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Web Scale Computing

Web Scale Computing. Mike Culver Amazon Web Services. Agenda. Web Scale Computing Overview Code. The Obligatory Timeline Slide. Amazon.com. COBOL, Edsel. ARPANET. Internet. Web Awareness. Web as a Platform. Web Services, Resources Eliminated. Darkness. 1969. 1982. 1996. 1997.

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Web Scale Computing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web Scale Computing Mike Culver Amazon Web Services

  2. Agenda • Web Scale Computing Overview • Code

  3. The Obligatory Timeline Slide Amazon.com COBOL, Edsel ARPANET Internet Web Awareness Web as a Platform Web Services, Resources Eliminated Darkness 1969 1982 1996 1997 2001 2004 2006 1959 Dot-Com Bubble Web 2.0 Web Scale Computing

  4. Being Relevant Counts

  5. It’s All About Ideas

  6. Ideas Cost Money a + bc

  7. But How Much Money? x a + bc Our favorite numbers: 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20

  8. Amazon Web Services Are... A set of APIs and business models which give developers access to Amazon technology and content • Data As a Service • Amazon E-Commerce Service • Amazon Historical Pricing • Infrastructure As a Service • Amazon Simple Queue Service • Amazon Simple Storage Service • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud • Search As a Service • Alexa Web Information Service • Alexa Top Sites • Alexa Site Thumbnail • Alexa Web Search Platform • People As a Service • Amazon Mechanical Turk

  9. Amazon Web Scale Infrastructure:We Do the Muck • Leverage Amazon’s Core Expertise • Scales to the Enterprise • Priced for People • Reliable • Simple to Use • Highly Available • Using Industry Standards • HTTP, XML, REST, SOAP, XSLT • With World-Class Developer Support

  10. What do these companies have in common?

  11. Amazon E-Commerce Service

  12. Amazon E-Commerce Service • Exposes Amazon's product data plus a shopping cart • In 4th major release • Millions of products • Rich data schema • Product images • Reviews • Wishlists • Commissions via Amazon Associates program

  13. Amazon.com With Your Look

  14. Amazon ECS Cost $0.00

  15. Amazon Simple Storage Service

  16. Amazon S3 is… Simple • Data Storage in Amazon Data Center • Web Service interface • No set-up fee, No monthly minimum • Storage: $0.15 per GB/Month • Data Transfer: $0.20/GB to transfer data • Private and public storage • Each object up to 5GB in size

  17. Many ISV Implementations S3 Explorer filicio.us Jungle Disk MyOwnDB S3 Firefox Organizer

  18. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

  19. Amazon EC2 Is… • A Web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. • Designed to make Web-scale computing easier for developers. • A simple Web service interface that provides complete control of your computing resources

  20. Amazon EC2 Benefits You Because It • Reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes • Quickly scales capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change • Changes the economics of computing: • Pay only for capacity that you actually use • a + bc becomes just bc

  21. Amazon EC2 Changes Computing Economics • No start-up, monthly, or fixed costs • $0.10 per CPU hour • $0.20 per GB transferred across Net • No cost to transfer data between Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2

  22. Amazon EC2 Profile • 1.7 Ghz x86 processor • 1.7 GB of RAM • 160 GB disk • 250 Mb/second network

  23. Web-Scale for Mobile Gumiyo.com Services Used Amazon S3 Amazon EC2 Estimated Savings $650,000

  24. Amazon Mechanical Turk

  25. Amazon Mechanical Turk Is… • A web service that exposes an on-demand global workforce ready to complete small tasks in exchange for micro-payments • Frictionless. Outsourcing per-se is irrelevant. • A web services API

  26. Identify Road Markings

  27. Are These the Same MP3 Players?

  28. How It Works www.mturk.com Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) Requester (Developer) Worker Qualifications Completed HITs Artificial, Artificially Intelligent Software Workers

  29. Man Versus Machine

  30. But Not Really

  31. Podcast transcription service provider • Transcribes audio into high-quality text • Amazon Mechanical Turk: Workers transcribe podcasts and index text within search engine • Amazon Simple Storage: Stores the podcasts and related files

  32. Amazon Simple Queue

  33. Amazon Simple Queue Is • A reliable, highly scalable hosted distributed queue for storing messages as they travel between computers. • Amazon's web-scale messaging infrastructure as a web service • Platform-agnostic, allowing any computer on the Internet to add or read messages without any installed software or special firewall configurations

  34. Amazon SQS Highlights • Reliable • Runs within Amazon's high-availability data centers. • Messages are stored redundantly across multiple servers and data centers. • Simple: Only Six Methods • Scalable • Secure: Strong access controls

  35. Amazon SQS Pricing • Pay only for what you use • No minimum fee • No start-up cost • $0.10 per 1,000 messages sent ($0.0001 per message sent) • $0.20 per GB of data transferred

  36. Alexa Web Services

  37. Four Alexa Web Services:One Vast Web Database • Alexa Web Information Service: Web search engine, traffic information for web sites, a web site directory, and more. • Alexa Top Sites: Programmatic access top sites data is available for the web as a whole, or for individual countries

  38. Four Alexa Web Services:One Vast Web Database • Alexa Site Thumbnail:Programmatic access to thumbnail images for the home pages of web sites. • Alexa Web Search Platform:Directly analyze Alexa's Web archive to create and publish new search services

  39. Amazon Historical Pricing

  40. Amazon Historical Pricing • Highlights • Access to 3 years of actual sales history from books, music, videos, and DVDs sold on Amazon.com • Returns the average, minimum, maximum, and median price for items • Up to ten items per request • Pricing:$249/mo. for up to 60,000 requests/mo.

  41. Learn More About AWS • Explore http://aws.amazon.com • Read Our Blog at http://aws.typepad.com • Amazon’s hiring www.amazon.com/jobs

  42. Code!!!

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