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Virtual public administration and Modernisation Plan. ICPRD. Vilna, 5 October 2006. Table of Contents /. 01 Key aspects of the Modernisation Plan 02 Virtual Public Administration. Table of Contents /. 01 Key aspects of the Modernisation Plan. Project Context Objectives and purpose
Virtual public administration and Modernisation Plan ICPRD Vilna, 5 October 2006
Table of Contents / 01Key aspects of the Modernisation Plan 02 Virtual Public Administration
Table of Contents / 01Key aspects of the Modernisation Plan • Project Context • Objectives and purpose • Strategic lines of action • Actions included in the Plan: Tasks and projects • Actions included in the Plan: Schedule • Management Model
Key Aspects of the Plan • Project context • One of the priority issues in this term that will lead to greater transparency and accessibility involving all activities of the Chamber. The Congress requires the necessary means to bring it closer to citizens and to make it more dynamic. • Information and Communication Technologies can be used to Modernise Public Administrations. Internet and its different formulae open new possibilities that not only provide better information and management transparency but also improved accessibility to interact and perform parliamentary activitiesfavouring the participation of citizens. • The Congress intends to become the most Advanced Example in the assimilation of new technologies and in the development of the Information Society. As the main representative body of the State, the Congress wishes to become the driving force behind improved management practices and the use of technology. • The Modernisation Plan originated as an initiative agreed by consensus between the Speaker's Office and The Bureau, managed by a Commission, where we must stress the agreement reached by the different Parliamentary Groups to define the basic guidelines. The objectives andstrategic guidelines defined in the Modernisation Plan correspond to a global vision that the Congress has established and that connect with current tendencies governing modernisation and democratic culture. î í A leading initiative
Key Aspects of the Plan • Plan Objectives and Purposes • In this context, the technological Modernisation Plan responds to the needs of the Parliament and is the backbone required to introduce the concepts of innovation, improvement and transparency in the Congress Nearness Open the Parliament to all citizens. Making parliamentary activities and the relationship with members of parliament more transparent and accessible. More active participation in politics. Nearness Improve Assimilate technology Innovate Excellence in modernisation is obtained by transforming ideas into new services, processes and/or work methods with the support of Information and Communication Technologies: Electronic Government and Democracy. The Congress Transfer knowledge Improve Enhance management efficiency and implement continuous improvement processes, modernising internal work methods, relationships and the way of doing politics. Participate Innovate
î Place the Congress, within a period of two years, in a position of excellence within the public sector and the administration î Implement the overall modernisation of internal organisational aspects and work methods as well as the way the Chamber interacts with other Administrations, institutions and with citizens î Offer customised services for internal users (members, civil servants, staff from parliamentary groups, assistants). î Make the Parliament more transparent and accessible for citizens, providing information on its tasks and encouraging the active participation of citizens. Key Aspects of the Plan • Plan Objectives and Purposes • Based on the initiatives that have emerged from the Modernisation Plan for the Congress, we have initially considered aproject based on four aspectsthat intend to cover the Chamber's needs concerning technological infrastructure, equipment, security, the development of information systems and the necessary training and support for users and technicians,in order to guarantee that the objectives identified in the Modernisation Plan are achieved.
Key Aspects of the Plan • Strategic lines of action Computer system, products and services Connectivity & mobility of Members Communication actions Nearness to citizens Micro-computer systems Project Support Technical aid and computer maintenance Paperless Parliament Tasks and projects Integral quality management Development of the technological platform Knowledge management Consultancy services
Key Aspects of the Plan • Strategic lines of action Connectivity and mobility of Members of Parliament • Provide Members of Parliament with the sufficient technological means to enable them to communicate directly and permanently with their advisors, assistants and Parliamentary Group leaders and with the Chamber itself; making the most of the Chamber's information and management systems. 1. Nearness to citizens • Provide channels of communication between Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Groups and citizens. • Ensure the transparency of the parliamentary institution and encourage nearness to citizens by providing specific sources and channels of information. 2. Paperless parliament • Encourage the use of communications and of technology that enables the exchange of information between the different agents of the Congress. • Modernise work processes and resources in order to provide an overall computer system adapted to all Chamber processes and, more specifically, to the management of parliamentary initiatives. • Enable remote processes with maximum security levels. 3. 4. Development of a technological platform • Dimensioning and implementation of a technological platform capable of supporting the information and communication requirements of the users of the Chamber / Modernisation Plan.
Key Aspects of the Plan • Strategic lines of action Managing knowledge • Consolidation of the Congress information and document service offer by preparing an integrated, centralised and accessible model of the said services. • Enable the wide-ranging and flexible dissemination of documents and information through the different channels provided by the different technologies. 5. Communication actions • Promote the institutional image of the Congress by providing information on institutional activities and extending the contents and coverage of the Parliamentary Channel. 6. Overall quality management • Implementation of a management model aimed at guaranteeing the correct adaptation of satisfaction levels concerning the service provided by the Chamber to users' expectations. 7. Support projects • Guarantee the execution of the Modernisation Plan in line with the parameters defined concerning compliance with quality standards, deadlines, budgets and objectives. • Favour the correct use of services derived from the Modernisation Plan 8.
4. 6. Mobility and connectivity Managing Knowledge • Members' Mobile Office • Members' Portal • Digitisation of the historical File • Digitisation of the audio-visual File • Knowledge Portal • Electronic publications • Tools to monitor current affairs • Universal marking of documents Key Aspects of the Plan • Actions included in the Plan: Tasks and projects 1. Technological Platform • Upgrading of main computer equipment • Provision of micro-computer systems • Data Map / Oracle Migration • Electronic mail management 2. Security & electron. signatures 5. Electronic processing 3. Quality • Parliamentary Initiative Systems • Electronic processing of administrative processes • Automated access control • Service catalogue • Law on Data Protection • Internal Procedure Manual • Suggestion box
Key Aspects of the Plan • Actions included in the Plan: Tasks – Management & Support Areas 1. Technical Office 2. Communication Actions 3. Training 4. Support & Maintenance • Computer assistance service for Users • Service support • Maintenance and development of applications
Modernisation Plan Schedule Central System Implemented Central Systems Implemented Available Development Environment Technological Platform Provision of Micro-computer systems 400 PDAs Mail 530 PCs Data Map Migration of Oracle Applications Argo migrated Consultancy services Security Electronic Signatures Deployment (Certificates & Platform) Signature Platform Deployed Members' Certificates deployed (1) Total certificates deployed Procedure Manual (Electronic Processing) Quality Tool Regulations adapting to LOPD (Organic Law on Personal Data) Action plan Service Catalogue available for Members and citizens ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING First processes accessible Members Electronic Processing First processes accessible Chamber staff PARLIAMENTARY INITIATIVES Begin Analysis Begin Development Computerised register Suggestion boxes Mobile Office Selection/ Deployment PDA Members' mobile Office First additional functions PDA WEBs Specific Portals & Webs Chamber Deputies P Groups PORTALS Processing from portals Members Citizens Internal Digitisation of Paper Archive (Restoration, Digitisation and Description) Knowledge Portal Managing Knowledge Management of Audiovisual Contents Universal marking of documents Monitoring current affairs Technical Assistance for Maintenance and Training Technical Office, Change Management: Communications Plan and Training Plan MARCH 2006 JUNE 2006 SEP 2006 DEC 2006 MARCH 2007 JUNE 2007 SEP 2007 DEC 2007 FEB 2008 (1) Initially used as electronic signature for mail; as procedures that require electronic processing are included as well as parliamentary initiatives, functionality levels will also increase.
Key Aspects of the Plan • Management Model: Technical Office Objectives • Ensure the global vision throughout the execution of the projects to guarantee their synchronisation, provide an integrated vision and take advantage of synergies generated. • Monitor and follow-up project milestones Risk Management • Resource planning and management. Prepare budgets and control costs. Negotiate with suppliers. • Ensure that the solution implemented corresponds to the scope formally approved throughout the project, updating and revising the Project Plan. • Control that expectations and contractual conditions are fulfilled. • Provide and ensure the correct application of the methodology established in the project. • Ensure that the results fully comply with quality expectations required by the Congress. • Head the Project Change Management Process. • Design internal and external communication processes. Chamber Supervisors Project Technical Office Project Management Project Co-ordinators Quality Consultant Technological Consultant Change Management Consultant Administrative Staff
Key Aspects of the Plan • Management Model: Control and monitoring mechanisms • Project management and supervision will be performed by establishing three Committees with different responsibilities: • Strategic follow-up concerning the execution of the project Follow-up Commission Executive Committee of the Bureau Management Committee Management of the Temporary Union of Companies Sec. Gen & Deputy Sec. Gen. Plan Co-ordinator Computer Centre Co-ordinator Management Committee Project Director Technical Director • Monthly follow-up and Project Control Technical Director Co-ordinators Project Supervisors • Fortnightly follow-up of the progress of projects being implemented Follow-up Committee Plan Co-ordinator Computer Centre Co-ordinator
Budget 9.497.311 € 2006 2007 5.574.802 € 15.072.113 € TOTAL
Table of Contents / 02Virtual Public Administration • Electronic Signature Solution • Parliamentary Initiatives: Electronic register
Advanced Identification & Signature Service Platform Time Stamping Authority Validation Authority Certification Infrastructure Virtual Public Administration • Electronic Signatures • The solution to cover the Chamber's needs concerning Certification and Electronic Signature technology includes four clearly different systems: • Deployment of certificates and cryptographic cards for 1,200 users, including integration with the CERES-FNMT Provider registration and issuing services. • Management of electronic signatures on all corporate applications in accordance with current regulations, by implementing a corporate electronic signature system. • Management of pending electronic signatures by Members and other users through a single web interface, by developing an electronic signature server. • Time awareness of administrative processes that require such a measure, such as, for example, the processing of parliamentary initiatives by the deployment of a Time Stamping Authority (TSA). • Interoperability with different Certification Service Providers (including the future electronic Id. Card) affecting the relationship of the Chamber with third parties (citizens, companies, agencies and institutions....) by the deployment of a Validation Authority (VA).
Access control based on profiles Multi-channel access Virtual Public Administration • Parliamentary Initiatives: Electronic Register Parliamentary Initiatives Managing the document Register Administrator Local access Loading Initiative Documents Management Managing the Bureau, Board of Spokespersons, Committees... Document & Multimedia Electronic Register Intranet, internet & mobile office access Staff Members Processing Parliamentary Initiatives Access from Internet User, group, privilege and signature register Managing sessions and participation Citizens Electronic Statistics, Alerts, Notifications (email and sms) etc.. Security: signature, non-repudiation, confidentiality, access register
JUL’06-OCT’06: Definition of the solution: A number of work groups have been organised comprising representatives from the Parliamentary Groups (members, assistants, advisors), from the Secretary General's Office of the Congress and from the Temporary Union of Companies in order to define basic requirements, establish the priority of actions and prepare a Work Plan. OCT’06 to MAR’07: Prior to the Computerised Register: Adaptation of Chamber regulations concerning computerised registers, development and construction of the system, training and change control, development tests and pilot test in an operational environment. MAR’07: Computerised Register: Implementation of the Chamber's General Computerised Register that will enable the presentation, in electronic format, of parliamentary initiatives including electronic signatures, in co-existence with the present Manual Register. JUN 07: Bureau: Implementation of the tool that will enable the "paperless" management of the Parliamentary Committee: preparations, distribution and consultation of documents, on-line classification of red index initiatives, electronic signing of documents (approval of minutes....) JUN 07: Integration with Digital Contents: On-line availability of recordings of the different parliamentary sessions and documents from the archive. JUN 07: Integration with Web sites/portals: Chamber's public site, personal sites for members of parliament OCT’07: Integration with official publications (bulletins and proceedings of parliament): Automatic distribution of documents on parliamentary initiatives to the Department of Official Publications. OCT’07: Integration and electronic access to the government's response to certain parliamentary initiatives SEPT’07-DIC’07: Other Functions: Simultaneously to other actions and in line with the priority plan to be established, electronic signature processes will be extended to the different processes that currently exist (Commissions, Spokespersons Committee) Virtual Public Administration • Parliamentary Initiatives: Proposed tasks Defining the Solution 1 Construction Computerised Register 2 Bureau 3 Integration Digital Contents 4 Portals/ Web Sites 5 Official Publications 6 Government Responses 7 Other Functions 8 JUNE 2006 SEP 2006 DEC 2006 MARCH 2007 JUNE 2007 SEP 2007 DEC 2007