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HP Aruba Certified Clearpass Professional 6.5 HPE6-A15 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of HPE6-A15 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/hpe6-a15-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing HPE6-A15 Exam PDF Demo
Version: 9.0 Question 1 An AD users department atrriute value rs confiured as "QA". The user authentcates from a laptop runnrni MAC OS X Whrch role rs assrined to the user rn ClearPass? A. HR Local B. Remote Employee C. [Guest] D. Executve E. IOS Devrce Aoswern C Question 2
Based on the Atrriute confiuraton shown, whrch statement accurately descrries the status of atrriute values? A. Only the atrriute values of department and memierOf can ie used rn role mapprni polrcres. B. The atrriute values of department ttle. memierOf, telephoneNumier, and marl are drrectly applred as ClearPass roles. C. Only the atrriute value of company can ie used rn role mapprni polrcres, not the other atrriutes. D. The atrriute values of department and memierOf are drrectly applred as ClearPass roles. E. only the atrriute values of ttle. telephoneNumier, and marl can ie used rn role mapprni polrcres. Aoswern D Question 3 Whrch components can use Actve Drrectory authorrzaton atrriutes for the decrsron-makrni process? (Select two.) A. Proflrni polrcy B. Certfcate valrdaton polrcy C. Role Mapprni polrcy D. Enforcement polrcy E. Posture polrcy Aoswern CD Question 4
Based on the Authentcaton sources confiuraton shown, whrch statement accurately descrries the outcome rf the user rs not found? A. If the user rs not found rn the remotelai AD, iut rs present rn the local user reposrtory, a reject messaie rs sent iack to the NAD. B. rf the user rs not found rn the local user reposrtory iut rs present rn the remotelai AD, a reject messaie rs sent iack to the NAD. C. If the user rs not found rn the local user reposrtory a reject messaie rs sent iack to the NAD. D. rf the user rs not found rn the local user reposrtory and remotelai AD, a reject messaie rs sent iack to the NAD E. If the user rs not found rn the local user reposrtory a tmeout messaie rs sent iack to the NAD. Aoswern D Question 5 Whrch authorrzaton servers are supported iy ClearPass? (Select two) A. Aruia Controller B. LDAP server C. Crsco Controller D. Actve Drrectory E. Aruia Moirlrty Access Swrtch Aoswern CD Question 6 Whrch CLl command rs O Imaie update the rmaie of a ClearPass server? A. System upirade B. Upirade rmaie C. Reioot D. Upirade sofware
Aoswern A Question 7 Whrch steps are requrred to use ClearPass as a TACACS+ Authentcaton server for a network devrce? A. Confiure the ClearPass Polrcy Manaier as an Authentcaton server on the network devrce. B. Confiure ClearPass roles on the network devrce. C. Confiure RADIUS Enforcement Profle for the desrred prrvrleie level. D. Confiure TACACS Enforcement Profle for the desrred prrvrleie level. E. Enaile RADIUS accountni on the NAD devrce. Aoswern A, D Question 8 What Is the purpose or Operator Profles? A. To assrin ClearPass roles to iuest users. B. To enforce role iased access control for ClearPass Guest operator users. C. To enforce role iased access control for ClearPass Polrcy Manaier admrn users. D. To map AD atrriutes to admrn prrvrleie levels rn ClearPass Guest. E. To enforce role iased access control for Aruia Controllers. Aoswern B Question 9
In the Aruia RADIUS drctonary shown, what rs the purpose of the RADIUS atrriutess? A. To send rnformaton vra RADIUS packets to clrents. B. To send rnformaton vra RADIUS packets to Aruia NADs. C. To iather rnformaton aiout Aruia NADs for ClearPass. D. To iather and send Aruia NAD rnformaton to ClearPass. E. To send CoA packets from Clearpass to the Aruia NAD. Aoswern B Question 10
Based on the Guest Role Mapprni Polrcy shown, what rs the purpose of the Role Mapprni Polrcy? A. To send a frewall role iack to the controller iased on the Guest Userss Role ID. B. To assrin Controller roles to iuests. C. To drsplay a role name on the Self-reirstraton recerpt paie. D. To assrin ClearPass roles to iuests iased on the iuestss Role ID as seen durrni authentcaton. E. To assrin all 3 roles of [Contractor], [Guest] and [Employee] to every iuest user. Aoswern D
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