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Estonia e(m)-ID and e-services Towards cross-border services Seth Lackman, ITL

Estonia e(m)-ID and e-services Towards cross-border services Seth Lackman, ITL. e-Identity. The history – ID card and x-road The present – e Services The future – cross border services. Statistics. On 30/9/2014 at 8.18 Active cards : 1 223 442 Electronic authentication : 288 235 156

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Estonia e(m)-ID and e-services Towards cross-border services Seth Lackman, ITL

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  1. Estonia e(m)-ID and e-servicesTowards cross-border servicesSeth Lackman, ITL

  2. e-Identity The history – ID card and x-road The present – e Services The future – cross border services

  3. Statistics • On 30/9/2014 at 8.18 • Active cards : 1 223 442 • Electronic authentication : 288 235 156 • Digital signatures : 177 603 774

  4. ESTONIAN INFORMATION SYSTEM X-Road was launched in 2001

  5. ID Card • Started in 1997 • Law on personal identification document in 1999 • Digital signatures Act 2000 • Government accepted plan for launching 2000 • First card issued in 2002 • Compulsory for all residence • Contains • Personal data file • Certificate for authentication along with e-mail adress (forename.surname@eesti.ee) • Certification for digital signature

  6. Mobile ID • Introduced in 2007 as an alternative to the ID card • Official document since 2011 • SIM is issed by different operators • Our digital signing software support both ID card and mobile ID • Major service providers support mobile ID for authentication and signing • Average customer does 1 transaction / day • Amount of new devices are growing (tablets, smartphone etc) • Lack of interface towards traditional PKI based on smart cards or USB token • +40.000 m-ID’s

  7. Digital signatures • DigiDocClient • Windows and IOSapplication • 5 languages • Lets users sign, verify signatures etc • ID Card not needed fordocument verification • Available at www.id.ee • DigiDoc portal • https://digidoc.sk.ee • Signing, verification,co-signing by multiplepersons

  8. Mobile Digital signature • Mobile application • Signing app in the phone can connect directly with eID on secure element • Digital signature created in mobile • Create signature in web application with mobile ID • Use mobile device browser • Create signature in mobile application with mobile ID MariLiis Männik

  9. eesti.ee

  10. E-services for which you can use ID card and mobile ID - Banks • Swedbank • SEB • Danske Bank • Nordea • LHV Pank • Krediidipank • BIGBANK • DNB Bank • Tallinn Business Bank

  11. E-services for which you can use ID card and mobile ID – Governmental institutes • E-tax office • Paperfree ARK • E-business register • Real-estate portal • Public Procurament • Krediidipank • Land register • e-Pension • e-Health (e-Patient and e-Prescription) • e-School • etc, etc,etc...

  12. E-services for which you can use ID card and mobile ID – Public services

  13. E-services for which you can use ID card and mobile ID – Private services • Telecom operators – EMT, Elisa, Tele2, Elion etc, etc • Utility companies - Estonian Energy, Elektrum, Tallinn Water, Eesti Gaas etc, etc • Retail - Prisma, Apollo, Tallinn Kaubamaja etc, etc • Insurance companies • City parking • Universities • http://id.ee/index.php?id=31007 • etc, etc • ..... and more to come

  14. Whats next? • Using ID card as a loyalty card ? • e-receipt ? • Official e-mail = physical address ? • Virtual resident (e-Estonian) ? • NFC – Near field communication • Real-time economy ? • .......Cross border services

  15. Foreign ID identication in Estonia?

  16. Cross-border services? • Digital signature • Business register – start a company • Real-estate and land register • Tax reporting • e-Patient and e-Prescription on-line • e-Road administration – buy/sell a car • e-Loyalty card and e-receipt for shopping • e-Ticket for travelling

  17. Friends – let’s co-operate! Thank you!

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