizations

Managing People & Organizations. The Gateway to Career Success. Managing People & Organizations. Why study Organizational Behavior? To improve effectiveness Non-technical skills are the gateway to success

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Managing People & Organizations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Managing People & Organizations The Gateway to Career Success

  2. Managing People & Organizations Why study Organizational Behavior? • To improve effectiveness • Non-technical skills are the gateway to success • Technical skills alone are not sufficient for an organization or individual to be successful • Graduates of this program cite managing people as their #1 developmental issue

  3. Managing People & Organizations Is Organizational Behavior pretty much common sense?

  4. Managing People & Organizations What is an organization? • Any group working together to achieve common goals • Must have an ongoing purpose • Includes corporations, government agencies, family businesses, non-profits • Organizations exist within organizations

  5. Managing People & Organizations Why would an organization perform better than an equal number of individuals acting independently? • A Common goal can generate synergy • Organization solves the problem of quantity but not complexity • Individuals have limited capacity • Organizations need specialized skills • Cooperation among Specialists should increase potential • Performance is a function of the cooperation effectiveness • All of this depends on teamwork

  6. Managing People & Organizations What do managers do? • Accomplish tasks through others • Make decisions • Allocate resources • Achieve goals

  7. Managing People & Organizations Framework for management • Plan – define goals, establish strategy, plan and coordinate activities • Lead – motivate workforce, direct activities, communicate, resolve conflicts • Organize – design structure, assign tasks, decide on roles, define reporting relationships • Control – monitor activities, correct deviations, compare to goals

  8. Managing People & Organizations What do managers need? • Technical skills, • Non-technical skills, • Analytical skills

  9. Managing People & Organizations What is theory? • A system of assumptions or accepted principles • Explains the nature or behavior of a set of phenomena • There is an element of speculation • Helps us analyze, explain or predict behavior in organizations • Theory is validated through experimentation • Not the same as peoples experiences

  10. Managing People & Organizations • Theories help us to understand the practice of management • Offer insights into causality • Can guide management action and improve effectiveness

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