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Unit 7. Section A Get Your Pronunciation Right. 英语字母组合 “st”, “sp”, “str”, “sk”, “ext”, “exp”, “extr” 的发音有浊化现象,即 [st] 读作 [sd] ; [sp] 读作 [sb] ; [str] 读作 [sdr]; [ sk] 读作 [sg]; “ext” 读作 “exd”; “exp” 读作 “exb”; “extr” 读作 “exdr” 。请反复练习。.
Section AGet Your Pronunciation Right 英语字母组合 “st”, “sp”, “str”, “sk”, “ext”, “exp”, “extr”的发音有浊化现象,即 [st] 读作 [sd] ;[sp] 读作 [sb] ;[str] 读作 [sdr]; [ sk] 读作 [sg]; “ext” 读作 “exd”; “exp” 读作“exb”; “extr” 读作 “exdr”。请反复练习。
1.Chopsticks are one of the most distinctive eating tools on the Chinese dining table. 2.We all experience dreaming with no exception. 3.There are many people who are against cloning experiments. 4.I’m afraid there must have been a mistake. 5.We should create a more favorable external environment for foreign investors, including a soft environment such as politics and laws and a hard environment like infrastructure. 6.The difference between a human brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word: complexity.
7.The skillful performances are truly amazing and extremely. difficult movements for the ordinary people. 8.China has not only regarded the realization of sustained economic development as an important strategy but also made environmental protection one of its basic state policies. 9.Sea level rose and forests were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. 10.I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the host for this successful conference. 11.I feel very proud and honored tonight to have the attendance of the distinguished guests, who came here all the way from Canada to join us in our celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
12.Our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our national lives, including industry, agriculture, commerce, culture, public health, education, and scientific and technological exchange. 13.As history beckons us again, we have begun to write a new chapter for peace and progress in our history. 14.We have to recognize and respect our cultural differences, so as to prevent any possible misunderstanding. 15.There’s so much to learn about this mysterious country. 16.Each state in the United States has its own traffic laws, and a driver from another state is expected to know and understand the local laws. 17.As you know, a Spaniard speaks Spanish.
18.There is another point which should be discussed and cleared up. 19.Buyers should be responsible for the insurance charge. 20.We will, as always, strive for the protection of the environment for human survival, and for the benefits of our children. 21.This order valued at $500000, we pay in installments. 22.Investments in tertiary industry by foreign businessmen have become the new hot spot of Canton. 23.Enclosed is a sample of a similar cloth, of exactly the same color, which we have in stock. 24.This Import and Export Corporation is specialized in office equipment and furnishing.
Section BTranslation Skills赘语处理——减词法 • 赘语是指在一种文化中惯常使用的但直译到另一种语言中则显得多余的词语。 • 赘语对一种语言来讲,可以是不可缺少的东西,其作用在于抵消因语言交际过程中的干扰而损失的信息量;但对另一种语言来讲,常常是可以省去的东西。语言使用者对本族语中的赘语往往不觉察,但对外语中的赘语则很敏感。因此,直译赘语使得译文拖泥带水不够精炼,有时甚至是废话连篇。 • 翻译时,译者应该认真分辨原文中的赘语,并恰当地在译文中予以删除,使译文更符合表达习惯。
例如: 1.Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength. 不锈钢(具有)硬度大,强度高。 2.In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research. 尽管(事实上)最初的实验失败了,但怀特教授仍坚持研究。 3.You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing. 你在北京访问期间(你就)住这家宾馆。 4.One never loses by doing a good turn. 善有善报。 5.As for Mr. Sedley’s jokes, Rebecca laughed at them with a cordiality and perseverance which not a little pleased and softened that good-natured gentleman. 每逢赛德笠先生说笑话,利蓓加便(对他的笑话)笑个不停,好像从心里乐出来,好性子的老先生不由得又得意又欢喜。
6.But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 但我就是这个脾气,(我)虽然几经努力,(我)却未能改变过来。 7.Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs. 外面(天色)一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。 8.We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin. (因为)我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天快要到了。 9.The horse is a useful animal. 马是(一种)有益的动物。 10.The Poeople’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. (在)一九四九年中华人民共和国成立。
即学即练: • We never meet without a parting. • The old man came to the hotel to take away the little boy on Saturday morning. • I stamped my feet and he winked his eyes. • He is naughty, but he means well. • If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Once the cargo is sent off, it is insured instantaneously. • University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. • Men and women, old and young, all joined in the volunteer’s work of the games of the 29th Olympiad. • It is XYZ Company that should be fully responsible for the shortage of chemical fertilizer during transshipment.
Section CTopic for Interpreting7-1The ABC of the US Dollar • The name of the dollar came, in an indirect way, from a small Bohemian town called Joachimsthal. In 1517, a local aristocrat minted a large silver coin there, known as the “Joachimsthaler”, shortened to “thaler”. • The dollar was adopted as the basic unit of money, and the decimal system as the basic method of counting, by Congress in 1785. • The dollar sign, on the other hand, comes from the Spanish peso. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, the peso circulated widely because of trade with neighboring countries. The abbreviation for the peso was “P” and, for the plural, “PS”. The “P” and the “S” were eventually superimposed to emerge as the symbol “$”. • The nickname for the dollar, “buck”, originated in the 1800s with deer hunters. At that time, the going rate for a deerskin was one dollar, so, to them, a male deer—or “buck”—was regarded as the equivalent of a dollar. 参考译文
Since 1969, the 100 dollar bill has been the largest bill printed. Bills for larger amounts—500, 1000, 5000, 10000—are still sometimes found, but they are taken out of circulation when they reach a bank. The reason for this is that people do not like to carry large amounts of money on them for security and convenience, and prefer to use other, more modern systems of payment. • Five coins, with an average circulation life of twelve years, are in common use: the penny (1 cent), the nickel (5 cents), the dime (10 cents), the quarter (25 cents) and the half-dollar (50 cents). • Dollar notes stay in circulation for less than two years, which is longer than for many other currencies. About nine to ten billion bills wear out each year and the Treasury Department turns them into paper pulp. 参考译文
7-2Plastic Money Word bank: • cashpoint card 借记卡 • cashpoint machine 提款机 • statement of account 对账单 • outstanding balance 透支金额 • current account 活期账户 (vs. fixed account) • check book 支票
7-2Plastic Money The age of “plastic money” has certainly arrived in China. Many people now use plastic cards to pay for goods or services. The history of the plastic cards is quite long. They were introduced over 60 years ago: the first one was in 1949 in America. There are basically two types of bank cards in common use today. 1.A “cashpoint card” which enables you to obtain cash from your bank or from a “cash point machine” or the so-called Automated Teller Machine (ATM) at any time by 24-hour self-service banking. To operate the machine you need to remember your PIN or Personal Identification Number. 参考译文
2.A “credit card” which is used for paying for goods and services, but for which you get a monthly statement of account that may be paid in full or a proportion paid each month and interest charged on the outstanding balance. • Most people who need to use their money frequently open a current account. All you have to do is put a small amount of money into the bank, which then issues you a “cash point card” and a check book. The check book enables you to buy goods and services without carrying cash. If you have a regular income, the bank may offer you a credit card. This can be used instead of cash or cheques. With the credit card, you have to pay the minimum sum of about 30% of the total sum outstanding each month. The balance then gets carried over to the following month—with, of course, interest charged at about 1.5% per month. You may, however, opt to pay the full amount, which has the advantage of being interest free. 参考译文
However, the widely used credit card has brought its own problems. • Lack of immediate cash has in the past prevented people from spending more than they have earned. With the credit card, this restraint disappears because you can spend today money that you earn next month, or the month after that. The result is that many people run up debts to credit companies that they can’t hope to pay off. Impulse buying can make a credit card a dangerous weapon in the hands of some people. 参考译文
It is unknown for people to run up considerable debts. In a survey carried out in America it was reported that one person had run up debts of over $ 10000 with just two cards in one month. In desperation, the card holder decided to put the cards at the bottom of a bowl of water in the freezer in an attempt to prevent them being used so easily. “Now I have to wait for them to thaw out or break the ice,” said the holder. “By the time my cards are able to be used, my impulse to buy has often gone!” • Regrettably few people have the strength of will to adopt the same method of forcing themselves to think more carefully before they spend money they haven’t earned. 参考译文
Section DNote-taking Skills • 尊敬的帕森斯先生、尊敬的各位贵宾、女士们、先生们:晚上好! • 在这个美好的夜晚,我很高兴同大家在这里相聚,参加2005年北京《财富》全球论坛的开幕式。首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢迎!向论坛主办方美国时代华纳集团表示衷心的祝贺! • 这次论坛确定以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题,充分表达了大家对中国和亚洲发展前景的关注,表达了大家对中国及亚洲的发展对全球经济增长所发挥的作用的关注。 • 这也充分地说明,经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,中国及亚洲的发展正在成为世界经济发展的推动力量,世界经济发展也将给中国及亚洲发展带来新的重要机遇。世界各国经济互利合作、互相依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美好的前景。 • 中国是一个有着五千多年悠久历史的文明古国。长期以来,中国人民以自己的勤劳智慧创造了灿烂的中华文明,为人类文明进步做出了重大贡献。北京就是一座有三千多年悠久历史的文明古城,八百多年前北京开始建都。离今晚会场人民大会堂不远的地方,就是举世闻名的故宫。故宫始建于六百年前,是世界上现存最大最完整的古代宫廷建筑群。
Section EMerry Learning 1.Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning. 早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 2.When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle. 月明星稀。 3.When ladybugs swarm, expect a day that’s warm. 蚂蚁搬家天将雨。 4.Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake. 醉翁之意不在酒。 5.Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚无水吃。
6.The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 7.The people are the most important element in a state; next are the gods of land and gain; least is the ruler himself. 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。 8.Speak of the devil and he will appear. 说曹操,曹操到。 9.There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。 10.Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手。
7-1 美元的常识返回原文 • 美元的名称间接来自一个名为约希姆斯塔尔的波西米亚小镇。1517年,一位当地的贵族在那里铸造出一枚大银币,被大家叫做“约希姆斯塔尔币”,简称为“塔尔币”。 • 美元于1785年由国会采纳作为货币的基本单位,而十进制作为基本计算方法。 • 另外,美元的符号则来自西班牙比索。十八世纪末十九世纪初,由于同邻国进行贸易而使比索广泛流通。比索的缩写为“P”,而其复数形式为“PS”。“P” 和 “S”最终叠加在一起,以符号“$”表示。 • 美元的绰号:“雄鹿”,源自十九世纪的猎鹿者。那时,一张鹿皮的市场价格是一美元,所以,在他们看来,一只雄鹿被看作与一美元等价。 • 自1969年以来,百元美钞是所印发的最大面值钞票。有时仍可找到更大面额的钞票——五百、一千、五千、一万,但是它们被银行收走后就不再流通。其原因是人们出于安全和便捷的考虑,不喜欢把大额钞票带在身上,而更愿意使用其他的、更为现代化的支付方法。 • 通常使用的有五种硬币,它们平均流通寿命为十二年,它们是:便士(一美分)、镍币(五美分)、角币(十美分)、 夸特(二十五美分)和半美元(五十美分)。美元纸币的流通寿命不足两年,这比其他许多纸币长一些。每年大约有九十到一百亿美钞用旧破损,财政部把它们变成纸浆。
7-2 塑 料 货 币 返回原文 • “塑料货币”的时代确实已来到中国。现在许多人使用塑料卡支付商品或服务。塑料卡的历史很长了。六十多年前塑料卡就得到了推介:第一张塑料卡于1949年出现在美国。 • 现在基本上常用的银行卡有两种。 • 1. “借记卡”。它可使你从银行或从二十四小时服务的银行自助“现金提款机”或称作自动提款机(ATM)随时提取现金。操作这种机器,你需要记下你的个人密码(PIN)。 • 2. “信用卡”。它可用来支付商品或服务,但是对于信用卡而言,你每个月都会收到一份对账单,款项可以一次性还清,也可按月分期支付,透支部分会按透支金额收取利息。 • 多数经常需要用钱的人开立一个活期账户。你所要做的就是将一小额钱存入银行,然后银行会发给你一张“借记卡”和一本支票簿。支票簿可使你无需携带现金便可购买商品。如果你有固定收入,银行会主动为你办理一张信用卡。信用卡可代替现金或支票使用。对于信用卡,你须每月最低支付透支总额30%的款项。然后余额会累计到下个月——当然每月收取大约1.5%的利息。然而,你可选择一次性支付,其优势在于免除利息。
但是,广为使用的信用卡也带来其自身的问题。过去不能随时取到钱,避免了人们花的比赚的多。有了信用卡,这种局限性不存在了,因为你现在可以花掉下个月,或是下下个月赚的钱。结果许多人在信用公司负债累累,而不期偿付。冲动性购买使信用卡成为某些人手中的危险武器。但是,广为使用的信用卡也带来其自身的问题。过去不能随时取到钱,避免了人们花的比赚的多。有了信用卡,这种局限性不存在了,因为你现在可以花掉下个月,或是下下个月赚的钱。结果许多人在信用公司负债累累,而不期偿付。冲动性购买使信用卡成为某些人手中的危险武器。 • 人们对债台高筑知之甚少。美国的一项调查报道:有个人一月之内用两张信用卡欠下一万多美元的债务。绝望之下,这位持卡人决定把信用卡放进盛水的碗底,置于冷藏室之内,以试图避免轻易使用这些银行卡。“我现在得等它们融冰或是把冰除去,”持卡人说。“等我的信用卡能够使用的时候,我的购买冲动也没有了!” • 遗憾的是,很少有人意志坚定,能够在花费没赚到手的钱之前,采取相同的方法迫使自己仔细考虑。 返回原文