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Evangelism Training Seminar - Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist Church

Join our 5-week Evangelism Seminar exploring the Gospel and God's sovereignty, featuring course content, videos, and practical applications. Learn to share the good news effectively with the community. Take the course to deepen your faith and outreach skills.

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Evangelism Training Seminar - Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to… Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist July 22nd, 2007

  2. Evangelism Training I Peter 3:15 But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you,yet with gentleness and reverence. II Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. TELL THE TRUTHTHE GOOD NEWS Oak Ridge Reformed Baptist 5 Week Evangelism Seminar Summer 2007

  3. Course Schedule Week 1, July 22nd Course overview Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God Gospel Framework & Outline Homework: Define the Gospel Memorize Gospel Flow Memory Verse Plan Week 2, July 29th Reviewing the Gospel Definition What the Gospel is NOT The Gospel’s Approach to People Concerning Illustrations Concerning Completeness Homework: Testimony Development

  4. Course Schedule (cont) Week 3, Aug 5th The good news is about GOD Evangelism in Athens part I – Acts 17:22-29 God-Centered/Me-Centered Chart Homework: Explaining Who God Is Week 4, July 30th The Good News is because of SIN The Truth Concerning Man The Use of the Law in Evangelism What Did Jesus Do? – Video Presentation The good news is in JESUS CHRIST The good news is ours by GRACE through FAITH The good news joins us TOGETHER The Gospel and the Church Homework: Using the Law in Evangelism

  5. Course Schedule (cont) Week 5, August 6th Concerning Their Response Aim in Requesting a Response Evangelism in Athens part II – Acts 17:30-34 The Goal in Witnessing Homework: Work on Gospel Summary

  6. WEEK ONE Course Overview Purpose Procedure Expectations

  7. Bibliography • Chosen By God: R. C. Sproul • The Deliberate Church: Mark Dever & Paul Alexander • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God: J. I. Packer • Tell the Truth: Will Metzger • Saved Without a Doubt & Hard to Believe: John MacArthur • Spiritual Disciplines: Donald Whitney

  8. Keys To Survival • Take this course to be more useful to the Lord, not to impress anybody! • Find a Healthy Balance • Tell People about Christ

  9. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of GodJ. I. Packer What the Purpose is NOT: • A blueprint for evangelism action today • A contribution to current controversy over evangelistic methods • A critique of evangelistic principles of any particular persons What the Purpose IS: • A piece of biblical reasoning dealing with three realities: God’s sovereignty, Man’s responsibility, and the Christian’s evangelistic duty. • To dispel suspicion that faith in absolute sovereingty of God removes evangelistic responsibility and zeal. • A proper understanding of God’s Sovereignty to fuel perserverance in the task of evangelism.

  10. J. I. Packer (cont) • We need not spend time proving… • God is sovereign over THE WORLD • God is sovereign in SALVATION • PRAYER demonstrates that everyone believes in Divine Sovereignty • On our KNEES we are all agreed!

  11. J. I. Packer (cont) • Divine Sovereignty does NOT negate Human Responsibility A. Defining “antinomy” - Not the same as PARADOX B. Our Response to Biblical Antinomy 1. We must accept it! 2. As King, God orders and controls all things 3. As Judge, God holds every man responsible

  12. J. I. Packer (cont) C. Guard against two mistakes 1. Exclusive concern with Human Responsibility 2. Exclusive concern with Divine Sovereignty

  13. J. I. Packer (cont) • Evangelism A. What is Evangelism B. The Content of the Gospel – FOUR Ingredients 1. The Truth about GOD 2. The Truth about SIN 3. The Truth about CHRIST 4. The Truth about the need for RESPONSE

  14. J. I. Packer (cont) C. What is the Motive for Evangelism 1. Primary: Love to God & Concern for His Glory 2. Secondary: Love to our neighbor & concern for His welfare • By what means and methods should Evangelism be practiced? - Only one method: faithful explanation & application of the gospel message!

  15. J. I. Packer (cont) • Important Points about God’s Sovereignty and Evangelism… A. God’s Sovereignty doesn’t affect the: 1. Necessity of Evangelism 2. Urgency of Evangelism 3. Genuineness of the Invitation 4. Responsibility of the Sinner for his response - We are to order our lives by the light of God’s Law, not by guesses about His plan… Deut 29:29

  16. J. I. Packer (cont) B. God’s Sovereignty gives us our only hope for success in evangelism… • God’s sovereignty creates the possibility – indeed the certainty, that evangelism will be fruitful – guarantee! Without this, sinners would never be saved. Remember they are DEAD in their sins and trespasses. • In Evangelism we trust in the God who: (1) OPENS blind eyes (2) REPLACES stony hearts (3) Grants (by grace) REPENTANCE and FAITH

  17. The Gospel Framework • The good news is about God • The good news is because of SIN • The good news is in JESUS CHRIST • The good news is ours by GRACE through FAITH • The good news joins us TOGETHER

  18. The Gospel Outline • See the outline and chart in your notes! • Begin memorizing at least one verse a week from this sheet! • Homework: Write a definition of the gospel in your own words!

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