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BeSta. berri. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan. (bis). Urte oroz bezala elgarretaraturik Jauna ospa dezagun bihotza beterik. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan. (bis). Jainko Aita onari

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BeSta berri

  2. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan (bis)

  3. Urte oroz bezala elgarretaraturik Jauna ospa dezagun bihotza beterik

  4. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan (bis)

  5. Jainko Aita onari gure goresmenak Maite gaituelakotz denen esker onak

  6. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan (bis)

  7. Besta-Berri kartsuki dezagun ohora Sakramendu sainduan Jesus guk adora

  8. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan (bis)

  9. "Elgar maita zazue", Jesusek errana Nausi dadila gutan haurridetasuna

  10. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan (bis)

  11. Gizon guzien Aita Urrikal Jauna! Urrikal Jauna! URRIKAL JAUNA! URRIKAL JAUNA!

  12. Zuk pairatuaz orroitu-eta Otoi gutaz urrikal! OTOI GUTAZ URRIKAL!

  13. Guziek dezagun elgar maita Otoi gutaz urrikal Jauna!


  15. Aintza zeruetan Jaungoikoari (Glory to God in the Highest)

  16. Eta bakea lurrean Haren gogoko gizoneri (and peace to his people on earth)

  17. Hain haundi ta eder zaitugulakotz, (because You are so glorious and beautiful)

  18. Gora zu, Benedikatua zu (Glory to You, Blessed are You)

  19. Gorespen Zuri ahuspez agur eskerrak Zuri

  20. Jainko Jauna, Zeruko errege (Lord God heavenly King)

  21. Jaungoiko aita Guziahalduna (Almighty God and Father)

  22. Jauna, Seme bakar, Jesu kristo (Lord, only Son, Jesus Christ)

  23. Jainko Jauna, Jainkoaren Bildots, Aitaren seme (Lord God, Lamb of God, the Father's Son)

  24. Zuk kentzen duzu Munduko bekatua Urrikal jauna (You take away the sins of the world, Lord have mercy)

  25. Zuk kentzen duzu Munduko bekatua Entzun gure deia (You take away the sins of the world, hear our cry)

  26. Aitaren eskuin- Aldian jarririk Zaude zu, Urrikal jauna (You are seated at the Father's right hand, Lord have mercy)

  27. Zu bakarrik Saindua, Zu bakarrik Jauna (You alone are holy, You alone are Lord)

  28. Zu bakarrik Goi-goikoa, Jesu kristo (You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ)

  29. Izpiritu Sainduarekin Jainko Aitaren Argitan,Amen (with the Holy Spirit in the glorious light of the Father, Amen)

  30. BeSta berri

  31. Reading IEz 33:7-9Thus says the LORD:You, son of man, I have appointed watchman for the house of Israel;when you hear me say anything, you shall warn them for me.If I tell the wicked, “O wicked one, you shall surely die, ”and you do not speak out to dissuade the wicked from his way,the wicked shall die for his guilt,but I will hold you responsible for his death.

  32. But if you warn the wicked,trying to turn him from his way,and he refuses to turn from his way,he shall die for his guilt,but you shall save yourself. • Word of the Lord • THANKS BE TO GOD

  33. BeSta berri

  34. Nere Jainkoa goizetik noa zure bila: Zutaz egarri banabila

  35. Lur agortua uriz egarri den bezala, Ni zure minak nerabila

  36. Zauden etxean Zu, Jauna, ikus Zaitzadala Indarrez, ospez hoin zabala

  37. Bizia baino zure grazia gozoago Zuri gogotik kantuz nago

  38. Jaun izenari nere bizian laudorio: Eskual luze nagokio

  39. Nere arimak Jauna du Jauna gogoz-gozo Nere ezpainek bozkario

  40. Izan zare zu nere laguntza gal bidean Gostuz nagozu hegalpean

  41. Reading IIRomans 13:8-10Brothers and sisters:Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another;for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery;you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not covet, ”and whatever other commandment there may be,are summed up in this saying, namely,“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

  42. Word of the Lord • THANKS BE TO GOD

  43. Bai gora Jaungoikoa Bai gora Jaungoikoa Mendez mende badoa Haren amodioa Bai gu maitatu gaitu, Gu, Jainko semetu

  44. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

  45. Kanta mundua Jaunari Zoin handizki den ari Baita denetan ageri

  46. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

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