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TRAIN THE TRAINER AUGUST 2, 2008 Online Rules Meetings Beginning in the 2008-2009 school year, MHSAA rules meetings will be offered online in selected sports. A limited number of face-to-face meetings will be scheduled in these sports (3-6 meetings) that will offer the new, online option.
Online Rules Meetings • Beginning in the 2008-2009 school year, MHSAA rules meetings will be offered online in selected sports. A limited number of face-to-face meetings will be scheduled in these sports (3-6 meetings) that will offer the new, online option. • Track and Field coaches and officials participated in a successful online rules meeting pilot program this past spring. • To access the online rules meeting, an official would log into the MHSAA website using his or her MHSAA ID and password as you would do when checking ratings, accepting tournament invitations and registering online.
Online Rules Meeting, cont. • The official will then view the presentation and will have to successfully answer the questions as you move along. Once the final question has been completed, the official will receive credit for having completed the annual rules meeting requirement in that sport. • Remember that all other requirements for tournament assignments, working the minimum number of games, being an Approved official, submission of schedules and being a member in good standing of an Approved Association (basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, wrestling) remain in effect.
Online Rules Meetings, Cont. • The implementation schedule for online meetings is as follows: • 2008 Fall Sports • Soccer Online Meetings: Available from August 1-September 13. • Girls Volleyball Online Meetings: Available from August 1-September 20 • Football meetings will not be offered online during the fall of 2008. • 2008-09 Winter Sports • Basketball, Ice Hockey and Wrestling will be offered online (schedule of start and end dates will be finalized after fall online meetings have concluded). • 2009 Spring Sports • All spring sports will be offered online. • 2009-2010: ALL sports will be offered online.
School Sportsmanship Feedback Program • Beginning with fall sports, game officials will have the opportunity to submit sportsmanship feedback on the schools for which they have officiated. To provide this feedback, an official would log into the MHSAA website using his or her MHSAA ID and password as you would do when checking ratings, accepting tournament invitations and registering online. The schools involved would then be given a score on the sportsmanship of the student-athletes, coaching staff and effectiveness of host management. An official would provide feedback in these three areas in the following categories: • 1 - Greatly Exceeded Expectations • 2 - Exceeded Expectations • 3 - Met Expectations • 4 - Below Expectations • 5 - Greatly Below Expectations
School Sportsmanship Feedback Program, cont. • At the end of each season, the MHSAA will compile the results for each school and report those results to the school athletic director. Schools can then identify trends to positively recognize, or correct negative behavior, as appropriate. • Remember that officials will continue to complete an Officials Report form for any ejections, serious sportsmanship issues with participants or spectators, facility/equipment issues or catastrophic injury situations.
School Sportsmanship Feedback Program, Cont. • Officials Report forms are available on the Officials page of the MHSAA website. The Information Technology staff of the MHSAA are working to integrate the Officials Report form process into the online submission of sportsmanship feedback to make this entire process “paperless”. The MHSAA will keep you up to date as this project moves forward. • The School Sportsmanship Feedback program will be available on the website as of September 1. Remember that if you work for a school multiple times, you can provide feedback for each contest that you work and your scores for that school will be averaged. If you work contests in August, know that you will not be able to input the sportsmanship feedback until after September 1.
Alternate Year Rule Publications • Beginning in 2008-09, playing rule publications will be provided to MHSAA member schools and registered officials on an every-other-year basis. • Rule Books and Case Books will be provided in 2008-09 and 2010-11 in the following sports: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling (online book), Competitive Cheer, Golf (online book), Girls Gymnastics, Skiing (online book), Tennis (online book) and Track & Field. • Rule Books and Case Books will be provided in 2009-10 and 2011-12 in the following sports: Football, Ice Hockey, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming & Diving, Volleyball and Wrestling. • In the years where books are not provided, officials may purchase books from the MHSAA or simply print off the “rules update” from the individual sport page of the MHSAA website.
Increase In Officials Tournament Mileage • For MHSAA tournament assignments requiring round-trip travel in excess of 50 miles, officials’ mileage reimbursement will be increased from 15¢ to 20¢ per mile for those miles in excess of 50. Round-trip travel up to 50 miles will be paid the $8 minimum. • The MHSAA will again be surveying leagues and conferences regarding fees in setting future MHSAA tournament compensation.
Permanent Emblem / Patch • Beginning with the 2008-09 school year, all registered MHSAA officials will be issued a permanent emblem that shall be displayed on the uniform while officiating MHSAA member school contests. This will make uniform preparation more convenient for officials by eliminating the annual registration emblem. • All new and renewing officials will receive two emblems in 2008-09. If an official registers in more than two sports, that official will receive one emblem for each additional sport.
Video Clip Education Program • As we discussed last summer, the production of the website where officials can view video clips of play situations by sport is nearing completion. • The website would have been ready earlier this year, but the National Federation has since joined the project; this has slowed down the completion of the project but we are hopeful that in the long term the NF can bring some new and exciting things to the site. • Many trainers will be provided a DVD with these clips for use in training this fall. Once the website is up and running, we will be communicating with all officials with directions on how to access the material. • This program will greatly enhance the training that officials can do in group and individual settings. We remain very excited about the upcoming launch.
Officiating to a Legal Standard • As a sports official, the legal standard in most states is to do what a prudent person would do. • Officials must manage risk…..the goal is prevent any possible litigation. • In the most basic sense, there are three legal requirements of game officials: • Enforce the rules as written! • Call the game with independence and impartiality. • #1 concern- safety of the participants.
Rule Deviations • All games must be worked as required by NF / MHSAA rules and regulations. • The only acceptable rule deviations are those issued in writing by the MHSAA. • Re-read items 1 and 2!
The Safety of the Participants • We cannot just “let them play”….enforce the rules! • First rule of officiating….never turn your back! • Unless you are a boxing official, never let the participants fight!
Injury Mechanics • Unless you are a trained first responder and the situation is critical, never render first aid. • Don’t discuss the cause of the injury and do not allow the player to be moved. • The only requirement you have by rule is when a player is unconscious or seemingly unconscious. • Blood rules….know the requirements for your sport. • Keep all participants separated during a medical delay. • Thunder & Lightning
Standard 1- Enforce the Rules • Tour the grounds! • Is it worn? Torn? • Any visible safety hazards? • Be prepared for someone to say… • It’s OK- I’ll take responsibility for that. • We played on this all year. • The ring just won’t come off. • It’s only a junior high / JV/ high school game.
Standard 2- Game Control • Take control of the game and be preventative! • Never allow one bad call to become two bad calls. • Immediately address and penalize taunting and baiting! This is an area that will lead to other problems.
Standard 3- Be Impartial • Pregame duties • Handling situations • Public statements….what is the MHSAA policy? • End of the game means end of discussions with anybody about the game. • Speak not to spectators….ever. It is not your job to worry about what the ATCA5’s think, believe or say. • Work hard and have fun!
Future Officials Meetings 2009 Meetings for Approved Associations, Registered Assignors, Trainers and Registered Observers (new): Friday, July 31, 2009 - “Live” Meetings @ DeWitt High School Approved Association Leadership Meeting Registered Assignor Meeting Saturday, August 1, 2009 - “Live” Meetings @ DeWitt High School Train the Trainer Meetings (AM) Registered Observer Meeting (PM) 2010 Meetings for Approved Associations, Registered Assignors, Trainers and Registered Observers (new) Approved Association Leadership & Registered Assignor Meeting - ONLINE FORMAT ONLY! Saturday, August , 2010 - “Live” Meetings @ DeWitt High School Train the Trainer Meetings (AM) Registered Observer Meeting (PM)
Train-the-Trainer • Sport trainers serve as the local “teachers” for the members of Approved Associations. • Teaching takes place in meetings, clinics, camps, game observations, etc. • Today’s goal is to provide you the trainer with some teaching tips to make your training sessions as good as they can be.
How do people learn? • Most people learn best in 1 of 3 ways: • Visual Learners- need to read it! • Auditory Learners- need to hear it! • Kinesthetic Learners- need to do it! You will have all three types of learners in your sessions!
Given this, HOW do I teach? • Attempt to use at least 2 of the 3 styles in each session. • The most practical two methods are visual & auditory, which is currently being modeled to you. • Most ideal would be a classroom session, followed up by on-field or court instruction.
How can I best organize my sessions? • The Instructional Process • Research has shown this is an effective method in bringing information to your learners. • Ideal sessions are no more than 60-75 minutes without a break.
Instructional Process • Q Set…setting the mood or tone for session! • It gets the attention of your audience while jumping right into the subject matter. • A trainer does not need to spend time in getting learners to focus. • Many good techniques…for example
Basketball Session Example * Use a video clip to begin your session!
Finishing Up the Q Set • Once you’ve focused everyone in, tell them what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen. • Set the stage for learning!
Best Shot • The “meat and potato(e)s of your session. • Identify your main points with one or two subjects (max). • Keep referring back to those main points within your topic!
Plate Meeting Main Points • How to meet and greet with the coaches. • Exchanging of Line-Ups • Ground Rules • Points of Emphasis • Wrapping Up • National Anthem • Jog to Positions
Delivery Methods • Refer to your goldenrod sheet!
Check for Understanding • Yes, this can mean tests & quizzes! • Can be group Q & A, or paper and pencil. • Motivate your learners (door prizes, championship game assignment, etc). • Play the field!
Wrap Up & Review • Hit the major points from the Best Shot! • Answer all questions for the good of the whole…you can stay longer for those who need more individual attention. • Adjourn.
Remember the KISS Principle • Keep It Short and Simple!
Things to Remember • See the goldenrod sheet!