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AFP Review

AFP Review. Susana A. Alfonso, M.D. June 28, 2007. Evaluation of a First Seizure. 2-5% of Americans experience an afebrile seizure 1-2% of all ED visits 57% are < 25 and most of these are <15 YOA. Seizure Types . Generalized involves all areas of the brain

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AFP Review

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  1. AFP Review Susana A. Alfonso, M.D. June 28, 2007

  2. Evaluation of a First Seizure • 2-5% of Americans experience an afebrile seizure • 1-2% of all ED visits • 57% are < 25 and most of these are <15 YOA

  3. Seizure Types • Generalized involves all areas of the brain • Partial (focal) involves one area • Partial can be either simple (no LOC) or complex (LOC) • Symptomatic seizure have a recognizable cause • Provoked seizures is caused by a transient identifiable disturbance

  4. Causes of Seizure • New onset epilepsy is the most common cause of a first seizure • One in six will have an identifiable cause • Pre or perinatal brain injury (4.4%) • CVA (3.9%) • Head injury (3.2%) • Brain tumor (1.7%) • Alcohol use (0.3%)

  5. Evaluation • Start with ABC’s • Determine whether a seizure actually occurred • Thorough H &P • No sign, symptom, or test clearly differentiates a seizure from a non seizure event • Up to 20% of pts. With diagnosis of epilepsy have pseudo seizures

  6. Pseudoseizures • Eye closure is common • Non physiologic movement especially pelvic thrusting • Prolonged duration • Poor response to anti-epileptic medications

  7. DDx: Syncope • 90% have seizure like movements • Precipitated by emotional events • Preceded by lightheadedness, sweating, chest pain, palpitations, prolonged standing

  8. DDx: Seizures • Tongue biting (especially lateral) • Aura • Postictal confusion • Focal neurologic signs

  9. Diagnostic Testing: Adults • Immediate neuroimaging: • When serious structural brain lesion is suspected • Consider for partial- onset seizures • Adults > 40 YOA • Patients at increased risk for intracranial pathology: AIDS, trauma, age > 40, fever, h/o anticoagulation, malignancy, persistent HA, and persistent AMS

  10. Diagnostic Testing: Children • Immediate neuroimaging: • in a child with postictal focal neuro deficit that does not resolve or neuro status that does not return to baseline within several hours. • Hx of Head trauma • Hx of malignancy Seizures provoked only by fever do not require neuroimaging

  11. Neuroimaging • MRI is more sensitive and preferred • CT is better initial choice because of accuracy with bleeding

  12. Diagnostic Testing: LP and Labs • Indicated for pts. With Hx or PE suggestive of infection • Immunocompromised pts. • Consider in children < 6months • Labs based on clinical scenarios for adults • Glucose and Sodium routinely for children • Pregnancy tests • Toxicology screening

  13. EEG • Recommended for all pts. With new onset seizures • Emergent EEG if concerned regarding status epilepticus • Immediate EEG for pts. In drug induced coma and who have received long acting paralytic agent

  14. Future Risk • All seizures occuring within 24 hours are considered a single seizure • One half of pts. Who have a first unprovoked seizure and three fourths of pts. With multiple seizures will have another within eight years.

  15. Treatment • AAN practice guideline states that treatment with an antiepileptic medication in not indicated in children for the prevention of epilepsy but if the benefit of preventing a second seizure outweigh the risks. There is no guideline for adults • ACEP states that pts without comorbities, normal neuro exam may be discharged without initiation of meds

  16. Driving • Most states require a 3-18 month seizure free period before a pt may drive a private vehicle • Some states require physician reporting • In Georgia a person with epilepsy may obtain a license to drive cars and small trucks (less than 26,000 lbs.) if he or she has been seizure-free for 6 months. A person who has only nocturnal seizures may be eligible for a limited license (e.g., daylight driving only) even if he or she has been seizure-free for less than 6 months (www.epilepsyfoundation.org)

  17. Universal Newborn Hearing • Congenital hearing loss: hearing loss present at birth • Incidence thought to be 2-3/1000 • Types of hearing loss • Conductive: outer or middle ear, affects all frequencies • Sensorineural: inner ear or auditory nerve • Mixed • Central: Rare, auditory pathway of the brain

  18. Rationale • Risk based screening may miss 19-42% • A critical period exists for language skills and earlier intervention produces better outcomes • Treatment improves communication • No prospective studies of the two approaches…USPSTF found insufficient evidence to recommend

  19. Support for Universal Screening • AAP, CDC, Healthy People 2010 • 1993 NIH Consensus Development Conference on Early Identification of Hearing Impairment in Infants and Children recommended • 37 states and the District of Columbia require universal screening

  20. Screening Tests • AABR: automated auditory brainstem response • Tests from the ext. ear to the lower brainstem • TEOAE: transient evoked otoacoustic emissions test • Test the function of the peripheral auditory system (esp. the cochlea) No evidence to support one over the other

  21. Pleurisy • Pleurisy is inflammation of the parietal pleura • Pleuritc pain is a symptom • Visceral pleura has no pain receptors • Parietal pleura at the periphery is innervated by intercostal nerves • Pp central is innervated by the phrenic nerve

  22. Diagnosis • Consider life threatening causes first: MI, PE, pneumothorax • 5-21% presenting to ER had PE • Consider pneumonia and pericarditis • Pleuritic pain is classically described as increasing with anything that increases chest cavity volume

  23. Evaluation • H & P • CXRAY • ECG • PFA • Evaluation dependent on ruling out life threatening causes of pleuritic pain • Treatment of underlying cause if pleurisy is the diagnosis

  24. Findings associated with select causes of pleuritic pain • MI: • Pericarditis: • Pneumonia • Pneumothorax • Pulmonary Embolism

  25. Selected Causes of Pleurisy • Cardiac: Post-MI, post cardiac injury, post pericardiotomy • Exposure: Asbestosis, medications (amiodarone, bleomycin, bromcriptine, cyclophosphamide, MTX) • Heme/onc: Malignancy, sickle cell • Infectious: Viral, bacterial, and parasitic • Renal: CRI • Rheumatologic: Lupus, RA, Sjogren’s

  26. Treatment • Control the symptom of pleuritic chest pain • NSAIDS: Indocin used historically • Treat the underlying condition

  27. Hypertryiglyceridemia • It is unclear if metabolic syndrome and high TG are true causal CV risk factors or biomarkers of future risk • Borderline: 150-199 • High: 200-499 • Very high: 500-1999 • Severe: >2000

  28. Diagnosis • Fasting lipid profile • Fasting is less important for measurement of LDL

  29. Treatment: lifestyle • Wt. loss • regular exercise • tobacco cessation • avoidance of high –carb foods • low fat and low sugar diet

  30. Treatment • Optimize glycemic control • Screen for metabolic syndrome: Any 3 of • Abdominal circumference >40 in (men) and >35 in. in women • TG >150 • HDL < 40 in men and <50 in women • BP > 130/85 • Fasting Glucose >110

  31. Treatment (cont) • Search for Secondary Causes: Nephrotic syndrome, CRI, Hypothyroidism, meds • Search for Acquired Causes: Obesity, ETOH, high carb diets, tobacco use • Determine cardiac risk and stratify using Framingham risk calculators (high risk pts. Are those with 10 year risk >20% and those with CV disease and diabetes

  32. Statins • Can lower TG by 20-40% • Can lower LDL by 18-55% • Can raise HDL by 5-15% • Can decrease all cause mortality in patients with known heart disease

  33. Statins • Used for patients with borderline or high TG levels who are not at LDL goal • PATIENTS WITH BORDERLINE OR HIGH TG SHOULD HAVE AS LDL LEVELS AS PRIMARY GOAL • SECONDARY GOAL IS FOR NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL (Total – HDL). This is 30 pts higher than LDL goal

  34. WHAT???? • GR is 79 yr old female with LDL of 69, HDL of 50, TG of 201 and total of 222. She is hypertensive and diabetic without known heart disease. • LDL goal??? • Non HDL goal???

  35. Patient GR • LDL goal is 100 or 70 • Non HDL goal is 130 • Pt is at her LDL goal • Secondary goal is non-HDL cholesterol • Pts non-HDL cholesterol is 222-50=172 • Treat by intensifying LDL lowering therapy or adding niacin, fish oils, or fibrate

  36. Treatment of Very High TG • Initial goal to decrease the risk of pancreatitis (especially if TG >1000) • TLC • Niacin, fish oil, or fibrates • If TG >1000, pt should be on very low fat diet (<15% of calories)

  37. Fibrates • Can lower TG by 40-60% • Can raise HDL by 15-25% • Can RAISE LDL by 5-30% • No decrease in all-cause mortality • No decrease in primary end point of coronary events Tricor did decrease the secondary endpoint of total CV events

  38. Fibrates (cont) • Fenofibrate/statin may be safer than gemfibrozil/statin • Use the lowest possible combo dose

  39. Niacin • Can decrease TG by 30-50% • Can raise HDL by 20-30% • Can lower LDL by 5-25% • Controversial regarding decreased all cause mortality • Does not affect glycemic control • Side effects limit use

  40. Fish Oil • Contain essential fatty acids DHA and EPA • 2-4gm/day can lower TG by 30-50% • Can increase HDL by 5-10% • Can RAISE LDL by 5-10% • Only other lipid lowering therapy that lowers all cause mortality

  41. Fish Oil (cont) • Side effects are minimal: fishy aftertaste and GI • Omacor is by prescription and claims to have less SE • Available OTC but each tablet has around 300mg of DHA/EPA

  42. Summary:Seizure • New onset epilepsy is the most common cause of first seizure • Image those patients at risk • EEG is recommended for all new seizures • Most patients will have another seizure • Pts with seizure have driving limitations that vary by state

  43. Summary: Universal Hearing Screening • There is insufficient evidence and high rate of false positive • Required in 37 states including Georgia

  44. Summary: Pleurisy • Pleurisy is a diagnosis • Pleuritic chest pain is a symptom • Rule out life threatening causes of pleuritic pain • Once diagnosis of pleurisy is made treat the underlying cause of which viral is most common

  45. Summary: Hypertriglyceridemia • LDL is primary goal • Non-HDL is secondary goal • Fish oils and statins are the only two lipid lowering therapies that have shown to decrease all cause mortality • Fish oils are safe, well tolerated, and efficacious

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