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CRIME ANALYSIS: CORRELATING CRIME SCENE ACTIONS TO OFFENDER CHARACTERISTICS Dr. Aline Lobato. State University of Paraíba – Brazil PhD Investigative Psychology University of Liverpool - England. The Attempt to Explain Crime. Different approaches to crime analysis:

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  1. CRIME ANALYSIS: CORRELATING CRIME SCENE ACTIONS TO OFFENDER CHARACTERISTICSDr. Aline Lobato State University of Paraíba – Brazil PhD Investigative Psychology University of Liverpool - England

  2. The Attempt to Explain Crime Different approaches to crime analysis: • Developmental: influences on the social and intelectual development of an individual. • Social: interactions between the individual and the environment. • Biological: genetic defects leading to criminal behaviour. All Searching for the Motives for Crime

  3. The Attempt to Identify Crime Patterns Different patterns to analyse crime: • Choice of the Victims • Place and Target Selection • Geographic Profiling • Offender Profiling All Searching for Behavioural Patterns

  4. Analysing Crime Motive - Behaviour Motive Absent Crime Scene Behaviour Present Actions reflecting characteristics Characteristics relating to actions

  5. Analysing Crime • Crime Scene Analysis referring to “the careful search for behavioural clues at the crime scene” (Ainsworth, 2001). • More effective to give “much more emphasis to a careful consideration of what offenders do, their actions, and the salient characteristics that distinguish one criminal’s actions from another’s, rather than an attempt to build explanations on inferences about putative motives” (Canter, 2000).

  6. Studies on Robbery and Burglary • Data Prisons in Northeast Brasil • Sample 168 Robbers 148 Burglars • Instruments: AnonymousQuestionnaires • Statistical Procedures: SSA (Smallest Space Analysis) Correlation Tests

  7. Study on Robbery - SSA Interpersonal Instrumental

  8. Interpersonal Behavioural Pattern - RobberyCorrelating Actions to Characteristics ActionsCharacteristics £5 Elementary Education £10-100 Unskilled, Unskilled Father Object Low Value Married Many Times Food Drugs, Barbiturate, Glue Car Parts Alcoholic, Alcoholic Parents Scares Gambling, Psychiatric History Threat Mother Dominant Humiliate Violent Parents and Family Verbal Attack Physical Abuse Physical Attack Crime Person

  9. Instrumental Behavioural Pattern - RobberyCorrelating Actions to Characteristics ActionsCharacteristics £100 Better Education Object High Value Skilled, Skilled Father Credit Card Divorced Parents Money-Cash Criminal Family Car First Conviction – 18 year Takes Money More than 3 Convictions Select Victim Carefully Maximum Security Prison Weapon, Disguise Pass on Immediately Work in Group Property Crimes

  10. Study on Burglary - SSA Interpersonal Instrumental

  11. Interpersonal Behavioural Pattern - BurglaryCorrelating Actions to Characteristics ActionsCharacteristics House Elementary Education School Unskilled, Unskilled Father Restaurant, Clubs Married Many Times Small Shops Drugs, Barbiturate, Glue Garage Alcoholic, Alcoholic Parents Scare, Threat Gambling, Psychiatric History Humiliate Mother Dominant Verbal Attack Violent Parents and Family Physical Attack Physical Abuse Leave Tool at Scene Crime Person

  12. Instrumental Behavioural Pattern - BurglaryCorrelating Actions to Characteristics ActionsCharacteristics Office Better Education Flat Skilled, Skilled Father Factory Divorced Parents Petrol Station Criminal Family £ 10,000,00 First Conviction – 18 year Escape Route More than 3 Convictions Select Premise Carefully Maximum Security Prison Weapon, Disguise Property Crimes Work in Group

  13. Conclusions • Crime Analysis – Statistical Analysis • Actions rather than Motives • Actions reflecting Offender Characteristics • Themes reflecting Behavioural Patterns • Stolen items, selected premises, actions towards the victims or property can be related to offender characteristics. • Crime Analysis – Actions to Characteristics

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