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KY Resource Maps Participation in Science-Based Programs Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS). Covering the period 1/1/04 – 6/30/05. Number of participants in ASCENT by county.
KY Resource MapsParticipation in Science-Based ProgramsSource: Prevention Data Set (PDS) Covering the period 1/1/04 – 6/30/05
Number of participants in ASCENT by county Adolescent Smoking Cessation Escaping Nicotine & Tobacco utilizes cognitive behavioral approaches that are developmentally appropriate for ages 14 through 18 years old. The intervention includes a six-session curriculum, training manual, teen workbook, motivational video entitled The Last Drag, and facilitator’s video. ASCENT enables youth to acquire the necessary knowledge and motivation to be successful in becoming abstinent. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in March of Dimes Pregnancy Workshop by county March of Dimes Pregnancy Workshop is a program for pregnant women, providing information for making healthy choices for mom and baby. There are two programs to choose from: (1) 2-hour class on protecting your baby’s health (2) Five 2-hour classes with information for lifetime of healthy choices. Available to all pregnant women. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Creative Arts Focusing on Ethnicity (CAFÉ) by county CAFE, also known as Everyday Theater Youth Ensemble is a company of African-American youth that illuminate issues surrounding substance abuse, violence and AIDS. Using music, rap, African oral traditions, dance and drama, Ensemble players create original productions based on personal experiences, commitment to family and community, self-help and spirituality. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Choices by county Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Cooper Clayton by county The Cooper/Clayton Smoking Cessation program is a 12-week, group support program that uses research-based methods to help people stop smoking. Participants will learn how to pick a nicotine replacement product best suited for them and also will learn important relapse prevention strategies, stress management techniques, and healthy life style information. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Creating Lasting Family Connections by county Creating Lasting Family Connections is a comprehensive family strengthening, substance abuse, and violence prevention curriculum. Program results (documented with children 11 to 15 years old) have shown increases in children’s resistance to the onset of substance use and reduction in use of alcohol and drugs Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in D.A.R.E. by county Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in D.A.R.E. by county Kentucky State Police Data (‘04-’05) Source: Kentucky State Police
Number of participants in Guiding Good Choices by county The Guiding Good Choices program is a prevention program that seeks to give parents of children in grades 4-8 the skills they need to help reduce their children's risk for using alcohol and other drugs. The goal of the Guiding Good Choices program is to prevent substance abuse among teens by teaching parents effective family management and communication skills before their children enter adolescence. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in KY Adolescent Tobacco Prevention Program by county KATPP is based on the social influences model and focuses on tobacco prevention among middle school students in tobacco-producing counties. The program addresses: negative consequences of using tobacco, normative tobacco-use behaviors, use of trained peer leaders, refusal skills and assertiveness, types of appeals used by advertisers, and student pledges to not use tobacco. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in LifeSkills by county LifeSkills is a school-based program that seeks to influence major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation and early use of substances (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, poly) for elementary and middle school youth. Drug resistance skills, personal self-management skills, and general social skills are emphasized. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Michigan Model by county The Michigan Model for Comprehensive School Health Education® for kindergarten through sixth grade is divided into six phases at every grade level. In each grade, one phase concentrates on substance abuse prevention. The skills necessary to avoid peer pressure, make positive decisions and refuse drugs are key elements of the emotional and mental health component found in Phase I of every grade K-6. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program by county The Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program addresses the prevention of tobacco use by influencing the social and psychological factors that encourage the onset of smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco. This six-session classroom curriculum includes a review of the major social influences that encourages and support tobacco use among youth. These important initiating factors include peer pressure, advertising, and a lack of behavioral skills with which to resist these influences. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Parents Who Care by county Parents Who Care (PWC) is an educational skill-building program created for families with children between the ages of 12-16. The objective of PWC is to reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors within family settings that are known to predict later alcohol and other drug use, delinquency, violent behavior, and other behavioral problems in adolescence. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Preventing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Other Alcohol Related Birth Problems by county Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Project ALERT by county Project ALERT is a school-based drug prevention curriculum for middle school students 11 to 14 years old that works to motivate students against drug use, teach resistance skills, and establish non drug-using norms. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Project Northland by county Project Northland is a multilevel school based program designed to delay the onset of drinking, reduce current alcohol use, and limit the number of alcohol-related problems of young drinkers. The program also strives to change how parents communicate with their children, how peers influence each other and how communities respond to adolescent alcohol use. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Project Toward No Drug Use by county Project Toward No Drug Abuse (TND) is a highly interactive program designed to help high school youth (14 to 19 years old) resist substance use. A school-based program, TND consists of twelve 40- to 50-minute lessons that include motivational activities, social skills training, and decision-making components that are delivered through group discussions, games, role-playing exercise, videos, and student worksheets. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Project Toward No Tobacco Use by county Project Toward No Tobacco Use is a classroom-based curriculum designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use in youth 10 to 15 years old in grades five through ten. Upon completion of the program students will be able to describe the course of tobacco addiction, consequences of using tobacco, and prevalence among peers. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Reconnecting Youth by county Reconnecting Youth (RY) is a school-based prevention program for youth in grades nine through twelve (14 to 18 years old) who are at risk for school dropout. These youth may also exhibit problems such as substance abuse, aggression, depression, or suicide risk behaviors. Reconnecting Youth uses a partnership model involving peers, school personnel, and parents to deliver interventions that address the three central program goals: (a) decreased drug involvement (b) Increased school performance (c) decreased emotional distress. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in STARSfor Families by county Start Taking Alcohol Risks Seriously (STARS) is a health promotion program for preventing alcohol use among at-risk middle and junior high school youth 11 to 15 years old and their families. The goal of STARS is to have all youth postpone alcohol use until adulthood. Interventions include media-related, interpersonal and environmental strategies. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in TATU by county Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU) is a peer education program in which high school students are trained to teach about the hazards of tobacco use to middle and elementary school students. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in TEG/TAP by county Tobacco Education Group (TEG) is designed for youth facing suspension or other sanctions for an incident of tobacco use or possession in school, on school grounds, or at school activities. It also serves as a court-diversion program and alternative to fines or other penalties for youth who violate state and local laws on the purchase and use of tobacco by minors. Participants may join an ongoing cessation group such as the Tobacco Awareness Program (TAP) Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in TIPS by county Training for Intervention ProcedureS is an alcohol intervention program that builds on the skills and expertise of servers and sellers of alcoholic beverages. Employees are trained to recognize signs of intoxication, prevent alcohol sales to minors, and intervene with patrons who are already intoxicated. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in Too Good for Drugs II by county Too Good For Drugs (TGFD) is a school-based prevention program designed to reduce the intention to use alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs in middle and high school students. Developed by the Mendez Foundation for use with students in kindergarten through 12th grade (5 to 18 years old), TGFD has a separate, developmentally appropriate curriculum for each grade level. Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of youth completing Prime for Life by county (1/1/04 – 6/30/05) Source: EIP
Rate (per 1000) of youth completions for Prime for Life by county (1/1/04 – 6/30/05) Source: EIP
Number of adults completing Prime for Life by RPC Region (1/1/04 – 6/30/05) Source: EIP
Rate (per 1000) of adult completions for Prime for Life by RPC Region (1/1/04 – 6/30/05) Source: EIP
Total Number of participants in Science-Based Programs by County Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Rate of participation (per 1000) in Science-Based Programs by County Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Total Number of Different Science-Based Programs by County Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Number of participants in LifeSkills, Project ALERT, and Project Northland by County Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Rate of participation (per 1000) in LifeSkills, Project ALERT, and Project Northland by County Source: Prevention Data Set (PDS)
Regional Prevention Center (RPC) Budget FY06 Regional Prevention Centers can help individuals and groups develop prevention programs that will encourage healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Fourteen centers are set up to serve all counties in the State. Prevention specialists at each center provide community development, consultation and technical assistance, training and education, information, and early intervention services.
RPC funding (rate per 1000) FY06 Regional Prevention Centers can help individuals and groups develop prevention programs that will encourage healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Fourteen centers are set up to serve all counties in the State. Prevention specialists at each center provide community development, consultation and technical assistance, training and education, information, and early intervention services.
Champions funding 2005 Champions for a Drug-Free Kentucky is a network of anti-drug coalitions throughout the state. A Champions County Action Group functions as a coalition of local agencies, organizations, and individuals whose focus is the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse and/or of violence in the community. Source: ODCP
KY-ASAP Funding FY05 KY-ASAP was created in 2000 by the General Assembly to promote the reduction of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in Kentucky by working with communities to help them identify existing needs and resources. Local boards consist of stakeholders in each county or multi-county jurisdiction. ASAP has become a vital part of substance abuse prevention and treatment efforts in many of Kentucky’s communities.
Drug Free Communities Support Program – Current KY Grantees (2001-2004) The Drug Free Communities Support Program (DFCSP) is a collaborative initiative sponsored by ONDCP and SAMHSA in order to (1) reduce substance abuse among youth (2) help community coalitions strengthen collaboration (3) enhance intergovernmental collaboration, cooperation and coordination (4) enable communities to conduct data-driven, research-based prevention planning, and (5) provide communities with technical assistance, guidance, and financial support. Source: http://drugfreecommunities.samhsa.gov/grantee/Results.asp
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (4/03 – 3/07) Additional $450,000 awardedfor evaluation augmentation Reclaiming Futures is a new approach to helping teenagers caught in the cycle of drugs, alcohol and crime. A five-year initiative of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Reclaiming Futures promotes new opportunities and standards of care in juvenile justice by bringing communities together to improve drug and alcohol treatment, expand and coordinate services, and find jobs and volunteer work for young people in trouble with the law.
Tobacco Prevention/Cessation Funding Kentucky Health Department Districts (2006) Allocation rate (per 1000) Kentucky is one of 46 states to receive funds from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. With these funds and a grant from CDC, staff in the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) provide ongoing technical support and training for local health departments (LHD) as well as funding to help them achieve their specific area goals (see below). GOALS: (a) prevent the initiation of tobacco use among young people, (b) promote cessation among young people and adults, (c) eliminate non-smokers’ exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, (d) identify/eliminate disparities related to tobacco and its effects on different population groups. Source: DPH
Operation UNITE $12 Million (launched 2003) Unlawful Narcotics Investigation Treatment and EducationUNITE is a multi-faceted comprehensive approach to combating drugs in eastern and southern Kentucky; our focus is on investigation, treatment, and education.