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Keep it simple

Keep it simple. The word Photography comes from two Greek words that mean "writing with light” Perfect Exposure Goal: To obtain the amount of light needed to create the desired image using the combination of these three variables: Aperture Shutter Speed ISO. Camera Modes.

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Keep it simple

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keep it simple • The word Photography comes from two Greek words that mean "writing with light”Perfect Exposure Goal: • To obtain the amount of light needed to create the desired image using the combination of these three variables: • Aperture • Shutter Speed • ISO

  2. Camera Modes • P = program mode Subject ModesPortrait Macro Landscape Sports Night AV or A = aperture priority mode TV or S = shutter priority mode *M = manual mode

  3. Who Decides what in each mode?Aperture and Shutter speed • P=Program mode • AV or A= aperture priority mode • TV or S= shutter priority mode • M=manual mode You decided: NONE. The camera decides: APERTURE & SHUTTER SPEED. You decide: APERTURE. The camera decides: SHUTTER SPEED. You decide: SHUTTER SPEED. The camera decides: APERTURE. You decide: SHUTTER SPEED and APERTURE The camera decides: none.

  4. Manual mode • Why shoot in Manual mode? For consistent results and creative control.

  5. Program or Auto modevs.Manual mode

  6. What your camera is metering for

  7. aperture • Aperture is size of the opening of your lens. • It is used to control the amount of light reaching the sensor of your camera and controls depth of field, or area in focus.

  8. aperture The smaller the number = larger opening, more light and more shallow depth of field The larger the number = smaller opening, less light and greater depth of field

  9. Aperture

  10. aperture f/2

  11. aperture f/3.5 f/5.6 1/160 1/4000

  12. Aperture f/1.4 f/9 1/200 1/60

  13. f/1.4 f/9

  14. Aperture f/2 f/10 1/800 1/80

  15. f/2 f/10

  16. Aperture f/8 f/2 1/60 1/160

  17. Shutter speed • -Shutter speed is unit of measurement which determines how long the shutter remains open as the picture is taken. • -Shutter speeds are measured in a fraction of a second, so 125 is 1/125 of a second. • -Shutter speed controls the amount of light reaching the sensor and can freeze or blur motion.

  18. 1/2500

  19. Shutter speed 1/30 sec f/5.6 1/800 sec f/2.5

  20. 1/30 sec 1/800

  21. Shutter speed 1/40 1/8000 f/5 f/3.5

  22. Shutter speed 1/80 1/1250 f/16 f/5

  23. iso • International Organization for Standardization • Is a measure of how sensitive your camera is to light • The lower number, the lower your camera’s response is to light • The higher number, the more sensitive it is to light • Generally you’ll want to keep as low a number as possible to ensure a less noisy or grainy image

  24. ISO

  25. What is a camera meter and what does it do?

  26. Metering Modes • Evaluative/Matrix • Center weighted • Spot

  27. Exposure Triangle

  28. In Camera Metering

  29. Histogram

  30. Focus points

  31. Focus points

  32. Q & A • Five minutes of questions • Then we break into small groups to practice!

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