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The Most Interesting Marriage Customs in Africa - Culture Values of Africans

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The Most Interesting Marriage Customs in Africa - Culture Values of Africans

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  1. The Most Interesting Marriage Customs in Africa - Culture Values of Africans Discover tribes with the most interesting marriage customs in Africa. Learn History of Africa the FraFra tribe of Ghana and the Himba tribe kidnaps their bride. The Bembe tribe sends their bride to counseling called Bana Chimbusa. 40 cows are expected to be paid by the groom before he marries the bride in the Neur tribe and the marriage is sealed when the bride gives birth to three children but the Wodaabe tribe arranges marriages for their children while they are infants. Zulu tribesmen pay the normal bride price but the bride reciprocates with groceries for the groom’s family. When visiting the African continent, there are so many things you need to understand and know, and the marriage customs of different tribes in Africa are one of the things you need to know. Marriage customs of a people are one of the big things that make people so unique, and Africa is no exception. Marriage customs in Africa differ from tribe to tribe and the beauty in that is a must-talk- about Culture Values of Africans. Discover tribes with the most interesting marriage customs in Africa Learn History of Africa As you go through this article Kidnap the Bride: As the name implies, the bride has to be kidnapped before any marriage process will continue. This type of marriage custom is peculiar to the FraFra tribe of Ghana. In this tribe, the bride-to-be is first kidnapped and taken hostage by the groom and his family and the bride-to-be is kept in the groom’s house and guarded heavily avoiding escape. After that is done, the groom’s family visits the bride’s family with kola nuts, guinea fowls, and tobacco, to only let the family of the bride know the whereabouts of their child, and if the bride’s family accepts this proposal, a dowry that consists of 4 cows, several guinea fowls, money and kola nuts. It is never a problem if the groom’s family is not able to pay for the items for the dowry, the bride still goes with them but the bride’s family would wait for a girl to be born from the union and then

  2. collect her as the dowry. Interesting right? Another marriage kidnapping tribe is the Himba people, but this is a little different from the FraFra tribe of Ghana. Here the bride is been kidnapped and given new clothes to wear, these clothes have already been treated and adorned with expensive jewelry. A leather headdress called ‘’Okori’’ will be given to the bride by her mother. On the wedding morning, the bride’s father slaughters a goat and shares it among the village folks. Among the Zambians is a tribe called the Bembe people and the marriage custom of the Bembe is way different from the customs of every other tribe in Africa. The Bembe tribe sends the bride to secret counseling called the Bana Chimbusa, this is followed by a process where the bride’s family sends different delicacies to the groom’s family, mind you, this is done as a sign to let the groom and his family know the kind of food the groom will be eating when he gets married to their daughter. Culture Values of Africans Before a man marries a woman in the Neur tribe, he is asked to pay about 40 cows for his bride and after the price is paid, even when the price is paid it doesn’t mean the marriage proceedings are not complete. The marriage proceedings will only be complete when the woman can deliver at least two children. The Neur tribe believes so much in continuity and kinship and until the third child is born, the marriage is not officially sealed. If in any case, the bride produces just one child after a given time frame, the groom is allowed to go for a divorce and if that happens, the bride’s family is expected to return the cattle. While children find love for themselves and go into marriage with whom they love, the Wodaabe tribe of Niger arranges marriages for their children as at when they are still infants. And when they are grown enough for the proper marriage, the groom’s family pays up the bride price and after that, the bride goes to live with the groom and when the bride gets pregnant, she goes back to her parents and stays there for four years before returning to her husband. There are different tribes with different customs in marriage; one peculiar custom is from the Zulu tribe. The Zulu tribe says that the groom has to pay the bride price and then give gifts to the bride’s family. And then, the bride will reciprocate by buying stuff (groceries) for the groom’s family Learn History of Africa

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