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Communication That Matters

Presented by : David P Fitch, Attorney Elder Law Services, PLLC elderlawminnesota.com caringformyparents.org. Communication That Matters. George & Martha. & THE CHILDREN. Oldest daughter. Youngest daughter. Son 3. Son 2. Eldest Son. Communicate!. WHY?. Control and Involvement.

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Communication That Matters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presented by : David P Fitch, Attorney Elder Law Services, PLLC elderlawminnesota.com caringformyparents.org Communication That Matters

  2. George & Martha

  3. & THE CHILDREN Oldest daughter Youngest daughter Son 3 Son 2 Eldest Son

  4. Communicate!

  5. WHY?

  6. Control and Involvement Here is an inevitable fact – Decisions will be made that affect George & Martha! The Question is - Will George & Martha be involved in the decision process?

  7. Expressing Wishes and Desires For George, Martha & Family Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health Financial Matters “Bucket List” All of these are Quality of Life Issues Unique to George & Martha

  8. Discuss options George reminds himself that - Life ALWAYS has Choices and Options Some are obvious and some are not. A discussion of Wishes & Desires uncovers OPTIONS that describe ways to achieve wishes and desires Which leads to ….

  9. Setting a Course George decides his “WHY” Which is intertwined with his Wishes & Desires George has chosen a plan, a road map, a set of steps to follow … He has made his choice, chosen his options George has set his course! And by doing this he has created PURPOSE in his life and a HOPE for the future.

  10. Defuse Worries George realizes that SETTING a course helps to reduce the … UNKNOWN. Which reduces WORRY… Which breaks the cycle of: WORRY that leads to … DISCOURAGEMENT that leads to … DEFEAT that leads to … HOPELESSNESS

  11. WHO?

  12. THE POSSIBILITIES OF “WHO” - Siblings Friends Children Professionals: Pastors, Attorneys, CPA’s, etc Spouse of a Child

  13. Trusted George makes his decision based on his own judgment of who he can trust. George knows that trust is the Greatest attribute of anyone that he confides in with his and Martha’s personal information!

  14. WHAT?

  15. Medical History George’s & Martha’s Medical History Critical Information for Family and Health Care Agents* Much easier for George to create than a third party * Health Care Agents are established by George & Martha signing properly drafted Health Care Directives.

  16. Personal Inventory Financial/Personal Account Info Inventory not an accounting List what you have and where it is Bank accounts, insurance, stocks, bonds, IRA’s, etc List of online accounts and passwords Legal Documents Information Where are they? Wills, Trusts, POA’s, HCD’s, Deeds, Marriage certificates, Divorce decrees, Birth Certificates, Passports, Armed Forces Discharge papers, etc. Funeral Pre-Arrangements Where you keep your pre-arrangement information

  17. Family History/Legacies Family Stories Favorite Biggest Lesson Funniest Family Trees Family Secrets How far back can you go? Great Grandparents? Legacies 3 most important things that you want to tell your family Your greatest hope for each member of your family

  18. HOW?

  19. Face to Face With a trusted – Family Member, Friend, or 3rd Party

  20. or to a Group

  21. Put it in Writing - Help those that you want to carry out your wishes remember what your wishes are!

  22. Video or Audio Great way to share stories, pictures, personal encouragements, messages to be played at a funeral. Be Creative!


  24. Just Do This Now! Starting is half the Challenge! This presentation and the “worksheets” for the “What to Communicate” section are available for download at www.caringformyparents.org/

  25. Credits

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