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Alternate K-PREP Assessment. 2014 - 2015. What’s New. Content standards are no longer referred to as just Alternate K-PREP Standards. Now referred to as Alternate K-PREP Aligned Content Standards (aligned to Kentucky Core Academic Standards [KCAS]).
Alternate K-PREP Assessment 2014 - 2015
What’s New • Content standards are no longer referred to as just Alternate K-PREP Standards. • Now referred to as Alternate K-PREP Aligned Content Standards (aligned to Kentucky Core Academic Standards [KCAS]). • Same content material provided; this nomenclature recognizes the content provided as part of KCAS, but made specific to students participating in Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment.
What’s New • ALTERNATE K-PREP ALIGNED TO KCAS FOR SCIENCE • The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) has worked with the Division of Next-Generation Learners, science consultants from the Division of Program Standards, Low Incidence Consultants (LIC) and teachers from each region to gather and confirm the selections for the new aligned science standards. In late July, the last step was to complete what is called a standards vetting process; that helped reduce the depth and complexity of the standards while maintaining alignment to the content in the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for Science.
What’s New • ALTERNATE K-PREP SCIENCE ASSESSMENT PLANS FOR 2014-15 • For the general education population, the science assessment at grades 4 and 7 will use a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for the 2014-15 school year. The NRT at grades 4 and 7 will not be part of accountability. At high school an End of Course (EOC) Biology assessment will continue and be part of accountability. • Since Alternate K-PREP does not use an NRT or EOC assessment, the following assessment plan will be used for Alternate K-PREP in 2014-15. • Grades 4 and 7 • Administer an attainment task (12 questions total, based on new aligned science standards) • Test only during the second testing window (April 20-May 22, 2015) • Provide one work sample per standard to be included in the AAAF for the new standards • Teach the new science standards in any order this year • ASSESSMENT AT 4 AND 7 WILL BE FOR PARTICIPATION ONLY, NOT PART OF ACCOUNTABILITY.
What’s New • Grade 11 • Administer an attainment task (12 questions total, based on new aligned science standards) • Test only during the second testing window (April 20-May 22, 2015) • Provide one work sample per standard to be included in the AAAF for the new standards • Teach the new science standards in any order this year • QUESTIONS REGARDING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR GRADE 11 ARE STILL BEING DISCUSSED.
What’s New • As this transition to the new standards takes place, KDE would like to emphasize that this process should occur in steps. It is recommended that the following steps be taken. • Step 1: Upon reviewing the new standards discuss them internally with general education classroom teachers to assist in making determinations on how the content can be implemented. It will be a local decision to determine in what order you wish to teach the content this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with your general education science teachers their intentions for teaching the curriculum. • Step 2: In coming months, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) plans to release additional instructional materials that will serve useful to assist in this transition. The Division of Learning Services, along with assistance from the Division of Support and Research, Division of Program Standards and low incidence consultants will work together to create materials to share. • To reiterate, for the upcoming school year the focus is science instruction. We encourage teachers to become familiar with the standards and to work with their general education teachers to develop how they will implement the new science standards in the classroom.
Alternate K-PREP Assessment Calendar 2014 - 2015 NOTE: The above dates are different from the dates found on the KDE website. Some dates may change due to situations beyond the control of JCPS.
Alignment of Standards • The Alternate Assessment aligns with grade level content standards assessed in grades 3 - 8 as well as high school. • Kentucky is required by federal law to assess all students using these content standards; however the Alternate Assessment addresses the standards in a format that is modified based on the severity of students’ needs. Order of Instruction
Attainment Tasks (AT) • Same layout used last year (combination of tasks from years 1 and 2) • Scripted test; read by test administrator • Adaptable materials that can be simplified based on the individual student needs • Dimension A students will have 4 choices (pictures) and Dimension B will have 3 • AT Binders will be sent to the BAC’s by Signature Pony 1 week prior to the testing window.
Transition Attainment Record (TAR) • Released in September; will remain open until May 22. • Assessed at grades 8, 10 and 11 (Alternate for Explore at grade 8, Plan at grade 10, and ACT at grade 11). • TAR is also available for reading and mathematics at grades 12 and 14 for CCR requirements. • One member from the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) or the Transition Team must be trained to complete the TAR. • TAR will be provided (online) after the quiz has been completed. Teacher may print TAR and share with members. • TAR scores are submitted online.
Alternate Assessment Trainings • All trainings will be web-based trainings; they will follow the same format as last year. • Overview and AT trainings are combined as one training/quiz. • A certification quiz will be required for the training. Please request to see this certificate before administering Attainment Tasks.
Student Registration Database (SRD) • There is now an Alternate K-PREP Systems homepage which links to both the Online Training System (OTS) and the Student Registration Database (SRD). • Houses student scores from both the Attainment Tasks and the Transition Attainment Record (TAR). • Tracks communication progress for students through the Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI). • More information, including a manual, will be available later this fall.
Alternate Assessment Accountability Folder (AAAF) • 8 pocket folder with labels • Cover label • Student Information • IEP Accommodations • Documentation Check list • Delivered to Schools by Pony on September 5, 2014
School Monitoring Process • Verify the following: • Completed training on Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations training provided by BAC • All required training completed • Overview/Attainment Task • Transition Attainment Record • Code of Ethics signed • Student assessment occurred one to one • Appropriate accommodations were provided • Work samples for each standard
Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training for Kentucky’s Alternate K-PREP Teachers and Instructional Assistants Important Points to address during Training • Test Security – double locked • One to One Administration • Complete online training and qualification quiz • Untimed tasks
Teacher Trainings • September 16, 2014 – CBY Bldg. 1 Conference A & B • New Teacher School Visits • E-Mails Support Middle/High Elementary
Questions?? Jessica Lyons – Data Management Research Technician Data Management, Planning & Program Evaluation/Testing Unit 485-3388 jessica.lyons@jefferson.kyschools.us Jina Gibson-Hurst – Specialist II ECE Department 485-3280 jina.gibson-hurst@jefferson.kyschools.us