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Simple Ways to Protect Your Mental Health

Sometimes, a few simple ways can help you a lot to protect your mental health. These little things can make big difference. Read here some simple ways to protect yourself from some common mental health issues such as stress and anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, bipolar disorder etc.

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Simple Ways to Protect Your Mental Health

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BetterLYF.com SimpleWaysto ProtectYour MentalHealth

  2. Sometimes, afewsimplewayscanhelpyoualotto protectyourmentalhealth. Theselittlethingscanmakebigdifference. These include:

  3. Gettingrestasmuch asnecessary.

  4. Spendingtimewithyourself, familyandfriends – talkingto themaboutyourfeeling.

  5. Practicing mindfulnessbyliving inthecurrentmoment andthinkingwhoyou areandwhatyou wantinlife.

  6. Dothingsthatmakeyouhappy anddon’tforgettolaugh regularly.

  7. Cultivateand encourageoptimism inyourselfandother aroundyou. Avoid over-thinkingand comparisonswith others.

  8. Learntobalanceandaccept whatyoucanandcannotchange aboutyourself.

  9. Exerciseregularly, preferablyjoina danceworkoutor gymwhereyoucan workoutwithagroup ofpeopleandgetall thegoodvibes.

  10. Limittheintakeofalcoholand avoidcigarettesandother substances.

  11. Ifyouarestrugglingwithany kindofmentalhealthissues, psychologicalcounsellingcan helpyouovercome stressandanxiety, depression, relationshipissues, work-stress etc. Youcanbookand onlinecounsellingsessionwith atherapistatBetterlyf.com andtalktothemprivately andconfidentially. OnlineCounselling (Audio, Video, chat)

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