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History and Mission

Center for Systems and Software Engineering Nenad Medvidovic Director, CSSE Computer Science Department Viterbi School of Engineering University of Southern California neno@usc.edu http://csse.usc.edu/~neno/. History and Mission. CSE Established in 1993 Merged in 2006 with SAE to form CSSE

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History and Mission

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Center for Systems and Software EngineeringNenad MedvidovicDirector, CSSEComputer Science Department Viterbi School of EngineeringUniversity of Southern Californianeno@usc.eduhttp://csse.usc.edu/~neno/

  2. History and Mission • CSE Established in 1993 • Merged in 2006 with SAE to form CSSE • Intended to provide an environment for research and teaching • large-scale software design and development processes • generic and domain specific software architectures • software engineering tools and environments • collaborative system design • the economics of software engineering • Objective is to solve problem of academic as well as industrial relevance

  3. Affiliates • Currently 34 industrial affiliates • 12 from commercial industry • 8 from aerospace industry • 6 from the Government • 6 FFRDCs and Consortia • 2 international • Additionally • 3 visiting associates • 5 university affiliates • Two closely affiliated research centers • SERC • CAST

  4. Academics • Over 30 PhDs conferred since inception • MSCS with emphasis in SE • Graduate Certificate in SAE • Two Certificate and Advanced Degree programs • Systems and System-of-Systems Architecting • Software Architecture

  5. Focus Areas in Software Engineering • Architecture • Economics • Process • Testing & analysis

  6. Software Architecture Research • Modeling • xADL • UML • FSP • MTS • Crystal growth • Analysis • Reliability • Availability • Energy Consumption • Memory Usage • Latency • …

  7. Software Architecture Research • Implementation • Architectural frameworks/middleware • Deployment • QoS-based optimization • Dynamic adaptation • Policy-driven • Architectural styles • Software connectors • Architectural recovery • Syntactic vs. semantic • Architectural smells

  8. Software Architecture Research- Domains - • Hand-held computing • Embedded systems • WSNs • Robotics • Grid • Scientific computing • Biologically-inspired computing

  9. Sample Project 1MIDAS – Architecting Embedded and Mobile Systems

  10. Sample Project 2GLIDE – Revisiting the Architecture of the Grid

  11. Sample Project 3Mahjong – Emulating Crystal Growth on the Internet

  12. Last, but not least!

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