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New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney.Bianchi law group, New Jersey criminal defense and white collar crime lawyers handle most any sort of charge or investigation in municipal, state and federal courts.Our New Jersey criminal lawyers synthesize talent and experience to bring you first-class service.This, combined with our contacts in the prosecution and law enforcement communities, is invaluable to our clients.<br><br>Please search us online using these phrases:<br><br>Nj criminal defense lawyer bianchi law group,<br>Nj criminal defense attorney bianchi law group,<br>Morris county criminal defense lawyer bianchi law group,<br>Bergen county criminal defense lawyer bianchi law group,<br>Criminal defense attorney nj bianchi law group,<br>Criminal defense lawyer nj bianchi law group,<br>Criminal defense attorney in nj bianchi law group,<br>Criminal Defense lawyers new jersey bianchi law group,<br>Criminal Defense attorney new jersey bianchi law group<br>
02 Hi, I'm ROBERT A. BIANCHI, ESQ. New Jersey Lawyer New Jersey Lawyer, Former Morris County Prosecutor, Certified Criminal Trial Attorney by the NJ Supreme Court, TV Legal Analyst, Host at Law and Crime Network. B L G
About BLG 03 THE BIANCHI LAW GROUP, LLC | NJ CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS IN NEW JERSEY We are NJ based criminal defense attorneys specializing in legal crisis management, criminal investigations, high profile cases, white collar crime, municipal court cases. Our former prosecutors at The Bianchi Law Group have unique insight into how criminal investigations and prosecutions are conducted. This, combined with our contacts in the prosecution and law enforcement communities, is invaluable to our clients. B L G
BLG Services Areas of Practice Criminal Defense Attorneys Sex Crime Defense Attorneys White Collar Criminal Defense Domestic Violence Attorneys Municipal Court Attorneys
NJ Criminal Defense Attorney Bianchi Law Group Criminal Defense Attorney | The Bianchi Law Group, LLC | NJ | Based in NJ, our firm specializes in legal crisis management, criminal investigations, high profile cases, drug abuse and mental health cases. Criminal Defense Attorney | The Bianchi Law Group, LLC | NJ. CRIMINAL DEFENSE. MUNICIPAL COURT. 06
07 WHY HIRE A CERTIFIED CRIMINAL TRIAL ATTORNEY NJ Criminal Defense Attorney Most people are surprised to learn there are nearly 100,000 attorneys in New Jersey. That is a lot of attorneys for such a small state. It is even more surprising to learn merely 247 of these attorneys are certified criminal trial attorneys. The Bianchi Law Group is staffed by certified criminal trial attorneys who previously worked as prosecutors, meaning our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of criminal law and the overarching legal system.In fact, the founder of our law firm, Robert Bianchi, is the only head County Prosecutor of New Jersey to also be a certified criminal trial attorney. Whether you have been charged with a sex crime, murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, vehicular homicide, DUI, harassment, or another crime, our certified criminal trial attorneys are here to fiercely advocate on your behalf.
08 Contact us NJ Criminal Defense Attorney Bianchi Law Group, LLC4 York Avenue , 2nd Floor - West Caldwell, NJ 07006862- 210-8570