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New 4-H Club Leaders Lesson Three. Youth Development and Club Leadership Bill Heltemes Florida 4-H Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator. We Grow Kids – Not Stuff!. NEED. Growth. ….something which is a desirable or useful requirement for an individual’s well being. Development.
New 4-H Club Leaders Lesson Three Youth Development and Club Leadership Bill Heltemes Florida 4-H Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator
NEED Growth ….something which is a desirable or useful requirement for an individual’s well being Development
Basic Needs Independence Sense of Belonging Desire for Affection Physical Achievement Recognition New Experiences
Opportunities Productive Leisure Time Sharing Ideas Recognition Keeping Records Decision Making Skills Participation & Cooperation Communication Skills
4-H Youth Development Stage Growth Development
4-H Age Groups Physical Growth Ages 5-7 Growth in Thinking Social Growth Emotional Growth
4-H Age Groups Physical Growth Ages 8-10 Growth in Thinking Social Growth Emotional Growth
4-H Age Groups Physical Growth Ages 11-13 Growth in Thinking Social Growth Emotional Growth
4-H Age Groups Ages 14-18 Physical Growth Growth in Thinking Social Growth Emotional Growth
What is Leadership? Leadership is about accomplishing tasks and reaching goals through the efforts of others.
Changing Leadership Approaches Pre-teens Early Teens Older Teens Leader Makes Leader & Group Group Makes Most Decisions Share Decision Most Decisions Making
Leadership Styles “We and Our” Club “Leader Alongside” Club “Leader Out Front” Club “Hands Off Leader” Club
Investments If members and parents have a chance to “invest” their time and ideas in your club, they also have a chance to become involved. The more members and parents “invest” the more involved and interested they will be.
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Flag Pledges Thought for the Day Roll Call - one thing you would like to do in 4-H this year Introductions Correspondence Minutes Treasurer’s Report Old Business: Nomination and Election of Officers Selection of a Club Name Other Old Business New Business Club Dues Ideas for Club Activities Appointment of Program Committee Volunteers for Next Meeting Other New Business Announcements Adjournment
Our Next Meeting 4-H Events & Activities 4-H Record Books Parent Involvement Child Behavior 2nd Club Meeting
Stages of Development • Ages 5-7 Ages 8-11 • Physical Growth: Physical Growth: • Busy mastering physical skills and learning how to use their bodies * Youth are very active; they like a lot of hands-on involvement • Small and large muscle skills are not yet polished * Youth are unable to stay confined or sit still for long periods of time Attention span is short * Eye-hand coordination and focus is becoming better • Growth in Thinking: * Growth in Thinking: • More interested in the process than the product * Beginning to think logically and symbolically • Finishing a project is less interesting than working on it * Still think better in terms of concrete items, however they can handle ideas • Thinking is concrete; difficulty with abstract thoughts if they are related to things that they can do or experience with the senses Reading well is quite variable • Social Growth: * There is no middle ground; things are either right or wrong, fun or boring • Learning to be best friends; many will have several * Still like and look for approval and encouragement from adults Works well in small groups or pairs • Peer opinion is becoming important; adult approval is important Social Growth: • Small activities are effective * Beginning to identify with peers; still look to adults for guidance • Emotional Growth: * Satisfaction from completing projects comes from pleasing an adult • Not yet confident in themselves; need reassurance * Will seek sex segregated groups Seeks adult approval • Enjoying playing games; however, they are not yet ready to accept losing * Developing an increased independence in thought • * More willing to try new things • Emotional Growth: • * Have a strong need to feel accepted and worthwhile • * Successes, no matte how small, should be emphasized • * Easy to erode self-confidence * Strong need to “belong” (to group, family, etc) • Reprinted from Focus on 4-H: Ages and Stages; University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1998
Stages of Development • Ages 11-13 Ages 14-18 • Physical Growth:Physical Growth: • Growth spurts occur; creates a problem with clumsiness * while some youth are still experiencing growth, most of the • Girls maturing faster than boysawkwardness has been overcome * Self-conscious * must know their own talents and abilities • Growth in Thinking: Growth in Thinking: • *Enjoy playing with ideas * Peers play significant roles *Move from concrete thinking to abstract * mastering abstract thinking • *Enjoy finding solutions on their own * goals are based upon feelings of personal needs and priorities • *Self-conscious * able to initiate and carry out tasks without supervision • Social Growth: Social Growth: • *Enjoy participating in activities away from home * relationship skills are usually well developed • *Opinions of peers gaining more importance * recognition is important • *Developing mature friendship skills Emotional Growth: • Emotional Growth: * independence and identity are important • Mood swings * learning to cooperate • Beginning to test values * Development of personal values • Performance should be compared to past accomplishments * Greater sense of responsibility/accountability to world around them • Do not like embarrassment • Reprinted from Focus on 4-H: Ages and Stages; University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1998
Criteria for Developmental Based Planning Use this checklist to evaluate activities and projects to use with 4-H youth based on developmental levels.
The Rockets 4-H Club (the club is two years old) Membership: three 5-7 year olds; nine 8-10 year olds; four 11-13 year olds; and no 14-18 year olds. One assistant leader who is not very dependable. Two parents who work night shifts who are willing to help but cannot attend club meetings. Project: club members want to learn how to build rockets, how to launch them, have a community rocket launch demonstration, and take a field trip to NASA in Titusville. The Lucky Clovers 4-H Club (the club is six years old) Membership: four 5-7 year olds; three 8-10 year olds; five 11-13 year olds and two 14-18 year olds. Four parents help as project or activity leaders. Project: the members express an interest in doing a community service project, but they aren’t sure what, when, where, etc. Soaring High 4-H Club (the club is 11 years old) Membership: two 5-7 year olds; one 8-10 year old; six 11-13 year olds; eight 14-18 year olds. Other leaders: six – but no designations. Project: the club needs to develop its annual program plan Reaching Out 4-H Club (the club is 23 years old) Membership: nine 5-7 year olds; eight 8-10 year olds; eleven 11-13 year olds; seven 14-18 year olds. Other leaders: two assistants, six project and four activity. Project: club members again decide they want to do 3 different club projects based on project curriculum, go on 2 field trips, do 3 service projects, and have 3 fund raisers.
Understanding Youth Worksheet – complete and bring to next meeting • This worksheet is designed to help you review the concepts covered in this lesson. Use the notes if you have to, in order to answer • a question. • What is the difference between growth and development of children? • What are the basic needs of all youth? • a. b. C. • c. d. • 3. Discuss some examples of 4-H or other youth group situations when group-centered leadership would be appropriate. • 4. Mark “T” for answers you consider true and “F” for those you consider false. • __ a. 4-Hers ages 8-12 like to be in mixed groups where boys and girls have an opportunity to be involved with social and recreational activities. • __ b. Different styles of leadership are appropriate for the same group in • different situations. • __ c. The best leadership approach for a group of 8-12 years olds is group • centered. • __ d. Children ages 5-7 should be recognized for winning or losing. • __ e. Mission and vision are not the same. • 5. What are the key ideas that you learned from this lesson on understanding youth? • Name:_____________________________
EntréeBeverage Bicycle Trip How to Demonstrate Family Camp Record Books Community Service Project Parliamentary Procedure Club Demonstration Day Establishing Backyard Wildlife Habitats Road Side Clean Up How to Assist the Visually Impaired Cultural Heritage Night Speakers on Specific Cultures Parent Night Consumer Judging Career Symposium Crafts Night Trip to a Museum Computer Safety Manners Matter Staying Drug Free Restaurant Outing (after Manners How to Give Oral Reasons Matter Workshop) How to be a Club Officer Trip to the Beach Make a Club T-Shirt Go to a Sporting Event Book Report Night Club Share the Fun Act Creative Drama Conduct a Community Club Awards Night Bike Rodeo
Leadership RolesRecognition of Club Members Chaperone Meeting Attendance Bike Project Leader Officer Pins Community Service Leader Asking Teens to Serve as Mentors Family Camp Advisor Nominating members for county committees Demonstration Leader Announcing members earning fair awards Enrollment Leader Catching Members Being Good rewards Manners Matter Advisor Giving at least one compliment per member Judging Team Coach per evening Share the Fun Advisor A and a thank you Assistant Club Leader Thank you notes for members who have Record Book Leader improved their behavior Clothing Leader Reward “credits” for good behavior, helping Foods Leader out, being on committees, etc. The members Rocketry Leader turn these in for prizes at end of year – watch New Parent Mentor out for competition